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Posts posted by six_ten

  1. I've resumed work on the Black Powder mod and have some new assets to show off in-game.  I'll use this thread to organize information about the mod and developments.  For now here's a rough sketch of what exists so far.





    The mod is set during the American Revolution, roughly 1775-1783



    Two maps based on real world LIDAR and satellite imagery, modified with historic maps.  One is a colonial Virginia city and its environs, 16 km x 16 km.  The other began as a real island group in the Chesapeake but has evolved to become a tropical sea, nearly all water with clusters of islands, also 16 km x 16 km.



    (So far) 17 buildings authentic to the colonial period, some enterable.



    United States, Great Britain, and Civilian.  (would like to add French and Hessian troops, Dutch Merchants etc. once I get these refined.) 

    So far we have U.S. Continental Line, American militia, British regulars, Loyalist militia, and Civilians


    Vessels:  (armed and unarmed versions)

    They sail on the wind and speed is affected by the direction of wind relative to vessel.


    Bermuda Sloop

    Gunboat Philadelphia, sunk in action and preserved  http://americanhistory.si.edu/exhibitions/gunboat-philadelphia)



    4pdr field gun and limber

    Naval guns -- 1/2 pd swivels, 4 pdr, 9 pdr, 12 pdr

    All fire round shot and grape.


    Field Fortification:

    Placeable chevaux de frises, gabions, fascines, and abatis.



    Common soldiers tents, subalterns' wall type, and officers' marquees.  Also improvised shelter from tarpaulins or sails.

    The Wall tent and Wedge type also have versions that can be used as respawn points when players put them up.



    Short Land Pattern Musket (Brown Bess)





    I've released it as an early test version at https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/206528-black-powder/


    • Like 25

  2. From the top of my head theres nothing you can do if you have no access to the original models. Its a feature how the driver/pilot/gunner/firstperson views are drawn.

    I have all the access I want -- I built them :)  I use a script to load each cannon and its crew onto the deck, so when I am in first person they look like they're outside.   Third person looks fine, and the guns and crew on other ships looks okay too.

  3. My mod DSS has a melee system, but more advanced as it can not only kill players, but cut down trees as well. So it is possible (in fact, anything is possible), but quite hard to create on your own.


    Actually tree-cutting is even higher on my list of priorities than weapons...  How did you do it?

  4. I'd like some ideas (and code if its available) for the following:


    I have a wooden ship.  I also have a cannon.  When a cannonball hits the side of the ship I want the ball itself to pass through and damage players, but I also want to create an explosion of splinters that can do damage too at the inside of the point of impact.  I think this effect also happens in modern tanks; has it been done?

  5. @All - thanks chaps, I'll take a look at the A2 flags. Shame we don't have one in the A3 samples :)


    I'll try to recall what I've done so far (it has been a while so I'll add to this as I remember).


    I built a model flag, a copy of the one in A2 -- same number of verts, same size, etc.  Couldn't get it to animate.  It just stood stiff.

    • Like 1

  6. Hi all,


    I was curious to know - how might one go about creating a custom flag, which reacts to the wind? I'm guessing maybe vertices in the memory lod act as pins? I really have no idea where to start. Anyone have any ideas?


    Thanks as always, for any help! Ever appreciated :P



    I spent quite a lot of effort tearing into the A2 flags and trying to replicate one, but without luck.  I am continuing to dig into it.  Has anyone got an idea?  Can we get some dev help with this?  I need sails and banners.

  7. You can use my code, adapt, change, release as you wish, just note - it uses A2's animations not present in A3 fo strikes and wounded reactions with additional mod (included, by Icewindo, author of the models and the film itself) giving various speed variants for strikes, so more skilled fencer will strike visually faster, also blood particle effect is A2, also it was never tested in A3 and is not ready-to-use in A3 for described reasons. And it's old, may be far from optimal, but no time to review it. Also uses some sounds from all the internets. 


