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Miroslaw Kowalski

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Everything posted by Miroslaw Kowalski

  1. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    Sorry! I thought about it but simply forgot it...so here they come: Model.cfg first: class Rotation; class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete = 1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = {}; }; class Vehicle : Default {}; class Car : Vehicle { skeletonBones[] = { "drivewheel", "", "wheel_1_1_damper_land","", "wheel_1_2_damper_land","", "wheel_1_3_damper_land","", "wheel_1_4_damper_land","", "wheel_2_1_damper_land","", "wheel_2_2_damper_land","", "wheel_2_3_damper_land","", "wheel_2_4_damper_land","", "wheel_1_1_damper","wheel_1_1_damper_land", "wheel_1_2_damper","wheel_1_2_damper_land", "wheel_1_3_damper","wheel_1_3_damper_land", "wheel_1_4_damper","wheel_1_4_damper_land", "wheel_2_1_damper","wheel_2_1_damper_land", "wheel_2_2_damper","wheel_2_2_damper_land", "wheel_2_3_damper","wheel_2_3_damper_land", "wheel_2_4_damper","wheel_2_4_damper_land", "wheel_1_1_steering","wheel_1_1_damper", "wheel_1_2_steering","wheel_1_2_damper", "wheel_1_3_steering","wheel_1_3_damper", "wheel_1_4_steering","wheel_1_4_damper", "wheel_2_1_steering","wheel_2_1_damper", "wheel_2_2_steering","wheel_2_2_damper", "wheel_2_3_steering","wheel_2_3_damper", "wheel_2_4_steering","wheel_2_4_damper", "wheel_1_1","wheel_1_1_steering", "wheel_1_2","wheel_1_2_steering", "wheel_1_3","wheel_1_3_steering", "wheel_1_4","wheel_1_4_steering", "wheel_2_1","wheel_2_1_steering", "wheel_2_2","wheel_2_2_steering", "wheel_2_3","wheel_2_3_steering", "wheel_2_4","wheel_2_4_steering", "wheel_1_1_unhide","wheel_1_1", "wheel_1_2_unhide","wheel_1_2", "wheel_1_3_unhide","wheel_1_3", "wheel_1_4_unhide","wheel_1_4", "wheel_2_1_unhide","wheel_2_1", "wheel_2_2_unhide","wheel_2_2", "wheel_2_3_unhide","wheel_2_3", "wheel_2_4_unhide","wheel_2_4", "wheel_1_1_hide","wheel_1_1", "wheel_1_2_hide","wheel_1_2", "wheel_1_3_hide","wheel_1_3", "wheel_1_4_hide","wheel_1_4", "wheel_2_1_hide","wheel_2_1", "wheel_2_2_hide","wheel_2_2", "wheel_2_3_hide","wheel_2_3", "wheel_2_4_hide","wheel_2_4", "OtocVez","", "OtocHlaven","OtocVez", "damageHide","", "damageVez","OtocVez", "damageHlaven","OtocHlaven", "ukaz_rychlo","", "ukaz_rychlo2","", "ukaz_rpm","", "mph","", "rpm","", "fuel","", "fuel_1","", "fuel_01","", "fuel_2","", "fuel_3","", "prop_01","", "prop_02","", "prop_2","", "prop_1","", "glass1","damageHide", "glass2","damageHide", "glass3","damageHide", "glass4","damageHide", }; }; class Dingo : Car { isDiscrete = 1; skeletonInherit = "Car"; skeletonBones[] = { "reverse_light","", "daylights","damageHide", "door1","", "door2","", "glass5","damageHide", }; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { sectionsInherit = ""; sections[] = {}; skeletonName = ""; }; class Vehicle : Default { sections[] = { "cislo", "grupa", "side", "sektor", "clan", "clan_sign", "podsvit pristroju", "poskozeni", "L svetlo", "P svetlo", "zasleh" }; } class Car : Vehicle { sections[] = { "brzdove svetlo", "clan", "P svetlo", "L svetlo", "glass1", "glass2", "glass3", "glass4", "glass5", }; class Animations { class damageHide { type = "hide"; source = "damage"; selection = "damageHide"; hideValue = 1.0; }; class damageHideVez : damageHide { selection = "OtocVez"; }; class damageHideHlaven : damageHide { selection = "OtocHlaven"; }; class wheel_1_1_destruct { type="hide"; selection="wheel_1_1_hide"; source="HitLFWheel"; minValue = 0; // upravit na 0.99 maxValue = 1; // upravit na 1.0 hidevalue = 0.99999; }; class wheel_1_2_destruct : wheel_1_1_destruct { source="HitLBWheel"; selection="wheel_1_2_hide"; }; class wheel_1_3_destruct : wheel_1_1_destruct { source="HitLMWheel"; selection="wheel_1_3_hide"; }; class wheel_1_4_destruct : wheel_1_1_destruct { source="HitLF2Wheel"; selection="wheel_1_4_hide"; }; class wheel_2_1_destruct : wheel_1_1_destruct { source="HitRFWheel"; selection="wheel_2_1_hide"; }; class wheel_2_2_destruct : wheel_1_1_destruct { source="HitRBWheel"; selection="wheel_2_2_hide"; }; class wheel_2_3_destruct : wheel_1_1_destruct { source="HitRMWheel"; selection="wheel_2_3_hide"; }; class wheel_2_4_destruct : wheel_1_1_destruct { source="HitRF2Wheel"; selection="wheel_2_4_hide"; }; class wheel_1_1_destruct_unhide { type="hide"; selection="wheel_1_1_unhide"; source="HitLFWheel"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; hidevalue = 0.00000; UnHidevalue = 1.00000; }; class wheel_1_2_destruct_unhide : wheel_1_1_destruct_unhide { source="HitLBWheel"; selection="wheel_1_2_unhide"; }; class wheel_1_3_destruct_unhide : wheel_1_1_destruct_unhide { source="HitLMWheel"; selection="wheel_1_3_unhide"; }; class wheel_1_4_destruct_unhide : wheel_1_1_destruct_unhide { source="HitLF2Wheel"; selection="wheel_1_4_unhide"; }; class wheel_2_1_destruct_unhide : wheel_1_1_destruct_unhide { source="HitRFWheel"; selection="wheel_2_1_unhide"; }; class wheel_2_2_destruct_unhide : wheel_1_1_destruct_unhide { source="HitRBWheel"; selection="wheel_2_2_unhide"; }; class wheel_2_3_destruct_unhide : wheel_1_1_destruct_unhide { source="HitRMWheel"; selection="wheel_2_3_unhide"; }; class wheel_2_4_destruct_unhide : wheel_1_1_destruct_unhide { source="HitRF2Wheel"; selection="wheel_2_4_unhide"; }; #define DamageOffset 0.2 class wheel_1_1_Damage : wheel_1_1_destruct { type = "translation"; axis = "Basic_Damper_Destruct_Axis"; memory = 1; selection = "wheel_1_1_damper"; source = "HitLFWheel"; minValue = 0.0; maxValue = 1; offset0 = 0; offset1 = DamageOffset; }; class wheel_1_2_Damage : wheel_1_1_Damage { source="HitLBWheel"; selection="wheel_1_2_damper"; }; class wheel_1_3_Damage : wheel_1_1_Damage { source="HitLMWheel"; selection="wheel_1_3_damper"; }; class wheel_1_4_Damage : wheel_1_1_Damage { source="HitLF2Wheel"; selection="wheel_1_4_damper"; }; class wheel_2_1_Damage : wheel_1_1_Damage { source="HitRFWheel"; selection="wheel_2_1_damper"; }; class wheel_2_2_Damage : wheel_1_1_Damage { source="HitRBWheel"; selection="wheel_2_2_damper"; }; class wheel_2_3_Damage : wheel_1_1_Damage { source="HitRMWheel"; selection="wheel_2_3_damper"; }; class wheel_2_4_Damage : wheel_1_1_Damage { source="HitRF2Wheel"; selection="wheel_2_4_damper"; }; class wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim : wheel_1_1_Damage { selection="wheel_1_1_damper"; offset1 = -1.2*DamageOffset; }; class wheel_1_2_Damper_Damage_BackAnim : wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim { source="HitLBWheel"; selection="wheel_1_2_damper"; }; class wheel_1_3_Damper_Damage_BackAnim : wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim { source="HitLMWheel"; selection="wheel_1_3_damper"; }; class wheel_1_4_Damper_Damage_BackAnim : wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim { source="HitLF2Wheel"; selection="wheel_1_4_damper"; }; class wheel_2_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim : wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim { source="HitRFWheel"; selection="wheel_2_1_damper"; }; class wheel_2_2_Damper_Damage_BackAnim : wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim { source="HitRBWheel"; selection="wheel_2_2_damper"; }; class wheel_2_3_Damper_Damage_BackAnim : wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim { source="HitRMWheel"; selection="wheel_2_3_damper"; }; class wheel_2_4_Damper_Damage_BackAnim : wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim { source="HitRF2Wheel"; selection="wheel_2_4_damper"; }; class Glass1_destruct { type="hide"; selection="glass1"; source="HitGlass1"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; hidevalue = 0.99999; }; class Glass2_destruct : Glass1_destruct { selection="glass2"; source="HitGlass2"; }; class Glass3_destruct : Glass1_destruct { selection="glass3"; source="HitGlass3"; }; class Glass4_destruct : Glass1_destruct { selection="glass4"; source="HitGlass4"; }; class Glass5_destruct : Glass1_destruct { selection="glass5"; source="HitGlass5"; }; class Fuel : Rotation { source="fuel"; selection="fuel"; axis="fuel_axis"; maxValue=1; memory=1; angle0="rad -110"; angle1=0; }; class IndicatorSpeed : Rotation { source="speed"; selection="mph"; axis="mph_axis"; memory=1; maxValue=38.900002; angle1="rad -265"; }; class IndicatorFuel : Rotation { type="rotation"; source="fuel"; selection="fuel_1"; axis="fuel_1_axis"; memory=1; minValue=0.000000; maxValue=1.000000; angle0=-0.087266; angle1=-1.658063; }; class IndicatorRPM : Rotation { source="rpm"; selection="rpm"; axis="rpm_axis"; memory=1; angle1="rad 80"; }; class DrivingWheel : Rotation { source="drivingWheel"; selection="drivewheel"; axis="drivewheel_axis"; minValue=-1; maxValue=1; angle0=(rad 80); angle1=(rad -80); }; class Steering_1_1 { type="rotationY"; source="drivingWheel"; selection="wheel_1_1_steering"; axis="wheel_1_1_steering_axis"; memory=1; minValue= -1; maxValue= 1; angle0=1.047198; angle1=-1.047198; }; class Steering_2_1 : Steering_1_1 { selection="wheel_2_1_steering"; axis="wheel_2_1_steering_axis"; }; class Wheel_1_1 { type="rotationX"; source="wheel"; selection="wheel_1_1"; axis="wheel_1_1_axis"; memory=1; sourceAddress="loop"; minValue=0; maxValue=1; angle0=0; angle1="rad -360"; }; class wheel_2_1 : Wheel_1_1 { selection="wheel_2_1"; axis="wheel_2_1_axis"; }; class wheel_1_2 : Wheel_1_1 { selection="wheel_1_2"; axis="wheel_1_2_axis"; }; class wheel_1_3 : Wheel_1_1 { selection="wheel_1_3"; axis="wheel_1_3_axis"; }; class Wheel_2_2 : Wheel_1_1 { selection="wheel_2_2"; axis="wheel_2_2_axis"; }; class Wheel_2_3 : Wheel_1_1 { selection="wheel_2_3"; axis="wheel_2_3_axis"; }; class Wheel_1_4 : Wheel_1_1 { selection="wheel_1_4"; axis="wheel_1_4_axis"; }; class Wheel_2_4 : Wheel_1_1 { selection="wheel_2_4"; axis="wheel_2_4_axis"; }; class Wheel_1_1_Damper { type="translation"; source="damper"; selection="wheel_1_1_damper_land"; axis="posun wheel_1_1"; animPeriod = 1; minValue="0"; maxValue="1"; offset0= "0.5"; offset1= "-0.5"; memory=1; }; class wheel_2_1_Damper : Wheel_1_1_Damper { selection="wheel_2_1_damper_land"; }; class wheel_1_2_Damper : Wheel_1_1_Damper { selection="wheel_1_2_damper_land"; }; class Wheel_2_2_Damper : Wheel_1_1_Damper { selection="wheel_2_2_damper_land"; }; class daylights { type="hide"; source="rpm"; selection="daylights"; minValue=-0.8; maxValue=0.2; unhidevalue=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; }; class reverse_light { type="Hide"; selection="reverse_light"; sourceAddress="clamp"; source="Gear"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 0; hideValue = "0.2"; }; }; }; class Dingo2A2 : Car { skeletonName = "Dingo"; sectionsInherit = "Car"; sections[] = { "camo1", "camo2", "camo5", "camo6", }; class Animations : Animations { class wheel_1_1_Damage : wheel_1_1_Damage { offset1=0.18000001; }; class wheel_1_2_Damage : wheel_1_2_Damage { offset1=0.18000001; }; class wheel_2_1_Damage : wheel_2_1_Damage { offset1=0.18000001; }; class wheel_2_2_Damage : wheel_2_2_Damage { offset1=0.18000001; }; class wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim : wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim { offset1=-0.18000001; }; class wheel_1_2_Damper_Damage_BackAnim : wheel_1_2_Damper_Damage_BackAnim { offset1=-0.18000001; }; class wheel_2_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim : wheel_2_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim { offset1=-0.18000001; }; class wheel_2_2_Damper_Damage_BackAnim : wheel_2_2_Damper_Damage_BackAnim { offset1=-0.18000001; }; class DrivingWheel { type="rotation"; source="drivingWheel"; selection="drivewheel"; axis="drivewheel_axis"; memory=1; minValue=-1; maxValue=1; angle0=(rad 70); angle1=(rad -70); }; class Steering_1_1 { type="rotationY"; source="drivingWheel"; selection="wheel_1_1_steering"; axis="wheel_1_1_steering_axis"; memory=1; minValue="rad -90"; maxValue="rad +90"; angle0=1.0471981; angle1=-1.0471981; }; class Steering_2_1 : Steering_1_1 { selection="wheel_2_1_steering"; axis="wheel_2_1_steering_axis"; angle0=1.0471981; angle1=-1.0471981; }; class IndicatorSpeed : Rotation { source="speed"; selection="mph"; axis="mph_axis"; memory=1; maxValue=28; angle0=0.17453299; angle1=-3.141593; }; class IndicatorRPM : Rotation { type="rotation"; source="rpm"; selection="rpm"; axis="rpm_axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=7500; angle0=(rad 0); angle1=(rad 250); }; class fuel { type="rotation"; source="fuel"; selection="fuel"; axis="fuel_axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; angle0=0; angle1="rad +55"; }; class prop_01 { type="rotation"; source="rpm"; selection="prop_1"; axis="prop_1_axis"; memory=1; minValue=1000; maxValue=7000; angle0="rad 30"; angle1="rad 35"; }; class daylights { type="hide"; source="rpm"; selection="daylights"; minValue=-0.8; maxValue=0.2; unhidevalue=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; }; class reverse_light { type="Hide"; selection="reverse_light"; sourceAddress="clamp"; source="Gear"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 0; hideValue = "0.2"; }; class damageHidedoor1 : damageHide { selection="door1"; }; class damageHidedoor2 : damageHide { selection="door2"; }; class Glass5_destruct { type="hide"; selection="glass5"; source="HitGlass5"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; hidevalue = 0.99999; }; class Wheel_1_1_Damper : Wheel_1_1_Damper { type="translation"; source="damper"; selection="wheel_1_1_damper_land"; axis="posun wheel_1_1"; animPeriod = 1; minValue="0"; maxValue="1"; offset0= "0.5"; offset1= "-0.5"; memory=1; }; class wheel_2_1_Damper : Wheel_1_1_Damper { selection="wheel_2_1_damper_land"; }; class wheel_1_2_Damper : Wheel_1_1_Damper { selection="wheel_1_2_damper_land"; }; class Wheel_2_2_Damper : Wheel_1_1_Damper { selection="wheel_2_2_damper_land"; }; }; }; }; And the config.cpp: #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class DefaultEventhandlers; class CfgPatches { class Ares_Dingo { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.50; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Soft_F"}; }; }; class WeaponFireGun; class WeaponCloudsGun; class WeaponFireMGun; class WeaponCloudsMGun; class RCWSOptics; class CfgVehicles { class LandVehicle; // External class reference class Car : LandVehicle { class NewTurret; // External class reference }; class Car_F : Car { class AnimationSources; // External class reference class Turrets { class MainTurret : NewTurret {}; }; class HitPoints { class HitLFWheel; // External class reference class HitLF2Wheel; // External class reference class HitRFWheel; // External class reference class HitRF2Wheel; // External class reference class HitGlass1; // External class reference class HitGlass2; // External class reference class HitGlass3; // External class reference class HitGlass4; // External class reference class HitGlass5; // External class reference }; }; class Dingo_Base: Car_F { mapSize = 5; author = "Ares Military and BIS"; displayName = "Dingo2A2"; nameSound = "veh_car"; scope = private; side = TWest; faction = BLU_F; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_A3_CfgVehicles_MRAP_01_Base_Library0"; }; model = "Dingo\Dingo2A2.p3d"; Picture = "Dingo\data\UI\pictures\Dingo_Picture.paa"; Icon = "Dingo\data\UI\icons\Dingo_Icon.paa"; transportMaxBackpacks = 6; vehicleClass = "Car"; transportSoldier = 5; crewVulnerable = false; crewCrashProtection = 0.15; armor = 40; cost = 100000; threat[] = {0.8, 0.6, 0.3}; class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = {}; }; HiddenSelections[] = {camo1,camo2,camo3}; HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Dingo/data/TestTexture_co.paa", "Dingo/data/TestTexture_co.paa", "Dingo/data/TestTexture_co.paa"}; class AnimationSources: AnimationSources { class HitGlass1; class HitGlass5 : HitGlass1 { hitpoint="HitGlass5"; }; }; class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitEngine { armor=0.5; material=-1; name="engine"; visual=""; passThrough=1; }; class HitGlass1 : HitGlass1 { armor=1; }; class HitGlass2 : HitGlass2 { armor=1; }; class HitGlass3 : HitGlass3 { armor=1; }; class HitGlass4 : HitGlass4 { armor=1; }; class HitGlass5 : HitGlass4 { name="glass5"; visual="glass5"; }; class HitLFWheel : HitLFWheel { armor = 0.12; explosionShielding = 0.8; }; class HitLF2Wheel : HitLF2Wheel { armor = 0.12; explosionShielding = 0.8; }; class HitRFWheel : HitRFWheel { armor = 0.12; explosionShielding = 0.8; }; class HitRF2Wheel : HitRF2Wheel { armor = 0.12; explosionShielding = 0.8; }; class HitFuel { armor=0.14; material=-1; name="fueltank"; visual=""; passThrough=1; }; }; wheelDamageThreshold = 0.7; wheelDestroyThreshold = 0.99; wheelDamageRadiusCoef = 0.95; wheelDestroyRadiusCoef = 0.45; crew = "B_Soldier_F"; typicalCargo[] = {"B_Soldier_F","B_Soldier_F","B_Soldier_F", "B_Soldier_F", "B_Soldier_F"}; driverAction = "driver_MRAP_01"; cargoAction[] = {"passenger_MRAP_01_front", "passenger_MRAP_01_back", "passenger_generic01_foldhands", "passenger_generic01_foldhands"}; cargoIsCoDriver[] = {true,false,false,false,false}; getInAction = "GetInMRAP_01"; getOutAction = "GetOutMRAP_01"; cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetInMRAP_01_cargo"}; cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutMRAP_01"}; castDriverShadow = false; commanderCanSee = 31; hideWeaponsDriver = true; hideWeaponsCargo = true; driverDoor = ""; cargoDoors[] = {}; terrainCoef = 2.0; turnCoef = 4; steerAheadSimul = 0.4; steerAheadPlan = 0.2; predictTurnPlan = 0.9; predictTurnSimul = 0.5; precision = 15; smokeLauncherGrenadeCount = 8; smokeLauncherVelocity = 14; smokeLauncherOnTurret = 0; smokeLauncherAngle = 360; weapons[] = {"TruckHorn2"}; magazines[] = {}; attenuationEffectType = "CarAttenuation"; soundGetIn[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\getin", 0.562341, 1}; soundGetOut[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\getout", 0.562341, 1, 40}; soundDammage[] = {"", 0.562341, 1}; soundEngineOnInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_start", 0.354813, 1.0}; soundEngineOnExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_start", 1.0, 1.0, 200}; soundEngineOffInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_stop", 0.354813, 1.0}; soundEngineOffExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_stop", 1.0, 1.0, 200}; buildCrash0[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_building_01", 