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Posts posted by six_ten

  1. I wanted to be able to sail up to a dock and tie up the Yawl, Gunboat, or Sloop.  I Looked at code by GNAT and Diesel for inspiration, and came up with a workable but clunky way to do it.  Talked a bit with Soolie late yesterday about it and he created a new and I think great looking method.  Check out this work in progress:



    • Like 12

  2. 4 hours ago, zippy3251 said:

    Hi guys,

    Is it possible to save terrain edits made in bulldozer onto my terrain height map png file or in some other way, so I don't lose my little edits? Whenever I remove the terrain mapframe and recreate it to reflect texture changes, the terrain height is reset to what it pulls from my height map png. I'm sorry if I'm using the wrong terminology here.


    Yeah -- DO NOT hit Rebuild Terrain, that will recreate the landscape from your original source terrain.  Instead, just save your map. When you update your sat or mask images you don't have to Rebuild.  Just save your project and the changes will be saved.   After I sculpt my terrain and make significant changes to it I hit File --> Export --> Terrain Heightmap and then if I'm sure I'm satisfied with the changes, replace the Source terrain model with the new one every so often.  (Keep an archive version of the original elsewhere though).

  3. 1 hour ago, [evo] dan said:

    Anyone got some good advice on making my textures look nicer as they look a bit plain at the moment.


    See the image below:




    Think about what the barrel is made of.  The factory paint is green, but the barrel itself is steel -- steel here can be grey, but also a bit rusty.  Draw "wear" on your texture:  find the parts that stick up and get abraded.  Paint a bit of grey steel, some rust on that, then overall a bit of dirt, grunge, scratches in the smooth fresh green paint.  shiny unworn steel exposed where the paint is worn recently, duller steel and rust in the areas that were worn off a longer time ago.  Then do similar for the paint above it:  fresh looking shiny green paint in areas that don't get rubbed, duller, scratched paint where there's some abrasion commonly, and so on.  When you get some experience and really want to make it pop, try a multimaterial shader for it -- mask the steel, the paint, whatever materials the object is made of.  For now you can do just the simple shader, simple texture, and get some practice.




    This might give you some insight:  http://www.cgsociety.org/index.php/cgsfeatures/cgsfeaturespecial/the_top_ten_tips_of_texturing

  4. All of my custom boats now sink in the editor.  They haven't changed, and they worked fine before.  Now when I place one it sinks through the water and the terrain, and vanishes.  Boats in previously saved missions sink as soon as I load the mission in editor.  If I am the driver when I start the mission the boat is underwater and rises to the surface and sails fine. 


    Not sure whether it was APEX or the last ARMA update, or something else that broke this but can anyone offer a fix?

  5. On ‎1‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 2:51 AM, flax_ said:

    100% on this, getting vehicles stuck in mud because its raining would be amazing. Although that could quickly descend into feature creep and a lot more work than just a map.


    Why don't you mod this feature now?  Detect the ground texture under the vehicle (like you do with SoundHit), check if its raining, if so, slow the vehicle by some percentage.

  6. For large terrain objects I create the entire object, and then slice it up - before texturing ofc.


    With large objects you not only have the GeometryLOD limitations(50m from centre pin) to consider,. more importantly you have the Roadway LOD limit's to consider.  iirc RoadwayLOD limit is approx 37m from centre pin.


    I define snap-points in the memory LOD - Using vert's that line up with 2-4 points on the next model.


    After importing them into TB you just hit the magnet when your placing them and they will align perfectly - provided the verts in the selections match up.


    Quick n dirty example pic on how model snap-points are defined -> http://imageshack.com/a/img924/839/IwIotn.jpg



    Impressive fort btw, I was creating one in a similar style.  Good to see other people attempting such structures :)

    Thanks for this -- I'll try it this way and post my results.

    • Like 1

  7. I see a lot of Castille de San Marcos here.  Are you using the multi shader material?  I'm not experienced enough in making structures to give you advice as far as your original question.  I made my own bastions but they're no where near complete like yours. 


    If I may I would recommend you make a courtyard with a drainage well leading out to sea or somewhere like in Hornblower.  This could be a game play mechanic for entering the fortress.

    It is the Castillo de San Marcos (Ft. St. Mark when it was under British control 1763 - 1783.)  From the courtyard to the outworks, even the terrain it is a close to exact scale model, so any changes will be those to make it more like the actual fortress.  As for getting in, code a climbing rope or portable ladders :)  Bring your ideas to the Black Powder thread over in the WIP mods section of the forum.


    This thread though asks, how do I combine several models as one in game, as guys do with large ships and the like?

