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Posts posted by six_ten

  1. Okay, so now the door icon appears when I am near the memory point, but the trigger doesn't open or close when I use it. In my model.cfg I have to add the prefix "Land_" but that also needs to match the name of my p3d. I'

    m a bit confused trying to reconcile the classname in the model.cfg with the main config as I think that's why it only partly works.

    Thanks to both of you for your help so far. I should mention here also that I've learned a lot from your past posts and examples over the years and really appreciate your examples. As for Mikero's pboProject, I can't say enough good things about it. Using it is like having a tutor for confiu4ration, I try something in my files, it checks and says yep that works or no fix this, fix that. It been great.

    I'm looking through some of the APLSA configs. General Store for example the model.cfg doesn't say Land, so I guess I can dispense with that, (now that I type this I bet I changed that but didn't fix the refence in the main file.... going to check that now.

  2. Just a quick note as I'm modifying in the way you suggest and am on a roll; more later (plus thanks)

    I see that I've removed the Land_ naming, so I'll start with that. My paths under pboProject Setup are now P:\a3,P:\ART\ART_Arch,P:\ART\ART_Arch\Magazine,P:\ART\ART_Arch\Outbuilding

    Edit: quick question -- if I change the filename of my buildings, will that break my terrain? If not, will I be able to substitute the renamed model for the old one without having to re-place all the 432 instances? ... edit: edited the library file and added land_ to each building. Testing now...

  3. This is an issue with the binarize process...

    Can you give us a brief rundown of your "models pack" P:\ drive structure, plus your binarizing/packing procedure...?



    OS (P:)

    a3 (fully extracted all pbos)

    ART (my project)

    .....a3 (just the configs)

    .....ART_Arch (contains general buildings config plus .hpps)

    ..........Magazine (one of the buildings based on Samples_F TestHouse plus the buildings model.cfg and config and p3d

    ..........Outbuilding (same as Magazine, different building)

    ..........Scripts contains Door_close.sqf etc

    .....ART_Character, etc

    I use pboProject to pack, Noisy Output, Strip Log, Full Build, Check Externals, SP

  4. Door works when house placed in editor but not when house is placed in map through TB.

    I have built a small outbuilding with one door, code based on the Samples_F example. When I place it in my terrain via the editor, the door works just fine. I tested 6 of them at once and had no problems. I then added a number of them in an object layer in Terrain Builder, processed it and ran the game. The map works fine, except none of the door icons appear and the doors won't operate. At the same time if I add one from the editor it also works, but not the ones that are built-in. How do I fix this?

  5. I have a rifle based on the \Samples_F\Test_Weapon_01. When it fires a gas emits from the bolt and the main muzzleflash erupts as the bullet leaves the rifle. I want all this, but I need to introduce a delay.

    I want to:

    pull trigger

    gas/small flash emits from bolt area

    1 second delay, THEN

    weapon fires projectile with flash.

    It does all this now, just simultaneously. How do I introduce that delay between the trigger pull and the bullet firing?

    Is there a simpler and more efficient method than the one described five years ago in http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?70978-Weapon-Shot-Delay ?

  6. From that page:

    " To achieve this magic, type at a dos console: DeP3d -58 P:\a3

    Naturally and of course, change 'P:\a3' to wherever your p3d's have been extracted to. The above is 'standard'.

    To achieve this extraction miracle without pain, use Arma3P."

    Using the cmd returns " 'DeP3d is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." MikeRo's tools are installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools\bin

    My extracted Pbo's are in P:\ART\a3 is that why it isn't recognizing the program?

    I then tried to "achieve this extraction miracle without pain, use Arma3P" just deleted and re-extracted the contents of P:\A3 then tried again in TerrainBuilder to create a library. Still no luck


    I now see at http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18068&nbn=3 that it seems no objects from A3 will work in TerrainBuilder yet.

  7. I've built a cannon; it has two wheels and a trail. Currently it fires and slides back a meter, just as I want it to. I now want to add a small amount of wheel rotation to that recoil, then after it reloads have it roll slowly back to its original position.

    I originally used the M119 as a base; it uses recoil_BEGIN and recoil_END for the recoil. I've been able to get secondary animations in my other addons, for example a rudder that moves when the driving wheel turns, but I'm stumped here.

    Do I need to write my own translation for the recoil in order to trigger a more complex sequence?

