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    I'm a hardcore Apple fan and love the ArmA series. I love making ArmA 2 missions and I'd consider my skills as advanced.
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  1. This thread is really old, but I thought maybe someone comes across it and tries to find a solution: The issue is caused by "colum_vertical_pond.pbo". By only deleting "test_pond_base.p3d" the issue is gone without deleting any other pond files. I haven't noticed any issues with that and that .p3d file is not referenced inside the config.bin. Deleting it solved the line issue I was facing too.
  2. macusercom

    Cannot load mipmap ERROR

    I had the same issue. Did you try deleting the .paa file? This worked for me as mine was corrupted.
  3. macusercom

    UAV camera feed on TV

    Thank you very much! After 6 hours of scripting I found out that attachTo also works with cameras which is awesome! :)
  4. I'd like to have a TV where the UAV feed is being displayed (just a normal camera that follows the UAV). I've used the script from this thread: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/176856-live-feedpicture-in-picture-of-an-area-from-a-fixed-location/ However, I'd like to have the following things and I can't get it working: - The camera should be about 1 unit below the UAV (Z axis). - The vertical position (forward/backward tilt) should be applied to the camera aswell (I guess it needs vectors). - If the drone dies, the TV should show a custom .paa file (I know how to set the texture, but I don't know how I should use while and an if/else I'm also not quite sure if the code down below is ok like it is or if there's a better way to do it. And does somebody know if the pip screen will draw performance when it's not in sight? Would it decrease fps during the whole mission? Any help would be greatly appreciated ^_^ EDIT: And does somebody know how to use "camUseNVG" or "setCamUseTi" inside an sqf? _screen = "Land_FlatTV_01_F" createvehicle getposatl player; _screen setObjectTexture [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(piprendertg,1)"]; _pipcam = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]; _pipcam cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "piprendertg"]; _pipcam camSetFov 0.4; while {alive Drone} do { _campos = getpos Drone; _pipcam setDir (getDir Drone); _pipcam setpos _campos; };
  5. Well, it worked just fine. Sorry for the late answer. You helped me out a lot! :) But still @MKD3 how to add hints without a loop (especially the countdown)?
  6. I'd need a little help with a script. After _time is 0 it should execute: _bomb = "R_60mm_HE" createVehicle (getPos XYZ); XYZ setDamage 1; I have this script called with a value of 60 seconds: private "_time"; _time = _this select 0; while {_time > 0} do { _time = _time - 1; hintSilent format["Time left: \n %1", [((_time)/60)+.01,"HH:MM"] call BIS_fnc_timetostring]; sleep 1; }; I know this is a pretty basic question but I've been trying to do this for an hour and I cannot seem to get it working. Thanks in advance! :)
  7. macusercom

    Advice for creating your real face in ArmA 3

    Ok, so the thing you're searching for is 360 face or panorama face. It doesn't work very well with the iPhone or any similar automatic panorama apps, but it works with stitching. Maybe I can do this or I'll hire someone. At least I know how to do this ;) Gesendet von meinem A0001 mit Tapatalk
  8. macusercom