1.77828, 1, 200}; buildCrash1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_building_02", 1.77828, 1, 200}; buildCrash2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_building_03", 1.77828, 1, 200}; buildCrash3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_building_04", 1.77828, 1, 200}; soundBuildingCrash[] = {"buildCrash0", 0.25, "buildCrash1", 0.25, "buildCrash2", 0.25, "buildCrash3", 0.25}; WoodCrash0[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_mix_wood_01", 1.77828, 1, 200}; WoodCrash1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_mix_wood_02", 1.77828, 1, 200}; WoodCrash2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_mix_wood_03", 1.77828, 1, 200}; WoodCrash3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_mix_wood_04", 1.77828, 1, 200}; WoodCrash4[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_mix_wood_05", 1.77828, 1, 200}; WoodCrash5[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_mix_wood_06", 1.77828, 1, 200}; soundWoodCrash[] = {"woodCrash0", 0.166, "woodCrash1", 0.166, "woodCrash2", 0.166, "woodCrash3", 0.166, "woodCrash4", 0.166, "woodCrash5", 0.166}; ArmorCrash0[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_vehicle_01", 1.77828, 1, 200}; ArmorCrash1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_vehicle_02", 1.77828, 1, 200}; ArmorCrash2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_vehicle_03", 1.77828, 1, 200}; ArmorCrash3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_vehicle_04", 1.77828, 1, 200}; soundArmorCrash[] = {"ArmorCrash0", 0.25, "ArmorCrash1", 0.25, "ArmorCrash2", 0.25, "ArmorCrash3", 0.25}; class Sounds { class Idle_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_idle", 0.398107, 1, 150}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(800/ 4500),(1400/ 4500)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(600/ 4500),(1100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1800/ 4500),(1300/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_low1", db-7, 1, 250}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(2100/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(1800/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2300/ 4500),(2000/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine1_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_low2", 0.562341, 1, 300}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2100/ 4500),(2800/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1900/ 4500),(2300/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3000/ 4500),(2500/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine2_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_mid", db-3, 1, 350}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2800/ 4500),(3600/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2500/ 4500),(3100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(4500/ 4500),(3700/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine3_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_high", db0, 1, 400}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3600/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3800/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])"; }; class IdleThrust { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_idle", 0.562341, 1, 200}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(800/ 4500),(1400/ 4500)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(600/ 4500),(1100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1800/ 4500),(1300/ 4500)]))"; }; class EngineThrust { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_low1", db-3, 1, 350}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(2100/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(1800/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2300/ 4500),(2000/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine1_Thrust_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_low2", db-1, 1, 400}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2100/ 4500),(2800/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1900/ 4500),(2300/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3000/ 4500),(2500/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine2_Thrust_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_mid", db1, 1, 425}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2800/ 4500),(3600/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2500/ 4500),(3100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(4500/ 4500),(3700/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine3_Thrust_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_high", db2, 1, 450}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3600/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3800/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])"; }; class Idle_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_idle", db-12, 1}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(800/ 4500),(1400/ 4500)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(600/ 4500),(1100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1800/ 4500),(1300/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_low1", db-10, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(2100/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(1800/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2300/ 4500),(2000/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine1_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_low2", 0.398107, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2100/ 4500),(2800/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1900/ 4500),(2300/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3000/ 4500),(2500/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine2_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_mid", db-6, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2800/ 4500),(3600/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2500/ 4500),(3100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(4500/ 4500),(3700/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine3_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_high", 