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Posts posted by six_ten

  1. Just had an idea I'm testing now -- cutting up my Geometry Buoyancy LOD and making the sections named, to see if by shooting them I can get them to hide, and thereby put shots in at the waterline and put an enemy ship low in the water.  It might not work but if it does it will be cool (and really affect how sea battles go).


    Edit:  was able to get the LOD cut up and assigned, the boat worked, but couldn't get it to sink the way I had in mind.  I'll put this aside for now.  I just found this line in the Samples_F\Test_Boat  

    "    // Note animation sources cannot impact the mass with sea vehicles, this is just as example
        mass = 0; // If the phase is 1, the given mass will be added, otherwise, it will be subtracted"


    I still would like to find a way to have the ship list when hit near the waterline.  Maybe dampers like on a car wheel?

    • Like 1

  2. Yes I am aware windDir is a command that returns a number just like direction. That's why I am saying source might not be looking for a scripting command or sqf statement. It might be something on it's own. If anything you need something that returns radians and not degrees since it requires a value between pi and negative pi.

    I think this is what you are looking for https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Model_Config#Animation_sources

    You might have to use "user" since I can not find one for wind direction. I think then it is script driven via https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/animate. I know the advanced flight model shows a working wind gauge when in a helicopter.


    As a test I've substituted "clockSecond" for "windDir" as the source and in game it works:  my arrow ticks every second 1 degree counter-clockwise.  I' think you're right about having to define it.  I'll see if I can find the advanced flight model example in A3.


    Edit:  strange, watching it I see it goes (counter-clockwise) from 12 to 9 then resets...

  3. I want to animate a weathervane -- for now all I want is to get an arrow to point the direction the wind is blowing. 


    I have an arrow model, an axis for it, and it is defined in model.cfg.  Basically I want it to function like a compass needle but for wind direction.


    Thought I could just modify the Compass and substitute "windDir" for "direction" but that doesn't work.  How do I translate the wind direction into a source that the weathervane can use?

    Maybe an event handler in the ship's init...



      class Compass

      class Weathervane

  4. Okay so back to business -- I need to animate a weathervane aboard ship -- for now all I want is to get an arrow to point the direction the wind is blowing. 


    I have an arrow model on the sloop, an axis for it, and its defined in model.cfg

    Basically I want it to function like a compass needle but for wind direction.


    Thought I could just modify the Compass but that doesn't work.  How do I translate the wind direction into a source that the weathervane can use?

    Maybe an event handler in the ship's init...

  5. Not a lot honestly.  I tested out making the side hull ladders work.  Made a working concept for loading and off loading the ship's boats.  Tested moving the yards a little.  Figured out how to avoid the over size model visibility issue.  But besides that nothing.  My ship doesn't move because I don't know how to make the config for it :(


    Does your sloop move just like a normal boat or have you scripted its movement?


    I suggest the following:  copy the Samples_F sample mod into your P drive and get it to work with your custom name and graphics.  Then copy the Samples_F\Test_Boat_01 into your mod and get it to work (as is it won't work, so just getting them to run without errors is a good challenge).  Once they both run, copy them onto your desktop and start messing around with the sample boat -- remove parts of it and replace them with your model.  When (not if) stuff breaks, you have the working copy on your desktop to use to fix errors.  Proceed like that and you'll be able to drive your boat.  Try to skip this stuff and you'll remain frustrated. 


    My sloop started as the test boat, as described above and still largely is.

  6. Theory:  hide anchor, spawn new anchor, rope attach sloop to anchor, gravity takes anchor down.     testing now...

    Love finding stuff like this:  setting up the weight of my anchor, and lo and behold someone's written a thesis that tells just how to calculate that:  The History and Development of Old English Anchors  http://nautarch.tamu.edu/pdf-files/Jobling-MA1993.pdf


    Edit:  well it works so far with    myRope = ropeCreate [sloop1, "RopeStarAnchor", anchor1, "RopeTie", 20]

    now to hide the anchor on ship and spawn the new one, get the distance to seafloor to determine length of rope (it should be distance straight down plus a third more or so I think, there should be some slack in it) then attach the rope.  Then to figure out how to get the anchor back aboard...  And how to raise one from the seabed if the rope is cut or shot away...




