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About MonkeysNuts

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  1. MonkeysNuts

    PhysX3_x86.dll Crash

    Been told thru Arma twitter account that stable build update will hopefully be later this week
  2. Thought i'd post this up as its a belter! Someone on the support side at vilayer has recommended restarting our server every 4 hours to keep it running well! So we restart it, it fills up, you spend a few hours building a base and gathering crates from objectives etc. and then? 'Sorry guys, reset time, start again'. You really couldn't make it up!
  3. MonkeysNuts

    Server Crash

    If you're using vilayer thats pretty much the norm from that bunch
  4. MonkeysNuts

    Admin menu

  5. Yes we did get that email.....3 days earlier i think it was. It was definitely 2 days earlier at least. It also did the same thing again on friday 16 Aug. We've also had around 30 random crashes where everyone gets the boot and its back up and running again about a minute later. The same 'mod' is running on a smaller server and hasn't had a problem yet. Makes me think its player count related, like the server cant handle it every now and again, and every time its happened when i've been there the server has been full
  6. Yep, they're an utterly shit bunch to have a server with. The server i contribute towards is always going down for no reason! Last night it was full, went down for about half an hour, during which time vilayer renamed the server, then sent an email saying vilayer was no longer in the server name so they stopped it, THEN it magically had its name changed back to what is was before and the server started up again! It didn't get close to filling up again after that as everyone had pissed off onto other servers. They really haven't got one single clue!