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Miroslaw Kowalski

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Everything posted by Miroslaw Kowalski

  1. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Uniform Texture Wrong

    thank you. I'll try it tomorrow ;)
  2. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Uniform Texture Wrong

    Now it works ;) Thanks. But there are two questions left: why isn't the uniform showing in the inventory? And how can i get the weapon holster like the competitor has? oh and i already wrote a cfgfactions class in another config. but thanks :) thanks Buster
  3. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Uniform Texture Wrong

    Sorry at the moment i can't post the texture. I'm online with my mobile. But i can tell so far it has the same layout as the Competitor texture.
  4. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Write config for Offroad

    Thank you very much. I thought i can make it without a .sqf....but i'm going to make it like this :)
  5. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Write config for Offroad

    Found another thing: I want to have "this animate ["HidePolice", 0]; this animate ["HideBumper2", 0]; this animate ["HideBackpacks", 0];" executed when the car spawns. I know i can write something like: class EventHandlers : EventHandlers{init = ???}; but what should i write after "init ="?
  6. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Write config for Offroad

    Ok so now i have the car working but when i place the car i am spawning as an invisible COMMANDER and a visible AI soldier is driving. so i don't really want to be a commander what do i have to change? edit: its a gunner not a commander. I have two options inside editor: player as driver and player as gunner edited edit: i got it: just add an empty "class Turrets{};" to "class my_Offroad_01 : Offroad_01_base_f{};"
  7. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Write config for Offroad

    Thanks :D I think for now there are no more questions ;)
  8. Miroslaw Kowalski

    Write config for Offroad

    Thanks man :) I have to try it out as soon as i get to my computer. But i have a few more questions: can "class***My_A3_Soft_F_Offroad_01" also be "class***A3_Soft_F_My_Offroad_01"? And what does "_generalMacro" and "scope" mean? Thanks. :)