    The sloop drags its anchor.  How do I prevent that and make the anchor stay where it drops?   disable simulation ?

    • Like 5

  7. Just bought the game, was hyped for over a month, i regret it.Tried singleplayer, enemies spot me everytime i sneak up from a distance, they one shot me, i hide behind rocks or a tree, they one shot me. When they are out in the open, not even hiding i and steadily shooting at them, but either none of the bullets hit or they have too much health. Tried multiplayer, joining random servers not knowing what to do in any server, i just get kicked. 


    What do i do?


    Practice, practice, practice.


    They probably aren't shooting you through trees, so learn to use cover.  Sneak through valleys, use buildings to hide yourself.  Don't steadily shoot at them:  if you miss your second shot, move and pop up somewhere else to shoot.

    • Like 1

  8. Eureka!  I think my spontoon works.  I don't have an animation for it, but I managed to get a sharp stick to fire a bullet with duration of 0.004 and it has to be right on the guy before he yells out, then the second shot kills him.  Going to try to make an animation for it now.


    edit:  it works!  now to make a good thrusting animation...


    Had a thought while running after and spearing a bunch of AI -- would this work?


    Player has musket.  Can equip a bayonet.  Suppose he equips a bayonet and is running across a field.  He can then scroll the action menu to choose either "Use Firearm" or "Use Bayonet".  (With the invention of the socket bayonet it became possible to fire with it equipped.) 


    If bayonet is selected, is there a way to invisibly (to players) change the weapon from musket model with bayo to a spear weapon that looks like a musket?  If he then scrolls and chooses "Use Firearm" then it changes back to the musket weapon.  If he unfixes bayonet and puts it away, then the option is removed from the menu and he just has a regular firearm.  maybe there's a simple way, like changing from firearm to grenade launcher or something.  Firemode?

    • Like 1

  9. Found out a little while ago that I can't add the proper camber to my limber's wheels (french artillery from the 17th to the 20th centuries angle the wheels for stability).  The cannon works okay, but its a static weapon.  CarX only has one point for the wheel's axle so it cannot be angled.  Needs two points.  I suppose I can just not use the physx vehicle and use the old version instead.  Its weird because I just copied the Test_Car_01 from Samples_F and it has two points for each wheel axis.  Guess that's a legacy of the pre-sim days.

  10. I'll have to build some logic into it so that a quad bike can't pull an mrap :) Probably will use the vehicle's mass to determine what can and can't be towed.


    six_ten, ideally, yes. However, I just tried and it needs some more work.


    Cool.  Are there any special memory points I need to add to my (custom) models so they'll be compatible?

  11. I use this system in my sailing ships --  you can shoot holes in the sails for example, or shoot away part of the railing of the ship.  In the first post in this thread you say it is possible to limit what weapons can do that kind of damage.  Currently a musket can shoot a big hole in a sail; I'd like to limit that type of damage to cannonfire.  Is that possible?  I couldn't find anything in the above links (but I may have missed it.)

  12. Wow, your stuff looks very well done.  I'm excited to see how it all functions in game.  I'm playing around with a model of a ship I made and I'm very curious how you've created your ship and how it functions in game.


    As for your linstock I don't think there's a way to measure the distance between two point.  What you might have to do is create an user action "Light Vent Hole" if the player is close enough to the cannon's vent hole and the player has a linstock.  Once the action is selected it plays an animation of the player lighting the vent hole and then the cannon firing a split second later.  The animation won't be aligned but it should look decent.  You could even go through the hole firing procedure, swab cannon, load powder, ram powder, load shot, ram shot, run up gun if needed, prime vent hole and touch off vent hole.


    I want to reward teamwork -- a crew that is practiced and communicates well should be able to fire faster, safer and more accurately.  Cannons typically had large crews.  If you run solo you shouldn't be able to outshoot a team that has a man on the sponge, a loader, rammer, a guy to help aim, and one to fire.  If that team doesn't communicate well and skips steps they run the risk of blowing themselves up.  I'm deliberately leaving in things like the option to sponge the barrel after loading; if a crew is moving too fast they can ruin the powder, have to remove it and start over. 


