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Posts posted by Razor_94

  1. Salut, et merci, votre launcher est parfait, petit soucis par contre sur la dernière update.

    Si ont ne possède pas le dossier:" Arma 3 - Other Profile" , comme moi par exemple, le launcher plante à cause d'une exception non prévue. En effet, selon si on a download Arma 3 en version alpha, beta ou en version finale tout le monde n'a pas les mêmes dossiers aux mêmes endroits.

    La solution est de simplement créer le dossier manquant dans "Documents/Arma 3 - Other Profile" et le launcher re-fonctionne comme avant.

    Sinon jamais eu de problèmes avec, ni avec le launcher de serveur et je le recommande a toutes mes connaissances. Bon taf, continuez comme ça et encore merci a toute votre Team.

    Fast translation (sorry!):

    There is an issue since the last update, launcher don't work if you don't have the following folder :"Documents/Arma 3 - Other Profile". Just create this folder : "Arma 3 - Other Profile" in your "Documents" directory and run!!

  2. TPW FALL has no effect on bullet damage, only reaction to bullets

    yeah, this is what i say...

    If you need 15 shots to kill a guy with your silenced pistol using TPW FALL, I'm pretty sure you'd need 15 to kill him without the mod too

    Thank's for my skills, i'm sorry, it's happened just one time.

    I will test with a silenced pistol to confirm

    For confirm my skills ? ;-)

    Thank you for testing.

  3. hi, i have a bug with the po7 pistol(something like that, the vanilla one) with suppressor, when i play solo, i can't kill the AI enemy without 2 magazines or more. And sometimes with 15 bullets (po7pistol silenced again)in his body,after the animations, the IA gets up and shoot me again like i didn't shoot him. With others weapons , it's 5 shots for killing, without the mod it's 3 max, that's normal? i don't think so.

    Sorry for my good english!

  4. Very good job kibot with this mission generator, i enjoy it and your constant updating is really good. I tried to put more unit in generating zone file, but it's too hard now!!;) settings for friendly AI is a good update.

    Sorry for my english, i'm french...

    Cheers mate, merci à toi.(je pense que tu es français, puisqu'il y a du français dans tes scripts :D)
