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Posts posted by Victim9l3

  1. All the talk about frame rates. Do people actually think the fps given in the video section of the configuration option is the in-game fps? The fps in that video section has no reflection of in game frame rates. It only shows the fps of what you are looking at at the time. In-game is considerably less and it constantly changes. I'll agree with fraps for the best way to monitor. I think a lot of the fps improvements in the dev build isn't so much about making fps better than yesterday, but better for higher settings. It seems like dropping to lower quality settings don't make my fps better. Most of my settings have better fps with high qualities.

  2. After troubleshooting this for an hour of repairing the A3 files and reinstalling drivers I have found that the jet above high textures is corrupted. I would say this has happened in the last patch but I haven't played for around a week,reducing to high will fix the issue but now I can't run Ultra textures. :icon_sad:

    http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/2161/lbb2.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    It is the skin that's messed up. I was looking at the skins for it and it's in the "plane_fighter_03_body_1_indp_co.paa". the entire bottom half of the texture is like that.

    I have another really weird issue. I have a battle with many different soldiers and vehicles. I have Madrids start in the water and finish with a "move" waypoint about 400 meters inland. When the battle toned down, I went around looking at how the battle ended up so I can fix things. Every single Madrid finshed back in the water. I have no idea how that could happen. 2 were destroyed and the remainin 4 Madrids all drove the opposite way and got back in the water about 50 meters from shore.

    Why would they do that? Before anyone suggests, I looked at each waypoint and every waypoint was a move and were not told to "engage at will".

    @Kayso, Open your game options and go to layout. Your layout should look like normal, but those that are messed up stay at the middle of the screen like that. Ignore the messed up ones. Click on each item in the layout. Don't move them, just click on them. Then save and exit. Restart the game and your HUD will go back to normal. It's like they reset the HUD settings and clicking on each item basically tells the game that you just placed them.

  3. Hi, i seem to have hud problem since the latest dev branch update. As soon as i load a mission it ll throw couple of variables errors and my hud placement is all wrong , even though it's layout is set the right way in settings. I tried it without mods, tired game cache verification but no luck. Anybody else have experienced such a thing?

    EDIT: alright, i was wrong it has nothing to do with dev branch, i get the same thing in stable branch :/, no idea what caused this.

    I had the same problem. Go to your layout under game options. Everything in that layout screen will still be where you had it but you still see the messed up ones with it. Ignore the messed up ones. Click on every item on your layout screen. You don't have to move them, just click on them. It kinda tells the game that you just put them there, even though you didn't. save and exit the entire game then restart it. Everything should be back to normal after restart.

  4. As for the FIA uniforms - there has been an issue with FIA on OPFOR and Independent side that their soldier didn't have correct uniform in inventory. That is what has been fixed, there was no other change :icon_twisted:

    I hate to say it but that's not true. I have pictures. The marksman used to have that kufiya (or whatever it's called). Now he has a hat. I spawned 5 of them just to make sure the hat wasn't random. Now the rifleman is the only one that has one on.

    here is the before: http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o726/Victim913/arma32013-09-0423-03-01-30_zps329f2608.png

    here is the after: you can also see how the layout got screwed up with last update: http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o726/Victim913/arma32013-09-2609-48-36-57_zps11906e5f.png

    You can also hear hidden/invisible people giving orders.

  5. On the "FIA have better looking uniforms",.. uh,no. The marksman looked a lot better before. He was the only one that looked like him. Now you removed his mask and made him identical to 2 other guys. Now the rifleman is the ONLY one that wears a mask. Their nature should have more of them in masks. ALso, the squad leader and team leader should never look the same. What's the point? Just call him leader. These are rebels, and don't have a uniform. So having them dressed the same, Especially similar classes, doesn't look real. Is it mandatory that all leaders wear a beanie and blue jacket and brown pants? The rest of the group isn't as bad; they have same clothes but hats or equipment or things like that may be different, so they still look natural but team leader and squad leader is identical just a gl on one. Bring more of them with masks.

