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Everything posted by Bobwax

  1. Random patrol module problem In this example I set up the random patrol with two teams, fire team and sentry. I set up two civilians with waypoints. I sync the group leaders and civilians with the module. I preview the mission adn this error pops up. The module works and there is a random team using a random set of waypoint. http://www.bjornsilfverberg.se/images/i3.jpg (181 kB) Any help understanding this error would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Thanks for quick reply. Is me not specifying marker color the couse of undefined variable error? (sorry if this is redundant, just trying to understand exactly) How do I specify marker color? Allso, I serched this forum for a thread on the topic and failed to find one. Thanks again.
  3. Bobwax

    tasks help please!!

    The task destination is bugged. it works sometimes when the task triggers but its very rare. Put it in the mission and it might be fixed in future patch or release.
  4. If you have problem making the heli land use the "unit flyInHight value" in the on Act in the waypoint. Make sure to set the walue on 0 to ground the heli.