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Posts posted by spidypiet

  1. no you only need 1 path

    place 3 units unit1,unit2,unit3

    then to call the script in path.sqf

    Path1 ={your recorded_path};
    [unit1, Path1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay;
    sleep 1;
    [unit2, Path1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay;
    sleep 1;
    [unit3, Path1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay;

    all 3 units follow the same path with 1 second interval

    and that for each row of your parade

    next row would be path2

  2. The 3rd person camera is an optional setting, server admins/owners can set it as they and their players prefer. There are many servers with it on and less but still a lot with it off.

    If you dont like 3rd person, only play on 1st person only servers. Problem solved.

    Why do the 1st person players feel they have the need, or even the right, to dictate to all the rest of us? If they have the option and opportunity to play on servers that cater to their playstyle, why does how someone else, on some other server plays concern them at all?

    sure it will be a 1st person player that will express his opinion about 3rd person option

    but please dont generalize his opinion to all 1st person players

  3. it all comes down to player preferences , presented or restricted by missions or servers

    not one player or server is alike , isnt that the whole essence of Arma

    its up to the player to find a server that satisfys his needs or feeling of "immersion"

    the Game gives you all kind of options addons or you can create even your own , so to say how the game should be played is just narrow minded opinion

  4. first of all i would keep my configs and profiles in the arma 3 server root folder

    also keep in mind a "space"in your command line is expecting a new parameter so -name=a3 server2 is expecting a new parameter on server2=

    create a new folder in your arma 3 server folder and name it serverfiles

    put your server config files in to that folder

    then your startup parameter would be look like this:

    -port=2314 -profiles=profile -name=a3Server2 -config=serverfiles\server_config.cfg -cfg=serverfiles\server_basic.cfg name -mod=@ASR_AI3

  5. Missions that incorporate any kind of virtual ammo boxes immediately look less than better to me. I upload new coop missions to Comrades in Arms server on a daily basis and I learned that missions that their author just threw in virtual ammo boxes at the players usually indicate on laziness and lack of imagination on part of the author, which reflects on other aspects of the mission.

    What's with all this gun porn? Why should all the weapons be available for the players to choose from? Good missions strike a good balance between the players' equipment and weapons and the missions enemy and levels of resistance. With virtual ammo boxes this aspect is all but gone. Also, virtual ammo boxes are immersion killers.

    Good mission makers determine the weapons and ammo for the team and tailor it to the mission characteristics.

    I am aware there are a lot of people asking for virtual ammo boxes on the workshop but from what I gathered they are mostly kids. I wish mission makers would not make virtual ammo some kind of a new standard, and get back to setting the equipment that would best fit the mission and make the mission as fun as possible.

    1:some still approach Arma3 as a game

    2: de_pbo the mission file and you can restrict weapos items and/or attachements in VAS to satisfy your needs

  6. I have disabled all mods other then XMed + requirements and I have taken two screen shots.

    This is one taken without the module.


    This is one taken using the module.


    Adding X39_MedSys_var_Pain_Blur = false; didn't solve the issue.

    same problem here

    XMedSys is a great mod with good intentions

    but it growing out from a medical system to a complete immersion mod with to many settings to explore and to deal with

    for us the reason to go back to a simple revive system

  7. What I usually do is save a mission under the same name but with the word merge on the end. When saving the code to the clipboard I open up the merge file and then highlight anything that was in there and then paste the new code - I have found that it doesn't copy the last } in the code so leave the very last one or add it and then save. Go back into the editor and open the merge file to make sure it works and then reopen the mission you are working on then merge it with the new data. Works every time for me. Every mission you make in the editor is named mission.sqm, only the folder takes on the name of the mission. eg: IED_Factory.Altis

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks Shay and Spirit for the speedy fixes and updates.

    if it works its fine

    i for instance have a mcc_3d_edit.altis folder in my profile but save my clipboards as mycustomname.sqm

    soon as a need those edits i copy/paste it to mcc_3d_edit.altis rename it to mission.sqm and use the 2d editor merge function to embed it to the new mission

    like i said if it works its fine ;)

  8. Great initiative Shay and great product!

    One question:

    I'd like to use MCC as a 3D editor for placing objects precisely,esp. in buildings. I tried using the "Save to SQM" feature, pasting it in Notepad++ and then saving as an appropriate map file (in my case Takistan).

    For some reason, when opening this SQM in the editor, it says "Warning: File is Read Only". I click OK and nothing is where I placed it.

    Any ideas?

    check your SQM name it should always be mission.sqm

  9. Thank you for your answer larsiano. After further tests, I confirm it seems that the server is not loading any addons.

    Here is the message I get in arma3server.rpt when I try to use addon in my mission:

    Impossible to play/modify this mission, it is based on downloadable content that has been delete

    As I said in the first post, what should I do more than adding the addon parameter in the server shortcut ?

    its like larsiano said you add parameters to your arma3_server.exe shortcut or you will add them to your start_server.bat file

    you can not add parameters to your start_server.bat shortcut they need to be present in the .bat file

  10. If I understand you correctly, you have no intention of separating those two addons ? If we want the excellent STHUD, we must also always use the STGI?

    If that is the situation, could I ask you, do you have any intention of disabling the hexagons if there is line of sight between the viewer and the target?

    if i understand correctly you can remove the stgi.pbo from the @sthud/addons folder if dont want the hexagons

  11. Thanks Harzach.

    BIS, do you really need to have missions in three different locations (install folder, My Documents and Appdata\Local)? It's a real pain! Regarding savegames, why do you have to create an empty folder for each mpmission I play on a server in Arma 3 - Other profiles/doveman/Saved/mpmissions? It just creates a unnecessary mess.


    its a total mess with al those MPMissions MPMissionscache SteammissionsCache SteampreviewCache in my "HiddenFolder" %APP%users/username/appdata/local/arma3

    as well missions folders in my documents/arma3 other profiles and in steam/steamapps/common/arma3

  12. Oh shoot;; then should i just enable ai in script and just turn off in parameter or never turn off?

    if you dont turn of all your playable characters they spawn yet most times playable characters are for MP-coop purposes and dont have waypoints or roles asigned

    so you will end up with a bunch of AI thats standing there doing absolutly nothing

    question would be is it realy necessary to use the hijack feature ?