0.630957, 1}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3600/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3800/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])"; }; class IdleThrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_idle", db-9, 1}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(800/ 4500),(1400/ 4500)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(600/ 4500),(1100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1800/ 4500),(1300/ 4500)]))"; }; class EngineThrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_low1", db-7, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(2100/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(1800/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2300/ 4500),(2000/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine1_Thrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_low2", 0.562341, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2100/ 4500),(2800/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1900/ 4500),(2300/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3000/ 4500),(2500/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine2_Thrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_mid", db-3, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2800/ 4500),(3600/ 4500)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2500/ 4500),(3100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(4500/ 4500),(3700/ 4500)]))"; }; class Engine3_Thrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_high", db-2, 1}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3600/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3800/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])"; }; class Movement { sound = "soundEnviron"; frequency = "1"; volume = "0"; }; class TiresRockOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_dirt_soft_1", db3, 1.0, 60}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresSandOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext-tires-sand1", db3, 1.0, 60}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresGrassOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_dirt_soft_2", db2, 1.0, 60}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresMudOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext-tires-mud2", db1, 1.0, 60}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresGravelOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_gravel_1", db2, 1.0, 60}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresAsphaltOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_asfalt_2", db1, 1.0, 60}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class NoiseOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\noise_ext_car_3", db1, 1.0, 90}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*(damper0 max 0.02)*(speed factor[0, 8])"; }; class TiresRockIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_dirt_soft_1", db-3, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresSandIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int-tires-sand2", db-3, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresGrassIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_dirt_soft_2", db-3, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresMudIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int-tires-mud2", db-3, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresGravelIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_gravel_1", db-3, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class TiresAsphaltIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_asfalt_2", db-3, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])"; }; class NoiseIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\noise_int_car_3", 0.562341, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(damper0 max 0.1)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)"; }; class breaking_ext_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_04", db-3, 1, 80}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*asphalt*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 10])"; }; class acceleration_ext_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02", db-3, 1, 80}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*asphalt*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])"; }; class turn_left_ext_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02", db-3, 1, 80}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*asphalt*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class turn_right_ext_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02", db-3, 1, 80}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*asphalt*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class breaking_ext_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_14_dirt_breaking", db-3, 1, 60}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-asphalt)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 10])"; }; class acceleration_ext_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\acceleration_dirt_ext_1", db-3, 1, 60}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-asphalt)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])"; }; class turn_left_ext_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_18_dirt", db-3, 1, 60}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-asphalt)*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class turn_right_ext_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_18_dirt", db-3, 1, 60}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-asphalt)*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class breaking_int_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_04_int", db-10, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*asphalt*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 6])"; }; class acceleration_int_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int", db-10, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*asphalt*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])"; }; class