    Here's the model.cfg:

    class Rotation


    type = "rotation";

    memory = 1;

    minValue = 0;

    maxValue = 1;

    angle0 = 0;

    angle1 = 1;


    class CfgSkeletons


    class default


    isDiscrete = 1;

    skeletonInherit = "";

    skeletonBones[] = {};


    class FieldGunBaseSkeleton: default



    skeletonInherit = "";












    class CfgModels


    class Default;

    class StaticWeapon:Default


    class Animations;


    class Cannon: StaticWeapon


    class Animations: Animations


    class recoil_BEGIN;

    class recoil_END;



    class My_Cannon: Cannon


    class Animations: Animations


    class recoil_BEGIN;

    class recoil_END;



    class FieldGun: My_Cannon


    skeletonName = "FieldGunBaseSkeleton";


    sections[] =





    class Animations: Animations


    class recoil_BEGIN:recoil_BEGIN




    class recoil_END:recoil_END




    class Port1Turret








    minValue="rad -360";

    maxValue="rad +360";

    angle0="rad -360";

    angle1="rad +360";


    class Port1Gun








    minValue="rad -360";

    maxValue="rad +360";

    angle0="rad -360";

    angle1="rad +360";




    class FieldGun_3pdr


    skeletonName = "FieldGunBaseSkeleton";


    sections[] =





    class Animations


    class Port1Turret //the horizontal moving part of the turret








    minValue="rad -360";

    maxValue="rad +360";

    angle0="rad -360";

    angle1="rad +360";


    class Port1Gun //the vertical moving part of the turret








    minValue="rad -360";

    maxValue="rad +360";

    angle0="rad -360";

    angle1="rad +360";


    class recoil_BEGIN;

    class wheels_1: recoil_BEGIN















  8. Thanks to this thread I have my terrain in game and running. Clutter and surfaces look good, my roads are nice. Now I am ready to add objects like forests and buildings, but cannot figure out how. Any pointers? I created a txt file from World Builder, renamed all the refs to A3 trees, couldn't figure out how to import it. I set up a template library of plants_f, it couldn't generate the thumbnails (failed on creating dds) but when I added some trees, the counter showed that they were added, but I couldn't see anything on my map or in buldozer.

    Can someone please give a few pointers for getting objects into my map?

  9. I've made my first addon vehicles for ARMA OA, and they're working well. They carry crews of ten and in a large battle with 12 or so vehicles everything works fine except the AI radio is incessant and loud to the point where I can barely hear the sounds that I want to check.

    How can I shut the AI up? I think I'm going to develop this into a mini-mod so some kind of addon I can make and use would be best.

    I'd like to get some information from them, like "critical Damage", enemy ship," etcetera, but not the constant requests for troops to report in.

  10. Hi everyone. I have searched and read the posts on this subject going back years and have not found a solution. I'm new to ARMA but not to coding, so I'll need things spelled out but I can pick it up quickly. Thanks in advance for help you can render.

    I hope someone can help me implement a permanent flag that is attached to the flagpole on my new boat.


    -- a flag that waves in the wind that is always there (not using FlagCarrier) and points in the correct direction depending on where the wind is


    -- a flag that waves in the wind that is always there (not using FlagCarrier)

    -- flag can be lowered down the pole on the rope and a new one raised

    I've tried:

    -- changing the proxy from flag_alone to flag_auto

    nothing appears.

    -- just adding the model flag to the top of my mast (and copied over the relevant code from model.cfg) from Sample Models\A2SM_Data_APL-SA\Map_Objects\CA\misc\flag_stozar.p3d

    flag appears but does not animate.

    -- then tried adding vlajkstozar.p3d from the same file, pasted the model, memory, etc. in each LOD, and inserting the relevant code in model.cfg

    flagpole is there but cannot access it to raise or lower flag, and the flag doesn't appear at all.

    The boat is based on the RHIB_gunboat in Sample Models\A2SM_Data_APL\Water\CA\Water

    The flag itself is "vlajka," the pole is "stozar."

    The code from A2SM_Data_APL-SA\Map_Objects\CA\misc is:

    class CfgSkeletons


    class Default;

    class Flag: Default {};

    class FlagCarrier: Default


    skeletonInherit = "Default";

    skeletonBones[] =







    class CfgModels


    class Default;

    class Flag;

    class flag_stozar: Flag




    class flag_alone: Flag {};

    class vlajkstozar: Default


    skeletonName = "FlagCarrier";

    class Animations


    class Flag


    type = "translation";

    source = "flag";

    selection = "vlajka";

    begin = "flag top";

    end = "flag bottom";

    minValue = 0;

    maxValue = 1;

    offset0 = 0;

    offset1 = 1;