    (I say masks as a general term, I forgot what those are actually called)

  6. Playing the game lately, I have noticed that footsteps are way too loud. I'm walking on the beach near the dry lake and I keep thinking I'm hearing gunshots but it's actually my teammates footsteps. This is at a lower volume but still noticeable at normal volumes. So I fired my gun (opfor rifleman) and the gun is actually quieter than the footsteps. In fact, later when I was in full combat I team switched and shot at an enemy and I thought maybe I landed in a recon body because I thought I was firing with a silencer. I didn't have a silencer. So maybe someone can check that. Especially the walking on the sand compared to gun shots. Oh, and everything is at default levels, for those that might say my audio settings are off.

    However, that was before todays update, it came out so late I thought there was none.

  7. I posted this a couple days ago but it got no responses. Is the camera working for everyone? I've been trying to use it lately and I can't escape and get back into the game. First, I push "esc" and nothing happens, so I have to push it a bunch of times and when it does, all I get is the normal esc/pause screen but when I push continue to get back in the game it just stays in camera mode.

    Can someone check this, so I know it's not some addon that broke it.

  8. First of all, no one wants to know what your mission is or sit through 3 minutes of video explaining it. You gave 20 seconds worth of valuable info, the rest was worthless. You should put the minimum number of "things" (for lack of the right word),in a mission on it's own just to show us what is happening with that one group is doing. So we can see each waypoint in the video, etc.. Just makes us know the specifics of just what you want. I just say that to be helpful not to scold.

    I've had little problems doing something similar. You might try ejecting them rather than get out, setting the helicopter to flyinheight etc.. Just a thought.

    Second, is AI absolutely HATE rocks and will avoid them at all cost. From the video it seems the rocks were grey. Most of the grey rocks are huge, the brown ones seem to be close to the size you see and the AI hate them a lot less. If there is any rock under the terrain, the AI will avoid it. So what you see and what the AI see are different. Although they can go under rocks like the few caves I found.

    The best way to find out if it's the rocks is to find out where they stop, and put a waypoint there (if it's not there already). Rather than hope they will get to the next waypoint you want, create multiple waypoints between where they stop and your next waypoint. That way you know how far they will go; they don't always stop at the closest point. With vehicles, if they can't reach their waypoint, they activate it anyway and move to the next. Soldiers stop. So your divers can't reach the waypoint you gave them.

    Now move the in between waypoints around rather than straight. Have them swim to the closest they can in the water then have them swim to another part of the shore. Keep doing that until you find the spot where they will go ashore. Then from their get them where you want them.

    I have designed so many missions, spending hours on a mission just to find out they can't do something I designed the mission around. like your problem.

    Hope that helps, if not let me know, I might have other was.

  9. I've been using the camera lately and I just started noticing that I can never get back into the game. Most of the time pushing "esc" does nothing. I have to push it quite a few times for it to finally let me exit and when I do, the screen stays the same but there is a blackish box along the bottom of screen that says fx in the lower right corner and "unable to create message box". and have no way to get in the game and no way to get the game to keep going.

  10. I'm getting some really weird things happening. I created a mission where opfor land on the beach and Greenfor is waiting for them with static mk30's about 300 meters inland. The beach is sloped downward toward the water and their is a small ridge about 20 meters inland. So, no opfor can be seen by anyone on the other side of that ridge and opfor can't see greenfor. The greenfor static mg's are on a small ridge that's about 4 feet high (300 yards inland). So none of the static can see opfor until the start to come inland. Behind the statics there is a huge dip in the terrain. I have apc's in that dip behind the statics. The apc's can't see anything and no one can see them. They have to move up onto the ridge to see and be seen.

    Here's the issues:

    First, once Opfor got out of boats they started saying there are enemy tanks (even though no one can see them).

    Second , greenfor starts shooting before they see enemies. But they somehow know that enemies are there.