turn_left_int_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int", db-10, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*asphalt*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class turn_right_int_road { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int", db-10, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*asphalt*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class breaking_int_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_14_dirt_breaking_int", db-10, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*(1-asphalt)*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 6])"; }; class acceleration_int_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\acceleration_dirt_int_1", db-10, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*(1-asphalt)*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])"; }; class turn_left_int_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_18_dirt_int", db-10, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*(1-asphalt)*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; class turn_right_int_dirt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_18_dirt_int", db-10, 1}; frequency = 1; volume = "engineOn*(1-asphalt)*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])"; }; }; thrustDelay = 0.1; brakeIdleSpeed = 1.78; maxSpeed = 115; fuelCapacity = 94; wheelCircumference = 3.5168; antiRollbarForceCoef = 12; antiRollbarForceLimit = 10; antiRollbarSpeedMin = 20; antiRollbarSpeedMax = 50; idleRpm = 800; redRpm = 4500; class complexGearbox { GearboxRatios[] = {"R1", -3.182, "N", 0, "D1", 4.182, "D2", 2.318, "D3", 1.85, "D4", 1.65, "D5", 1.45}; TransmissionRatios[] = {"High", 5.539}; gearBoxMode = "auto"; moveOffGear = 1; driveString = "D"; neutralString = "N"; reverseString = "R"; }; simulation = "carx"; dampersBumpCoef = 6.0; differentialType = "all_limited"; frontRearSplit = 0.5; frontBias = 1.3; rearBias = 1.3; centreBias = 1.3; clutchStrength = 20.0; enginePower = 276; maxOmega = 471; peakTorque = 1253; dampingRateFullThrottle = 0.08; dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged = 2.0; dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged = 0.35; torqueCurve[] = {{0.0, 0.0}, {0.178, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.85}, {0.4, 0.9}, {0.5, 1.0}, {0.725, 0.95}, {0.85, 0.6}, {1.0, 0.3}}; changeGearMinEffectivity[] = {0.95, 0.15, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95}; switchTime = 0.31; latency = 1.0; class Wheels { class LF { boneName = "wheel_1_1"; steering = 1; side = "left"; center = "Wheel_1_1_Axis"; boundary = "Wheel_1_1_bound"; width = 0.2; mass = 150; MOI = 40; dampingRate = 0.1; dampingRateDamaged = 1.0; dampingRateDestroyed = 1000.0; maxBrakeTorque = 22500; maxHandBrakeTorque = 0; suspTravelDirection[] = {0, -1, 0}; suspForceAppPointOffset = "Wheel_1_1_Axis"; tireForceAppPointOffset = "Wheel_1_1_Axis"; maxCompression = 0.15; mMaxDroop = 0.15; sprungMass = 2066; springStrength = 201234; springDamperRate = 20600.6; longitudinalStiffnessPerUnitGravity = 5000; latStiffX = 25; latStiffY = 180; frictionVsSlipGraph[] = {{0, 1}, {0.5, 1}, {1, 1}}; }; class LR : LF { boneName = "wheel_1_2"; steering = 0; center = "Wheel_1_2_Axis"; boundary = "Wheel_1_2_bound"; suspForceAppPointOffset = "Wheel_1_2_Axis"; tireForceAppPointOffset = "Wheel_1_2_Axis"; maxHandBrakeTorque = 275000; }; class RF : LF { boneName = "Wheel_2_1"; center = "Wheel_2_1_Axis"; boundary = "Wheel_2_1_bound"; suspForceAppPointOffset = "Wheel_2_1_Axis"; tireForceAppPointOffset = "Wheel_2_1_Axis"; steering = 1; side = "right"; }; class RR : RF { boneName = "wheel_2_2"; steering = 0; center = "Wheel_2_2_Axis"; boundary = "Wheel_2_2_bound"; suspForceAppPointOffset = "Wheel_2_2_Axis"; tireForceAppPointOffset = "Wheel_2_2_Axis"; maxHandBrakeTorque = 275000; }; }; supplyRadius = 5; transportMaxMagazines = 90; class TransportMagazines { class _xx_30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag { magazine = "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"; count = 16; }; class _xx_100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag { magazine = "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"; count = 8; }; class _xx_HandGrenade { magazine = "HandGrenade"; count = 10; }; class _xx_1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell { magazine = "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"; count = 10; }; class _xx_1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell { magazine = "1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell"; count = 4; }; class _xx_1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell { magazine = "1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell"; count = 4; }; class _xx_1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell { magazine = "1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell"; count = 4; }; class _xx_1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell { magazine = "1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell"; count = 4; }; class _xx_16Rnd_9x21_Mag { magazine = "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; count = 12; }; class _xx_SmokeShell { magazine = "SmokeShell"; count = 4; }; class _xx_SmokeShellGreen { magazine = "SmokeShellGreen"; count = 4; }; class _xx_SmokeShellOrange { magazine = "SmokeShellOrange"; count = 4; }; class _xx_SmokeShellBlue { magazine = "SmokeShellBlue"; count = 4; }; class _xx_NLAW_F { magazine = NLAW_F; count = 2; }; }; class TransportItems { class _xx_FirstAidKit { name = "FirstAidKit"; count = 10; }; }; class TransportWeapons { class _xx_arifle_MX_F { weapon = "arifle_MX_F"; count = 2; }; }; enableGPS = true; soundServo[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\noises\servo_best", db-40, 1.0,10}; radarType = 4; }; class Dingo_F : Dingo_Base { scope = public; class Turrets {}; }; }; Thanks in advance for your help :)
  2. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    I got rid of problem number 4 and recognized that problem number 1 has something to do with the model.cfg because when I load the mod without the model.cfg it is visible...