  8. I've followed the discussions about combining sections to create walkable large models -- what I'd like here is some advice on the best way to simply combine 4 or so sections of a large model so when I add it to my terrain it works as one.  I have a large fortress, its more than 50 m in each direction from its center point. I think I have to break it into 4 quadrants then somehow add them all in TB -- whats the best way to keep them aligned precisely?




    Currently the entire fortress is a single model.

  9. I'm not sure if this was brought up before, but full-on fortifications would be to die for, and the Royal Marines are kind of a must. By fortifications, I mean anything from a full-fledged fort to a smaller fort or battery; they're one of those things you could slap onto the coast of Altis and BAM, you have a ship versus battery cannon duel followed by an assault on the battery with the ship's marines.

    I've seen many colonial forts (British, Dutch, French, etc) all over the world, so let me know if you need any inspiration and I'd be more than happy to share some pics.

    And a question: how are you going to handle musket reloading animations?


    I've added a fairly accurate model of the Castillo de San Marcos to Tangier Island.  There are of course also field-made cheveaux de frise, gabions, and so on for field fortifications anywhere you choose to build them.  I'm always interested in other research too, so I'll be happy to see what pics you have.

    When I get time I'll make proper reload animations based on manuals of the time.  For now we have to put up with modern ones.


    • Like 8

  10. Stealing is when you deprive someone else of their property by taking it yourself. In the intellectual and digital world we have the ability to copy, to create a replica in our minds or in digital form which we can alter to create new things or to observe. As for ethics, I consider it a greater act of unethical behavior to deprive one of ones right to experience, interpret and and recreate ones experiences.


    • Like 1

  11. I played around in the 3D Eden editor, and had a look at the Pawnee helicopter, and I was a little surprised.


    I believe I had set all the video options to maximum, so I expected this heli model to be presented with a more smooth polymesh, however the pawnee heli model seemed a little crude still.


    Unless the Eden Editor shows models with a lower LOD by default (maybe the heli model is more refined than what it looked to me), I am now wondering at what poly count would be too much for say game play on the Chernarus map in a multi player game.


    Get the Samples_F heli working and you'll start to see how this all works.

    • Like 1

  12. Q14: If you have a model of an open wooden boat for example, when placed on the Arma 3 ocean, the ocean will presumably clip through the model and become visible on the inside, and it would then look as if the boat had started to sink sort of. Is this necessary, or is there a way to hide the water inside the boat, and so as to create the illusion of displaced water.

    As posted below, use an antiwater plane.


    Go to your A3 Samples and look at the boat in there -- all the code and model is exposed and editable to you.  Get their samples working in your game and you'll find that making your own models work becomes much easier.

  13. I've made another object, a basic oil drum. Now, i'm planning on making several using the same model but with a different texture on each one, also each one will have a different function such as being able to fuel cars or fuel aircraft etc. Would I need to have multiple p3d's of my model to be able to achieve this or could it be done with a single config file with multiple defined classes in? Also how would I go about telling it which texture to use as a replacement.

    You can use one model with "with a single config file with multiple defined classes in" and the corresponding scripts for fuel, water, etc.  In your model, select the parts of the barrel whose textures you want to change and create named selections.  I might do something like Camo_Lid, Camo_Label, Camo_Body (I usually preface the tex selection names with Camo so they're easy to distinguish, but they can be called whatever you like).  In your config you then have a HiddenSelections entry and you list all of those IN ORDER, even if you're not going to change one or two of them, and then you wind up with something similar to:

    		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo_Breeches","Camo_Coat","Camo_Hose","Camo_NeckStock","Camo_Overalls","Camo_Shirt","Camo_Waistcoat","Camo_Z"};
    		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"ART\ART_Character\Clothing\Breeches_Linen_CO.paa","ART\ART_Character\Clothing\Coatee_2dVA_1777_CO.paa","ART\ART_Character\Clothing\Hose_Linen_CO.paa","ART\ART_Character\Clothing\NeckStock_Black_CO.paa","ART\ART_Character\Clothing\Overalls_Linen_co.paa","ART\ART_Character\Clothing\Shirt_Linen_CO.paa","ART\ART_Character\Clothing\Waistcoat_Linen_CO.paa","ART\ART_Character\Clothing\Z_co.paa"};

    Using the above I'm able to change out for example Breeches_Linen_CO.paa for Breeches_Wool_CO.paa and so on.  If you think you'll only ever want to change one texture on a version you can simply select the entire model, add a named selection like "Camo" and be done with it.


    I have a lot of barrels and would like to have one version that supplies drinking water -- what script are you using for that?

  14. flintlock kentucky rifles, and sorry i'd had to sleep for work.

    I like that idea. 


    A new question:  is it possible to create a dock system similar to the helipads?  I've seen how AI can fly to and land on them, is there a way to do this with boats, so AI can be instructed to sail to a dock and anchor?  Has there ever been anything like this that I just haven't seen?