    Third, this is a HUGE HUGE problem. Once the opfor made it to the ridge and can now see green, the opfor leaders give orders to target statics behind themselves, back in the ocean. Most of the units In a squad and almost every squad, turn around and run back to the ocean in combat stances aiming at nothing. After about a minute of them leapfrogging back to the beach, they turn around and move toward greenfor enemies. I team switched to the subordinates in the opfor groups and they all had red target boxes pointed at and on the beach and some in the water.

    It's insane, I can't play it now.

    And on a side note, maybe someone can verify this, but AI won't take off from most airports. They drive their jet past the runway and into houses or forests. I tried about 5 airports and only 2 of those let AI take off. The main airport works and I think the aaf one works to but the smaller ones don't all work. I don't remember which off the top of my head.

    @murmer - I noticed something like that yesterday and maybe it is the same problem. THe support soldiers that are gunners don't have gunner backpacks, they have folded tripod backpacks. So the gunner and assistant gunner have the same backpack and no one is carrying the guns. Until they fix it you can put something like this in the init of the gunner: this addbackpack "O_HMG_01_weapon_F";

    That code gives the opfor gunner the right backpack. If you go to the "empty/backpacks" in the editor you can find the backpack then look at the top right corner and it will have the name/code for the pack you want.

  11. I don't know if this is a flaw or done on purpose. I used the Object modifier module Show/Hide. I hid a bunch of empty OPFOR tanks on the beach. I got in a Madrid and drove down the beach crashing into nothing. I can crash into a hidden (I guess invisible is a better term since they are still there) tank but I can't shoot it. Everything I fire goes through them.

    If it is meant to be that way, I don't know if I like it or not. This means they are still obstacles, but the good thing is that I can block things with invisible objects.

    Can someone also verify that opfor mk30 gunner and the mk30 assistant are both carrying folded tripods and neither have the mk30

  12. thanks for adding this to a3 let's hope we get meatballs version also and the nimitz carrier too :yay:

    You can already put the Nimitz in Arma 3. I did it before by just moving it over, but I haven't tried it lately.

    I'm so glad you guys put this in A3. Thank you. I remember the a2 version had some code to put in the init that would change the loadouts. Can that still be used? I don't always want my aircraft to have a complete set of weapons for it's payload. Sometimes just freefall bombs or just AA

  13. Thank you. You saved me some time doing this same thing. In the arma 3 previews it was green and that was awesome. I don't know why bi decided that everything needs to have the same camo. It's really overdoing it to make uniforms, guns, cars, armor, jets, boats, camo nets, to have the exact same camo. No one in the world does that. I hate that digital camo on the Merlin/Mohawk. It's also weird they named it Mohawk. U.S. uses indian names for helicopters so why would Greece or AAF rename a helicopter already named Merlin to a U.S. name? Maybe you can get this texture to also appear under the AAF.

  14. Is this the same "copy my stance" that was in Arma 2? I have been using that one here in Arma 3. One of the best features of this, which I have never seen mentioned, is that with it turned on, your team stay close to you. Without it on you get stuck waiting form team memebers a lot. With it off you might get 30 meters ahead of your group and you see them kind walk around or stop at certain places wandering a little in an aware mode, and you turn it on and they immediately move to your position without wandering. It works even better with combat mode. They automatically stop and get down and it takes a long time to get somewhere, but turned on they stay with you. It's also good for when enemies are close. In stealth mode they stand up and move sometimes for no reason giving your position away. And its faster than giving them orders. You might be prone while enemies walk by and if you get a chance to run you just want to get up and go, but your team is left behind cause they might be under orders to go prone. So rather than give them orders, they just do what you do. You also don't have to turn it off. If you tell them to get in any stance they will until you tell the to copy your stance again.