  3. Miroslaw Kowalski

    First try to port guns from A2 to A3

    You have to unpack them from the games pbos I think...
  4. Miroslaw Kowalski

    ASM - Arma Samples Mod

    Are you going to publish the source files? Can you maybe take a look at my thread because I have some problems with porting one of the sample models to arma 3: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169693-Need-help-with-porting-a-Dingo-to-ArmA-3
  5. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    If I look at the model with Buldozer it looks correct. Not invisible at all...
  6. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    Thanks for reminding me :) changed it hopefully this is right... do you know what is uncorrect?
  7. Miroslaw Kowalski

    [WIP] IkaR F-16

    Looks awesome!! Maybe you can implement an interactive cockpit? Would be really cool...
  8. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    I realised that I didn't have a LandContact LOD...made one but still doesn't drive :(
  9. Hey Guys, I'm trying to convert my ship which was running with "simulation = "ship"" to "simulation = "shipx"". So I made a Geometry Phys LOD in the new version of Oxygen 2 and changed "ship" to "shipx" but after importing this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LVIpI2zi2g&feature=youtu.be) happens and i can't move...Also the icon of the ship isn't appearing anymore. Here is the config: #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class Ares_Patrolboat_F { units[] = {"patrolboat"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Boat_F_Boat_Armed_01"}; }; }; class DefaultEventhandlers; class RCWSOptics; class Turrets; class Newturret; class CfgVehicles { class Ship; class patrolboat : Ship { mapsize = 75; displayName = "Ares Patrolboat"; vehicleClass = "ship"; driverCanSee = 31; commanderCanSee = 31; gunnerCanSee = 31; radarType = 7; LockDetectionSystem = 8 + 4; IncomingMissileDetectionSystem = 16; irScanRangeMin = 500; irScanRangeMax = 200000; irScanToEyeFactor = 18; scope = 2; crew = "B_soldier_F"; faction = ares; side = TWest; typicalCargo[] = {"B_Soldier_F", "B_Soldier_F"}; class TransportItems { class _xx_FirstAidKit { name = "FirstAidKit"; count = 10; }; class _xx_medikit { name = "medikit"; count = 1; }; }; armor = 2000; armorStructural = 40.0; accuracy = 0.5; model = "\patrolboat\patrolboat.p3d"; Icon = "\patrolboat\data\UI\map_patrolboat.paa"; unitInfoType = "UnitInfoShip"; insideSoundCoef = 0; soundEngineOnInt[] = {"a3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\Boat_Armed_01\Boat_Armed_01-ext-start-02", 1.0, 1.0}; soundEngineOnExt[] = {"a3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\Boat_Armed_01\Boat_Armed_01-ext-start-02", 1.0, 1.0, 200}; soundEngineOffInt[] = {"a3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\Boat_Armed_01\Boat_Armed_01-ext-stop-02", 1.0, 1.0}; soundEngineOffExt[] = {"a3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\Boat_Armed_01\Boat_Armed_01-ext-stop-02", 1.0, 1.0, 200}; class Sounds { class IdleOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\Boat_Armed_01\Boat_Armed_01-idle-2", db5, 1.0, 300}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 1200) factor[(100/ 1200),(300/ 1200)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*(((rpm/ 1200) factor[(0/ 1200),(30/ 1200)]) * ((rpm/ 1200) factor[(500/ 1200),(300/ 1200)]))"; }; class Engine { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\Boat_Armed_01\Boat_Armed_01-low-2", db10, 1.0, 450}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 1200) factor[(300/ 1200),(600/ 1200)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(((rpm/ 1200) factor[(150/ 1200),(250/ 1200)]) * ((rpm/ 1200) factor[(600/ 1200),(400/ 1200)]))"; }; class EngineMidOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\Boat_Armed_01\Boat_Armed_01-mid-2", db10, 1.0, 500}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 1200) factor[(600/ 1200),(900/ 1200)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(((rpm/ 1200) factor[(350/ 1200),(500/ 1200)]) * ((rpm/ 1200) factor[(1000/ 1200),(700/ 1200)]))"; }; class EngineMaxOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\Boat_Armed_01\Boat_Armed_01-high-2", 5.62341, 1.0, 600}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 1200) factor[(700/ 1200),(1000/ 1200)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*((rpm/ 1200) factor[(800/ 1200),(1200/ 1200)])"; }; class WaternoiseOutW0 { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\SFX\voda-o-bok-lodi-0-speed1", db-10, 1.0, 250}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(speed factor[4, 1])"; }; class WaternoiseOutW1 { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\SFX\voda-o-bok-lodi-20-speed", db-10, 1.0, 250}; frequency = "1"; volume = "((speed factor[2, 6]) min (speed factor[6, 4]))"; }; class WaternoiseOutW2 { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\SFX\voda-o-bok-lodi-50-speed", db-10, 1.0, 250}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(speed factor[3, 9])"; }; }; class HitPoints { class HitBody { armor = 0.7; material = 50; name = "karoserie"; visual = "zbytek"; passThrough = true; }; class HitEngine { armor = 0.12; material = -1; name = "Engine"; visual = ""; passThrough = true; }; class HitTurret { armor = 0.7; material = -1; name = "otochlaven"; visual = "otochlaven"; passThrough = true; }; }; hasDriver=true; hasGunner=false; hasCommander=false; driverLeftHandAnimName = "drivewheel"; driverRightHandAnimName = "drivewheel"; driverAction = "driver_boat01"; getInAction = "GetInMedium"; getOutAction = "GetOutMedium"; cargoAction[] = {"passenger_generic01_foldhands", "passenger_generic01_leanleft", "passenger_generic01_leanright", "passenger_generic01_foldhands", "passenger_generic01_leanleft", "passenger_generic01_leanright", "passenger_generic01_foldhands", "passenger_generic01_leanleft", "passenger_generic01_leanright", "passenger_generic01_foldhands", "passenger_generic01_leanleft", "passenger_generic01_leanright"}; cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetInMedium"}; cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutMedium"}; castDriverShadow = true; castCargoShadow = true; driverhasflares = true; gunnerHasFlares = false; gunneriscommander= true; enableGPS = 1; transportSoldier = 12; cost = 10000; supplyRadius = 3; precision = 15; steerAheadSimul = 0.5; steerAheadPlan = 0.35; predictTurnPlan = 0.8; predictTurnSimul = 0.6; brakeDistance = 60.0; // vehicle movement precision acceleration = 15; turnCoef = 0.45; maxSpeed = 60; // max speed on level road, km/h simulation = "shipx"; thrustDelay = 2; overSpeedBrakeCoef = 0.2; enginePower = 66200; engineShiftY = -10.100; waterLeakiness = 200; waterLinearDampingCoefY = 10; waterLinearDampingCoefX = 2.0; waterAngularDampingCoef = 30; waterResistanceCoef = 0.0015; rudderForceCoef = 14; rudderForceCoefAtMaxSpeed = 18; idleRpm = 200; redRpm = 1200; class complexGearbox { GearboxRatios[] = {"R1", -0.782, "N", 0, "D1", 2}; TransmissionRatios[] = {"High", 1.0}; gearBoxMode = "auto"; moveOffGear = 1; driveString = "D"; neutralString = "N"; reverseString = "R"; }; enableManualFire = 0; smokeLauncherGrenadeCount = 20; smokeLauncherVelocity = 14; smokeLauncherOnTurret = 0; smokeLauncherAngle = 180; magazines[] = {"60Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine","60Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine","60Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine","60Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine","60Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine","60Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine","60Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"}; weapons[] = {"CMFlareLauncher"}; /*class Exhausts { class Exhaust1 { position = "Exhaust1"; direction = "Exhaust1_dir"; effect = "DamageSmokePlane"; }; };*/ memoryPointsLeftWaterEffect = "waterEffectL"; memoryPointsRightWaterEffect = "waterEffectR"; leftFastWaterEffect = "LFastWaterEffects"; rightFastWaterEffect = "RFastWaterEffects"; waterEffectSpeed = 5; engineEffectSpeed = 5; waterFastEffectSpeed = 18; class Turrets : Turrets { }; extCameraPosition[] = {0, 30, -70.0}; class Reflectors { class Left { color[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; ambient[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0}; position = "light_left"; direction = "light_left_dir"; hitpoint = "light_left"; selection = "light_left"; size = 0.5; brightness = 0.6; }; }; aggregateReflectors[] = {{"Left"}}; //hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo", "Camo2", "Camo3"}; }; }; Thanks for your help :) PS: If you need the model and the other things: http://www.file-upload.net/download-8317223/patrolboat.rar.html
  10. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    Yes, I am using the new tools...I have everything...Geometry Phys, Geometry, Buoyancy, and so on...
  11. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    I still have no idea guys...someone please help me? Thank you
  12. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    Where can I find the displacement LOD? Or is it called Buoyancy? If so I have one.
  13. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    Where can I find the displacement LOD? I mean if I create a new LOD and click "Properties" I don't find something called "displacement"
  14. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    What is a displacement LOD?
  15. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    Yeah I thought the same...Do I need to cut off something of the geometry LOD at the bottom like I had to do for the old Physics?
  16. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    http://www.file-upload.net/download-8337064/patrolboat.rar.html I think I have to thank YOU because YOU want to help ME :D
  17. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    a picture to show the problem: http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/201311260000cpfaq9mlz8.jpg Also the ship doesn't move a bit when trying to move it...
  18. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    Awesome! Now it's floating on the watervery nicely :D But it doesn't sink as much in the water as it should do and it isn't moving anymore...
  19. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    Oh my god, I'm so silly...I forget this every time I change my Geometry LOD...
  20. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    Hello, It's not working...maybe I am doing something wrong but I am getting really frustrated :D If you have some time please take a look at my project files (model or config) and tell me what is wrong with them. Project files: http://www.file-upload.net/download-8332202/patrolboat.rar.html Thank you very much
  21. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    Thank you :)
  22. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    Okay thank you...can I somehow make things convex in Oxygen 2 because the function in Blender doesn't work...
  23. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    How can I make the geometries convex? Edit: Which LODs need to be convex? Now I have Geometry, Geometry Phys and Geometry Buoyancy convex...
  24. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    Take your time :D I wont rush you :D
  25. Miroslaw Kowalski

    PhysX Problem with ship

    Thank you for showing me this thread :) Now I got it working like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RnIFPtcVsQ&feature=youtu.be&hd=1 So the ship is sinking but I can accelerate in the water...but as soon as I accelerate it flips over and my character drowns. What am I doing wrong? Here are my project files if you need them: http://www.file-upload.net/download-8323542/patrolboat.rar.html Thanks for your help