    At the same time I'm trying to keep an eye on historical accuracy.  This first field cannon in the mod is built to scale from a blueprint made in 1745, and I'm using historical data to get proper mass and speed of projectiles.  As for rate of fire: if a crew in the 18th century could fire 5 times a minute then I want it possible for a practiced crew in game to do that.  As much damage as cannons could (and can) do, they ought to be operated well to perform well.  If you follow the link in my first post in this thread to the Smithsonian exhibit of the Gunboat Philadelphia, you can see the single hole from British cannonfire that sank her.  If you don't learn to work the guns effectively you'll likely just end up giving all your cannon to the other team :)


    I should add that I'd prefer to do away with text UserActions and just have stuff happen, like if you have a linstock near the vent and it is primed, it ignites.   Here's a general outline of how the cannon script should go (I'd be grateful for links to examples of how to do these things):


    Player drives up to the battlefield with a limber towing a cannon.  He dismounts (the limber looks authentic but since we have no horses it is basically the SamplesF\Test_Car_01) and walks back to the cannon. 


    1.  UserAction appears on the cannon: 


    "Unlimber the gun."

    When selected the cannon is freed from the limber then that UserAction is hidden.


    2.  New UserActions appear on the unlimbered cannon: 


    "Tow gun."

    If selected: 

    Check that limber is near, if not, hint "The limber is too far away." 

    If limber is near, attach cannon to it, then hide UserAction "Tow gun" then display UserAction "Unlimber the gun." 


    "Prepare the gun position"

    If selected:

    When this is selected make tools, water, ammunition visible then hide this UserAction.

    Write arrays: gun is not loaded, not sponged, not primed.

    Hide UserAction "Prepare the gun position."


    Display new UserActions near muzzle:



    If selected:

    Play animation: dip sponge into bucket, swab barrel with wet sponge, step back.

    Check if gun is already loaded.  If so, write to array that powder is ruined.   If not loaded, write to array that barrel was sponged empty

    Hide UserAction "Sponge."




    "Load" (Grapeshot, or Round Shot, or Bar Shot)

    If selected:

    Check if player has ammunition in inventory.  If not then display hint:  "Get ammunition."  If so then proceed.

    Play animation:  place charge in muzzle, ram down with ToolRammer, step back.

    Check if UserAction "Sponge" has already occurred.  If not then calculate random chance of gun firing during ramming.  If it is bad luck, fire the gun and kill the loader, then clear the arrays: gun is not loaded, not sponged, not primed.

    Check if UserAction "Prime" has already occurred AND check if ToolLinstock is near vent.  If both are true then calculate random chance of gun firing during ramming.   If it is bad luck, fire the vent, fire the gun and kill the loader, then clear the arrays: gun is not loaded, not sponged, not primed.

    Write to an array that barrel is loaded.

    Display new UserAction "Unload the Piece."

    Hide UserAction "Tow gun."

    Hide UserAction "Load."





    Write to an array that barrel is primed.

    Display UserAction "Fire."

    Hide UserAction "Tow gun."

    Hide UserAction "Prime."


    3.  UserAction "Fire."   After the cannon is primed it may be fired (even without loading.)


    If selected:

    Check to see that player has ToolLinstock, if not display hint "Get a Linstock." If so, then

    Check if gun is loaded with good powder.  If not loaded or if powder is ruined, then fire only the vent effects:  zasleh fire vertical from vent and puff of smoke with it.

    If loaded with good powder then fire the vent effects:   

    Ignite zasleh fire vertical from vent and puff of smoke with it. 

    Wait 2 seconds. 

    Fire main charge and recoil.

    Clear arrays:   gun is not loaded, not sponged, not primed.

    Display UserAction "Sponge."

    Display UserAction "Load."

    Display UserAction "Prime."

    Display UserAction "Tow gun."


    4.  UserAction "Unload the Piece"

    Check to see that player has ToolWorm, if not display hint "Get a Worm." If so, then

    Play animation, worm down barrel, step back.

    Add ammunition back into player inventory.  Display hint:  "Gun is now unloaded."

    Clear arrays:   gun is not loaded, not primed.

    Hide UserAction "Unload the Piece."