    Advice for creating your real face in ArmA 3

    That's definitely a negative. After applying my custom face, it looked awesome. Only the body colour remained the same and was very dark. I think the problem is the unnatural colour and mine is perfectly normal. So mine works and I will definitely use it. However, I had to blur a lot of texture to get a good face and I'd like not to blur it, which is the reason why this thread exists. Gesendet von meinem A0001 mit Tapatalk
  9. I finally decided to try to create my own face in ArmA 3, but not just any face, but my own face. I've already found the original template and edited a little bit. Eyes, ears and the front face are no problem at all, but the side is. I'd need to somehow create a 3D model of my head and get it to 2D. When capturing my cheek, I get some serious colour issues and problems with the angle. I have enough skills to edit a little, but not to correct the roundness of my face. Any ideas on how I could do it? BTW I'm using Gimp. Moreover, is there another face.jpg with your skin colour or arms and so on like in A2? I could only find the face including eyes, ears and mouth. Gesendet von meinem A0001 mit Tapatalk
  10. I'd like to have a vehicle service station for the Greyhawk drone (rearm, refuel, repair) and I tried to use the Service Station script by Blitz. However, if you are a UAV operator you don't seem to be in the vehicle and the coniditons aren't met. I need to adress every single controlled drone and add an addAction menu to it, but I have no clue for doing this for every drone. I definitely have to replace "vehicle player", but with what? Thanks in advance! Link to the script: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25882 //Version 1.4 //License: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25882 //_nul = [vehicle player,<trigger name>]execVM "blz_service_station_V1.4.sqf"; _object = _this select 0; _trg = _this select 1; _trg_pos = getPos _trg; _trg_agl = ((triggerArea _trg) select 2); _trg_txt = triggerText _trg; _max_distance = 12; sleeptimer_s = 6; sleeptimer_m = 10; sleeptimer_l = 20; _loop = 0; blz_repair = { _object = _this select 3 select 0; _trg = _this select 3 select 1; _damage = getDammage _object; if(_damage > 0 && triggerActivated _trg) then { sleep sleeptimer_s; while {_damage > 0 && triggerActivated _trg} do { titleText ["Repairing...","PLAIN DOWN"]; sleep sleeptimer_s; _object setDamage (_damage - 0.02); _damage = getDammage vehicle player; }; sleep sleeptimer_m; }; }; blz_refuel= { _object = _this select 3 select 0; _trg = _this select 3 select 1; _fuel = fuel _object; if(_fuel < 1 && triggerActivated _trg) then { sleep sleeptimer_s; while {_fuel < 1 && triggerActivated _trg} do { titleText ["Refueling...","PLAIN DOWN"]; sleep sleeptimer_s; _object setFuel (_fuel + 0.05); _fuel = fuel vehicle player; }; sleep sleeptimer_m }; }; blz_rearm= { _object = _this select 3 select 0; _trg = _this select 3 select 1; _vehicle = typeOf _object; _weapon = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicle >> "weapons"); _object setVehicleAmmo 1; if(count _weapon > 1 && triggerActivated _trg) then { for[{_i = 0},{_i < count _weapon && triggerActivated _trg},{_i = _i+1}] do { titleText ["Rearming...","PLAIN DOWN"]; sleep sleeptimer_m; _object setAmmo [_weapon select _i, 10000]; }; sleep sleeptimer_m; }; /*______________________________________________________________________________________________*/ _turrets = _object weaponsTurret [0]; _turrets_cmd = _object weaponsTurret [0]; _count_turrets = count _turrets; _count_turrets_cmd = count _turrets_cmd; if (_count_turrets > 0) Then { for[{_i = 0},{_i < count _turrets && triggerActivated _trg },{_i = _i+1}] do { titleText ["Rearming the turret...","PLAIN DOWN"]; sleep sleeptimer_m; _object setAmmo [_turrets select _i, 2000]; }; }; if (_count_turrets_cmd > 0) Then { for[{_i = 0},{_i < count _turrets_cmd && triggerActivated _trg},{_i = _i+1}] do { titleText ["Rearming the commander seat...","PLAIN DOWN"]; sleep sleeptimer_m; _object setAmmo [_turrets_cmd select _i, 2000]; }; }; }; /*______________________________________________________________________________________________*/ /*______________________________________________________________________________________________*/ blz_turn = { _object = _this select 3 select 0; _trg = _this select 3 select 1; // _trg_pos = _this select 3 select 2; _trg_agl = _this select 3 select 3; if (triggerActivated _trg) then { titleText ["Turning...", "PLAIN"]; sleep sleeptimer_s; if (triggerActivated _trg) then { _object setDir _trg_agl; titleFadeOut 2;}; }; }; delAction = { _trg = _this select 3 select 1; _trg_txt = triggerText _trg; _object = vehicle player; driver _object removeAction SS; if(_trg_txt == "blz_turn") Then {driver _object removeAction SS_turn;}; }; into = { call delAction; sleep 2; player action ["engineOff", vehicle player]; sleep sleeptimer_s; titleText ["Let's see what we have here...", "PLAIN DOWN"]; }; outo = { sleep sleeptimer_s; titleText ["We are done for now. Have a good one!", "PLAIN DOWN"], player action ["engineOn", vehicle player]; }; blz_ss_turn= { _object = _this select 3 select 0; call into; call blz_refuel; call blz_repair; call blz_rearm; call blz_turn; call outo; }; blz_ss = { _object = _this select 3 select 0; call into; call blz_refuel; call blz_repair; call blz_rearm; call outo; }; //========================================================================================================================================================== if (triggerActivated _trg && _object != player && player == driver _object) then { sleep sleeptimer_s; if(triggerActivated _trg) Then { SS = driver _object addAction ["<t color='#f69619'>Service Station</t>", {call blz_ss}, [_object,_trg,_trg_pos,_trg_agl,_trg_txt]]; if(_trg_txt == "blz_turn") Then { SS_turn = driver _object addAction ["<t color='#f69619'>Service Station w/Turn</t>", {call blz_ss_turn}, [_object,_trg,_trg_pos,_trg_agl,_trg_txt]]; }; _loop = 1; }; while {_loop == 1} do { if (!triggerActivated _trg) exitWith {call delAction}}; };
  11. So the thing with "if (!isNil "SkipIntro") exitWith {};" is that I have the same short freeze as before. The ArmA 2 script with all options explained is awesome, that's what I was searching for. However, I have one more question. I'm trying to ungroup all playable units for the mission, but as I want a nice and clean lobby, I have to group them in the mission.sqm. I could just place the code in the init.sqf without checking if multiplayer etc., but I want it to only be activated in multiplayer and not in singleplayer. I have this: if (isMultiplayer) then { _group=createGroup West; [player] join _group; }; However, if I join as OPFOR unit, I still get killed by BLUFOR. Works without "isMultiplayer" on a dedi server. And I don't want to use "isDedicated".
  12. I know exactly what they are, but I've seen some weird behaviour. I'm now not quite sure if I might have put an "!" in front of it, which would explain why I saw the script executed locally when "isDedicated" was used. I've checked it now again and it works like it should (isDedicated now doesn't execute locally). I guess this mistake started my confusion. Thanks anyway, it works with "initPlayerLocal.sqf" thanks to ArmA 3's new sqf options ;)
  13. So with "initPlayerLocal.sqf" it actually works only for the first time and then you spawn, it freezes half a second and you don't see any camera script or intro at all. Not completely perfect, but the best solution I've found yet and moreover it's working. So if I have "if (isXYZ)" it only checks if it should execute, is that correct? So if I say "if (isDedicated)" then it seems to execute locally and globally if it is a dedicated server. I'm always reading that it should only run on the server and NOT locally. EDIT: Did they change that in ArmA 3 after introducing the new sqfs like initPlayerLocal and so on?
  14. Tried that now too. My sqf looks like this (still no effect for any player). EDIT: Will try initPlayerLocal.sqf. initPlayerServer.sqf if (_this select 1) exitWith {}; [ markerPos "CAMERA", // Target position (replace MARKERNAME) "BLABLA", // SITREP text 200, // m altitude 100, // m radius 40, // 0 degrees viewing angle 1, // Clockwise movement [ // add Icon at player's position ["\a3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\b_recon.paa", _colorWest, markerPos "", 1, 1, 0, 0], // add Icon at enemy/target position; ["\a3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\o_inf.paa", _colorEast, markerPos "", 1, 1, 0, 0] ] ] spawn BIS_fnc_establishingShot;
  15. @JShock: Already tried that and it did nothing for any player :S