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Miroslaw Kowalski

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Everything posted by Miroslaw Kowalski

  1. Miroslaw Kowalski

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    The Guy who ported the F35(chortles) is still working on it so be patient! Maybe make it yourself if you think the actual port is made by a Person with too few skill
  2. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Challenger 2 MBT UK Help

    For the hole you may look at the 'Boolean' modifier :)
  3. Miroslaw Kowalski

    [wip] f-35b

    Send me a PM if you want and I'll give you my Steam or Skype username ;)
  4. Miroslaw Kowalski

    [wip] f-35b

    Nice work :) I started working on exactly the same thing two days ago and have reached the same state so far...i attached the missiles to the wingtips and was thinking of adding an useraction for opening the weaponbays and unlocking the ability of dropping bombs by doing so :) Keep up working on this!
  5. Hey guys, I'm working on a Dingo and wanted to get the turret working but It's just working like shown in this video I made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNCzfHrCISA I'm getting this error: Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Dingo_MG_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/: Turret body turret not found while initializing the model dingo\dingo2a2mg.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Dingo_MG_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/: Turret gun gun not found while initializing the model dingo\dingo2a2mg.p3d But I'm pretty sure that I assigned them correctly: config.cpp and model.cfg Also (you can see it in the video, too) I have some problems with the Animations for hiding the camonet. Would be nice if someone is able to help me :) Thanks in Advance
  6. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with refining a Vehicle :)

    Does anyone have an idea?
  7. Hello guys, I'm working on a Dingo (I'm using the A2SampleModels) and now want to add some things that make it more beautiful. For example mirrors, collision lights and a camonet which can be hidden by the user. So question/problem number one: class RenderTargets { class LeftMirror { renderTarget = "rendertarget0"; class CameraView1 { pointPosition = "PIP0_pos"; pointDirection = "PIP0_dir"; renderQuality = 2; renderVisionMode = 4; fov = 0.7; }; }; }; I wrote this in my config and added the memoryPoints to the model but it looks like this: And number two: How can I add collision lights to my vehicle? And finally number three: I wrote this in the model.cfg: class camoNetHide { type = "hide"; source = "user"; selection = "camonet"; hideValue = 1.0; unhideValue = 0.0; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; }; and this in the config.cpp: class UserActions : UserActions { class deploy_camo_net { userActionID = 80; displayName = "Deploy Camonet"; displayNameDefault = ""; position = "axis_speed"; radius = 3.5; animPeriod = 2; onlyForPlayer = false; condition = "Alive (this)"; condition = "this animationPhase ""camoNetHide"" > 0.5 AND Alive (this)"; statement = "this animate [""camoNetHide"", 0];"; }; class undeploy_camo_net : deploy_camo_net { userActionID = 81; displayName = "Undeploy Camonet"; condition = "Alive (this)"; condition = "this animationPhase ""camoNetHide"" < 0.5 AND Alive (this)"; statement = "this animate [""camoNetHide"", 1];"; }; }; but nothing happens...the action is there but I can't hide the net... that's it....for now :D Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas :)
  8. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with refining a Vehicle :)

    Thank you :D I didn't even notice the mirror mistake :D The actions for hiding are working now but the camonet wont hide. I get an error saying something about a missing Animation Source. Maybe I have to add something in a AnimationSources class in the config? How can I create an emissive Material? For the MG I have an error in the .rpt. It says that it couldn't find the Body and the gun of the turret when initializing the model. I named them correctly. Thanks again :)
  9. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with refining a Vehicle :)

    Did you find something? If you hadn't enough time to look at it so far no problem ;) But I have another little problem :( (I think it's just one missing line in the config.cpp or model.cfg) I managed to add an MG to the car but the bullets are always being shot forward. So if i aim at the right the bullets will fly to the front... Here are the config.cpp and the model.cfg: config.cpp and the model.cfg Thank you :)
  10. Miroslaw Kowalski

    What's the story behind your username and avatar?

    Yeah...when i was 10 I signed in into the first forum i ever saw. It was a Yu-Gi-Oh! (a TCG) forum. And I wanted to have a name that represents my favorite card. And as bad as my english was at this time I thought its name was "BusterBlader" (it actually was "Blade Buster"). So I named myself "BusterBlader" which resulted in everyone just calling me "Buster". So I finally ended up with the name "Buster". Avatar....I never ever had one :D lack of ideas (maybe anyone has one?)
  11. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with refining a Vehicle :)

    Okay, that's nice :) Thank you
  12. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with refining a Vehicle :)

    No ideas? The config and the model.cfg are still the same ones as above :)
  13. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with refining a Vehicle :)

    Hey guys :) I made a video showing the progress of the vehicle so far: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNniyIR8GA4&feature=youtu.be But the two problems are still there :( Also the windows are a bit....milky and the rpm indicator is wrong... I hope you can help me :)
  14. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with refining a Vehicle :)

    Oh no forgot to do this will try it tomorrow :) For the lights I mean the same as the planes and helicopters for example have... And the two conditions...that's a mistake I made when pasting the code into my post...the second condition is the one I'm using :) Thank you so far :D
  15. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    Nevermind I fixed it :D But new question: How can I have collisionlights on my car?
  16. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    It's me again :O I have a new little problem with textures and materials. When I start my mission the Dingo always has his damaged texture applied (Image). Do you have any ideas why this is happening? If you need some files tell me :) Thanks in advance
  17. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    Thank you surpher :D I didn't even have the bound points O.o Is working now :)
  18. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    Yeah it's similar to this :) instead of being lowered at the back mine is a little bit lowered on the right...
  19. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    Yes of course :) I'll upload it tomorrow ;)
  20. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    Thank you for the hint on his post it is very useful :) but I couldn't fix anything with it so I think the problem is another :/ I looked in the log file the addon builder is giving me and it says that I had been missing 4 axis and I added them so now every animations (hide wheels, dampers, glass and so on) work but it's still filled with helium :/ config.cpp: http://ideone.com/KcVpmK model.cfg: http://ideone.com/bCYdfA Thanks in advance :)
  21. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Skeldar V-200 WIP

    I really want to play with this awesome mod...are you still working on it?
  22. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    Oh my fu**ing god...I'm so silly -.- I spelled the name of the texture wrong...in my config I named it TestTexture_co and it actually is called testtexture :D But I still have the other problems: 1. The carbody is too high I think 2. The car is accelerating automatically and
  23. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    Does anyone have an idea?
  24. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    Thank you Gnat :) But it happened like before so I commented everything out that had to do with damage (like wheels and so on...) and started ArmA 3...CAR WAS VISIBLE (YAY!!!)...then I started to remove the commentary signs and as soon as I removed the commentary signs from it was invisible again...so something's wrong there but don't know what...maybe it's in my model but didn't find it out. Hopefully someone can help me again :) Here is the model if you need and the script files (config.cpp and model.cfg): Model: http://www.file-upload.net/download-8389185/Dingo2A2.p3d.html <-- APL (Arma Public License - don't use it anywhere that is not ArmA) Config.cpp: http://ideone.com/yMHbRi Model.cfg: http://ideone.com/iPb7s5 Thanks in advance :)
  25. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Need help with porting a Dingo to ArmA 3

    I changed the thing in the model.cfg to fit the config.cpp but didn't help...is it possible that I did something wrong with the "damage animations" (don't know how they're called)? Maybe they're hiding the whole car when not damaged or something like this?