    Here is, the latest version, I found on HDD. 


    Thank you.  Anyone else working on melee?

  8. I had short episode with such scripting few years ago, in A2 times. If you don't expect too much, and have animations - why not. Second part of that film shows some slow motion shots. I wonder, if in A3 this could be done better somehow for any reason. In A2 we had vanilla hand strike anims though. 


    Perfect -- can I use your code and try to modify for A3?  (If so, where can I get it?)


    At this point I'd be happy with a working hatchet and bayonet.

  9. Is it possible to have sword fighting in ArmA3?  I know it's almost impossible to have realistic sword fighting, but what exactly is capable in ArmA3 and how can it be expanded on?  For example, can we at very least have a somewhat believable sword slash with a decent animation and different body part injuries like a cut to the leg or arm?


    If I make a decent sword model would someone want to try to make it work?


    Sure it can be done -- just do it.  Don't model a sword -- get it working with a simple cylinder.  I want melee for my mod, and I'll be modeling my own weapons and tools anyway, I just need the code and animations.  How does DayZ do the hatchet?  That would be a great start to have.

  10.  when i try binarize my project in AddonBuilder or PBOproject i ever have error 1073741819


    I have the same error code 1073741819 -- last night I repacked a terrain with no problem, today I cannot repack an addon.  I've tried PboProject and AddonBuilder.  PboProject doesn't give an indication of what the error is, I just get a popup saying that ARMA3 has stopped working (even when neither it nor Steam were running to begin with).

  11. I'm making a small sailboat for the fun of it. I guess to see what ArmA 3 is capable of. I'm hoping there is an easy button

    There is not.

    I know you can animate the sails because I see how the windsock and the flags animate. They actually animate according to the wind strength and direction which is kind of cool.

    I've spent hours upon hours trying to reproduce this with my sail models to no success yet. It uses vertex animation. It would be helpful if BIS would put out a short simple primer on how to use this. Last I checked the windsock files were encrypted. The flags are available to look into, but I need more examples to figure out how to do it with my sails.

    I'm sure I could attach to sails to yards or a mast and I can animate the corners to "raise" and "lower" the sails but I just don't know how to set it up in my addon.

    This I have working. They also can be destroyed when shot away.

    I also don't know how to make it move. I think that would be cool if a boat was affect by the wind like the helicopters, but I'm sure that's almost impossible.

    Not at all impossible, it works.

    What is difficult (but not impossible, I just haven't figured out how to do it) is

    -- getting the amount of undamaged sail,

    -- multiplying that by the wind speed and strength relative to the sloop,

    -- transmitting that to move the vessel,

    -- and being able to steer by it.

    I had my sloop moving with wind power (crudely) but put it back to use engine power til I can steer, anchor and tow it with small boats.

    I need scripts that do thatbut I don't know how to write them.

  12. Open the sample house in Samples_F. That will give you a good start on what to include. I used it as a template for my first few buildings and found it really helpful. One quick note, for shadow lods, import your simple geom, press E and remove any textures or shaders, then triangulate it through the upper menu, then press U.

  13. I haven't used the sling features but am looking for a way to create an anchor for a ship or boat. So far I'm looking at making a named selection Anchor_hide, and near it a user action Drop_Anchor or Weigh_Anchor. I'd like to hear any ideas for implementing this. The wind affects boats, so what I'd like to do is when Drop_Anchor is selected, hide the shipboard model anchor, create one below the ship at the seafloor, and a rope that connects them. In the real world, the rope is not a straight vertical line, rather the wind and current moves the ship to the limit of the rope . I'd like to reproduce this in game.

  14. Thanks.

    In order to understand how this all works I'm trying to make a weathervane, a simple arrow that points to the direction the wind blows. With windDir I can get the wind direction, but how do I tell the arrow to point that direction? There's no stock animationsource for windDir, so do I need to run it from a script? If so, how does the anim know to use windDir to set its direction?
