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Everything posted by XianGrim

  1. Might be worth mentioning here in case anyone else makes the same silly mistake I just did. When trying to launch A3, I kept getting an error message saying that "Include file userconfig\VQI_Settings\VQI_userconfig.hpp not found." I know the file was there. I then realized due to another mod (VTS Weapon Rest for me) I had a userconfig folder already. Just had to copy the settings over into that folder and it runs great. Excellent work on this, super excited to see it in its final stage!
  2. I know this is an old post but was relevant to something I'm working on myself. Why don't you just use the setCaptive status with that faction? playername setCaptive true; Once you have the uniform on, setCaptive would allow the units to disregard you. You could then set up other triggers to revert that status like if you shoot someone, setCaptive back to false and then they know you're a "spy" or something like that?