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Posts posted by Victim9l3

  1. eventually, not initially. it will depend on how much the community likes/uses my plane.

    I can't wait to use this. It's one of my favorite planes and I miss it not being in arma. Please don't make it interactive like the A-10. I don't want to go to flight school in order to use it. Maybe have 2 versions. We already have A-10s that the average player can play with, so a super realistic one is ok. But there are no other Mig-29s so please keep it playable for the "common man" please. Looks really really good though.

  2. With the lack of fixed wing aircraft I decided to brush off my retexturing skills. My first release is the SU-39 or 25, whatever the difference. It's not my favorite but it fits with what's out there right now. It was also a good oppurtunity to try the headache that is the hexagon camo pattern. Headache because a single hexagon put in the wrong place can throw off the pattern on the opposite side of the plane.

    But I did it. I made the regular brown pattern, then while I was playing around with colors, I liked how the green looked in place of the middle brown color. So there is also a green camo in case any of you like it.

    I'm also not a fan of every vehicle having the same paint, like the AAF. So i made a gray (or grey) one too.

    I was going to detail it better and make it a little dirtier but the Arma 2 vehicles all have a really glossy shine. You can see in most pictures how glossy they look. So until I figure out how to remove the gloss, I'll just keep them how they are. I have asked how in threads before, but have gotten no answer.

    Why I only made textures instead of the whole vehicle?

    I'm sure that after a few weeks or months, we will have many addons created by users with the data packages bi released. So rather than me give you another SU-39 to add to all the others, I am giving you textures that you can apply to ANY mod. No compatability needed.







    In the main folder there is:

    3 Bodies - with a gray underside

    3 Bodies - with the original blue underside

    3 Bodies - CSAT Flag on tail -gray underside

    3 Bodies - CSAT Flag on tail -blue underside

    3 Wings - gray under

    3 Wings - blue under

    The Optional Folder

    3 bodies - dragon head on tail

    3 bodies - dragon with swords

    Gray body - dragon head and CSAT flag on tail

    *Note: You will notice that there are more textures for bodies and only 2 wing textures for each color. That is becuase the wings don't change like the bodies. Like flags, etc. Just blue or grey underneath. So match the body to a wing with same under color.

    To use them:

    -Copy the .paa of the textures you want and put them in the mission folder.

    -Put the code below into the init of the SU-39.

    this setObjectTexture [0,"SU_39_BROWN_BODY.PAA"]; this setObjectTexture [1,"SU_39_BROWN_WINGS.PAA"];

    -The body is the 0 texture and the wings are the 1 texture.

    ***************THE LINK***********


    -Also included is a .txt file that has the codes for init already typed out. It has every combination of textures. So all you need to do is copy the line you want.

    ********Anyone can use these. If you want to put it into your mod, go ahead. It would be nice to give me some credit for the work. If you want me to change or add something or request for a vehicle, let me know.


    • Like 1

  3. I keep running into the same problem as a couple of you. I'm using the GMB Lynx to shoot a green rifleman. 300 yards out, gun set to 300, I take out the combat medic next to him and everysingle time, I shoot at least 3 bullets right through him. I know it's going through him because I see the dust from the wall right behind him. It seems to be his whole body. Not just his head. But when I was shooting him from a different position that was still 300 from him, I hit him everytime. It's similar to when there is a wall or something that isn't getting rendered that I can't see, but the bullets still land behind him.

  4. I was going to complain about GORI. Why do I need to walk over to some guy standing by an IFRIT just for him to tell me to go back to Stavro where I was. But I just found out something. And I THINK it needs to be explained SOMEWHERE, that walking over to that guy then walking back to Stavro is not the only option. I had NO IDEA that you could walk up to groups of people and stand around then tasks would start to be assigned that I could go on. What have I missed. I'm at Bingo fuel and I wonder what I missed the other times.

    I think you guys, bi, should make it a little more known somehow that these are out there. I don't think i'm the only one that missed them.

    How are you supposed to get to these new tasks? They are all very far away yet all vehicles are locked. And why don't the people talking about these side missions come with me?

    But one complaint I do have is the REARM the 0:05 before mission. My loadout sucks to start with. I spend half of the time getting rid of what you give me. Second thing is that you should have a RECOMMENDED loadout on the table. I don't know what I will need. And since you made the missions you should know. I mean, the ambush mission would have had me arm differently if I knew I would lead everyone. And the worst is that there is NO SILENCER for rifles in the BINGO FUEL mission. I start the mission to see everyone but me with silencers.