    Display UserAction "Tow gun."



    arrays needed:

    sponged empty (powder good)

    sponged loaded (powder ruined)

    loaded Grape, good powder

    loaded Ball, good powder

    loaded Bar, good powder

    loaded Grape, ruined powder

    loaded Ball, ruined powder

    loaded Bar, ruined powder


    • Like 3

  13. I want to make the cannon fire by lighting the vent -- I'm modeling a linstock - basically a stick with a slowmatch wound around it and lit. 


    If I put a memory point at the lit part of the match, and a memory point in my cannon barrel vent, can a script detect the proximity of the lit match and when it comes within say 0.5 m of the vent, it fires the cannon?


    Edit:  anyone know if I can make the linstock a weapon and use FiredNear https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers to ignite the primer?

    • Like 1

  14. Just finished the LODs for the 4 pdr Brocard cannon a la Suedoise ("Swedish") and its limber.  Until someone comes up with a horse you drive the limber like a car.  Just found a video showing an articulated MTVR and trailer -- has anyone posted a how-to for the Physx setup for that kind of system?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Enj_aIkDgnQ  It was elegant, exactly what this needs -- the simplest system as you can see the pintle on the limber holds the hole at the trail of the gun carriage.  It will be a big improvement to be able to move the guns around. 




    Here's a closeup showing the socket in the trail and the pintle on the limber.  Now to find a way to connect them. 




    "Where a goat can go a man can go, and where a man can go he can drag a gun."  --  Major General William Phillips, 1731 – 13 May 1781

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  15. Anyone with some skills interested in making a quick and simple addon to allow mod makers to add a simple hatchet and spear (swing, thrust) to their projects?  I see some individuals have solved it on their own, but there's nothing public so everyone has to reinvent the wheel.  Can we make a base for anyone to use and expand upon?

    • Like 1

  16. Nothing better than the sound of drums on the battlefield.


    "His tricorn hat, his nankin breeches, his white cotton stockings, his shoes decorated with silver buckles, all announces that he is in the walking out dress of summer (petite tenue d’été), and that he left his barracks to enjoy a moment of freedom under the terms of a permit which he will not misuse. 


    He has the high face, the square shoulders, the developed chest; his tanned skin, his slightly hollow cheeks, his aquiline nose, give to the whole of his figure an air of gravity which impresses on first sight.  He walks with ease; but he preserves, even while walking, something which points out the practice of the regular step; all, in his pace, indicates the feeling of a superiority acquired on battlefields; this bearing, this assurance, are without pride, without affection." - St. Hilaire (description of the a French guard)


    I saw your first thread you created a few years ago, I'm excited to see you are resuming work. If you're working on this by yourself you might want to think about slowly releasing the mod and adding content as it is finished. Gives you something to be proud of and inspiration to keep working on the mod while also stirring up a following (hopefully).


    Cool quote.  I like the idea of releasing some parts of the mod early as I have been fighting bots, and every once in a while get an awesome game moment that would be fun to experience with a team. (might also help improve the game, as others can see the things I can't get to work right and maybe suggest solutions. 


    11/11 would yolo again.


    Are you working with the guy from the Napoleonic Wars mod?


    I am working solo. 


    nice six_ten cant wait to see more wip stuff


    Thanks, I'll have some screens of the new Brocard a la Suedoise 4 pound field cannon for you later this morning.  (working on the LODs now, I just finished the model and base textures). 


    Im always a sucker for historic games so this I want now! :)

    My personal opinion is that you should make this mod/game for Unity5 or Unreal 4 engine insted of Arma.


    For example how you going to use cavalry/horse or melee combat somthing arma do not support at all.


    * Maby add some trading rpg/survival aspect into this?


    * Add Native Indians?

    How many working on this mod?

    Good luck!


    Unreal's engine, support, and licencing are good.  I started modding on that engine years ago (in fact started an early version of this mod in Unreal about ten years ago) and really like it -- also with them I could sell a full game for something like 5% of sales per month, very generous.)  However, there are things about ARMA that I also really like and for now will try to add melee and horses etc here if I can get some assistance in figuring it out.


    I really like the idea of adding Indians.  They were very important to both sides as well as having their own fascinating history during the war.  In some ways they shaped the course of history as much or more than the other great powers and in game could really be a fun role.


    I want a trade system in part to drive the battle gameplay and provide opportunities for piracy (one of my favorite activities in Dayz).