    Obviously I love this addon and thought I would throw in my 2 cents in case some of you didn't think it's worth having. It is. Thanks for bringing it to A3

  15. Yeah but not all of this can afford to pay a months worth of rent to buy it. Gimp works fine for me and saving it in 2 different formats takes about a whole 20 seconds for someone with photoshop. but thanks anyway, I guess i'll just keep doing the same thing that I've been doing. I just thought your addon would save a few minutes. Thanks anyway

  16. I don't quite no what settings are for what in the game options/ colors settings. Background is a white box in the middle of the little screen and every other option only changes the color of the crosshairs. They don't give any examples. Like active elements, warnings, errors, etc. Those terms can probably be applied to many things. If someone has a really detailed explanation that would be great.

    But, that's not what I'm concerned about at the moment, exactly. Ingame I am a team leader with 4 units under me. I want them to change formation. when I select them all and push 8, the formation menu comes up. It's really faint. I can't see the highlighted choice as I scroll. The highlight is extremely transparent. The reason it's so bad right now is because it is the exact color of the sky. So I am trying to figure out how I can change the color and or transparency of those. Is that what's in "color" or "layout" and which value do I change?


  17. Like they said, you already have the 3D editor. I'm curious why you think you can only use one or the other. Why would you not be able to use 2d editor if you got the 3D? Anyway, you will have a bigger problem in the 3D editor. In OA I used to use the RTE and that was the best editor I've seen in any game I've played. But it has not been upgraded to arma3. So we are stuck with Bi's extremely terrible editor. Some say it's good for placing objects like you mentioned but it's not. The editor does not record height. You can put anything as high as you want but when it gets saved it only gets the location without height. Second, the objects follow the terrain. They won't flatten out so that they stand straight up. And their is no "init" to put in codes like "set vector up". Third, it does not save as sqf, which is what the 2d editor uses. It saves as sqm and biedi. It creates both of those. I found a tool a user made so that you can convert the sqm into an sqf, but it will not have any playable units. Only empty objects. oh, and when you place units, you have no idea which faction you are putting down. For example if you choose blufor, It will list every playable unit. Just using arma 3's units, blufor has FIA and Nato. So when you place a unit you have all those units in one column. You have 2 rifleman, 2 team leaders, ...etc..And it doesn't tell you which is FIA and which Is NATO. so you have to place the unit in order to see which one it is. Imagine if you have user created units to add to that. But it doesn't matter since they won't transfer to 2d.

    There is one way you can get the objects to place correctly (depending on your location). In the 3d editor place all object on the airport runway. It's flat, so all your objects will line up correctly. Then you can convert the sqm to sqf. Then in the editor copy your objects from the runway and paste them where you want them. But if you put them on uneven terrain it will mess with the vectors of each object. If it's not too steep you can put the "set vector up" command but if it's too steep you will see space under the objects. But at least you have something to work with and you can make adjustments to their heights etc. in the 2 d.

    So the bottom line is this; bi refuses to give us 3d editors that work. And knowing that, they can't manage to make objects the right size in the editor. Like you said, if you place objects according to the icon, they don't line up. How the hell can't they fix that. They give us all kinds of small objects with no way to place them where we want them. And with the terribly weak final product, Arma 3 is going to have to rely on user content. They really dropped the ball. It's real disrespectful for them to make us rely on user made addons. They even use that as a reason to buy the game. The "sandbox" content that sucks and the editors that suck. You can't tell me they can't make a reasonable editor. One that doesn't make you plop down objects in general areas.

  18. You mean we need something like this:
    [/url] With that amazing medical system it has! Would love to be playing online, get badly injured and have a medevac like that!

    I wish bi would give us real looking damaged vehicles. Once something gets destroyed they turn black or worse, rusted. They don't have to make a model like the damaged vehicle in that video, but keep some of the vehicle painted and stop making all placeable wrecks rusted. Not all vehicle burn to a crisp and rusting them mean OLD damage. They did good with the Hunter wreck, but that also looks like someone tried stripping it. But that HUMVEE from A3 and A2 is a good example. That's how all, or most, wreck models should be. They only do good wrecks when they are part of campaign story.