    Just pay better attention and care to the weapons you make available to us. It seems badly random. In fact, everytime I restart that part, the weapons change. Especially on the table.

    Oh, and can't you give us the diary back? I like to look back at what was said.

    And last, for situations like GORI, can't you give us the ability to skip the talking part of the briefing? Everytime I go back to get weapons I didn't know I needed, I have to sit through Stavro again.

    Thank you

  5. I think people are reading too much into "lots of cool stuff". I think that they'll simply continue with the dev branch updates soon.

    Reading too much into it? "Lots of cool stuff" means "lots of cool stuff" Not "we will continue dev branch". "Reading too much into it" would mean something like us thinking they were going to give us Arma 4 or something, or maybe even a new island with a new army or something. They have had days off before, and have always said something like " we will continue dev branch Monday". Lots of cool stuff actually means more than that.

    But, there is still one thing wrong with your statement. It's TUESDAY, 1-7. and what they gave us is not even worth downloading.

    So we did not read too much into it. They meant what they said and simply did not deliver. A small amount of almost meaningless fixes is pretty much as "anti-cool stuff" as you can get. I think they just could not deliver for some reason. I mean they could not even give us a statement on Monday. That's what surprises me. Don't say you will give us something then completely ignore us. You know a lot of people spent all day shutting down steam and restarting it yesterday to see if they could force start a download. And most probably checked the dev branch changelog page about 100 times yesterday. They could have gave us an update like they have in the past. Just to let us know not to wait.

    No big deal, just don't down play things as if we read too much into what they said. We didn't. :)

  6. The only reason I did it with a bi pbo was to check if it was packing it correctly. All I did was unpbo one of the armor.pbo. then repbo it exactly as it was. But those vehicles became unavailable. I am trying to make put a couple skins I made and a couple configs , etc. into a pbo to keep all my stuff together for a mod using some ACR stuff. I've done everything correctly but the pbo's aren't working.

    Thanks for the input but i'm not looking to see if it's a good or bad idea. I'm asking for help on why it's not working.

    If anyone is willing to help, i'll give some more detail.

    I used Addonbuilder.exe for this one.

    -The pbo I unpacked is "armor_f_epb.pbo" (as a way to test why it's not working..please, telling me it's bi and I shouldn't mess with it, doesn't help. It's a pbo that I know works correctly).

    -I select the armor_f_epb folder and drag it onto the addonbuilder exe. It creates a pbo. In the game the KUMA and MORA are still selectable but no longer have an icon on the map. I only see the circle showing that it's me player. Game crashes as mentioned above.

    -I unpbo using eliteness

    -addonbuilder does something the other pbo's didn't. It doubles the first folder. This is how it created the pbo:

    folders= armor_f_epb---armor_f_epb---a3----armor_f_epb.... Then it has the vehicle folders etc. Every other pbo program creates the folders like this:

    folders= armor_f_epb---a3----armor_f_epb....vehicles

    So how can I get addonbuilder to not create that first folder?

    Another question that might help regarding addonbuilder. The other pbo creating programs don't use an interface with options. I looked at the addonbuilder page on the bi wiki. It gives some general descriptions for some of the options, but no knowing how pbo's actually work, I don't know what those options do and if they matter.

    So maybe someone can tell me what the options mean.

    -addon source directory

    -destination directory

    I notice that those options appear in txt document in the pbo that has the header info. So do those 2 options matter? And what happens if I move them from that directory. Meaning maybe I packed the pbo's in my documents folder then moved it to the arma addon folder.

    -also, should I check the "binarize" box?

    -and what should the options be in the options window?

    One last thing. I wonder if unpacking a pbo creates any files? I've noticed that some things disappear after my packed pbo is unpacked. Maybe i'm packing extra files that is causing a problem.

    This is the structure of the unpacked armor_f_epb.pbo:

    -armor_f_epb folder

    -a3 folder

    -armor_f_epb folder

    -------inside that folder is this:

    ----------APC_Tracked_03 folder


    ----------$PBOPREFIX$.txt file


    Then the normal info for the 2 armor units.

    So is this folder structure correct? I click on the armor_f_epb folder and drag it onto the AddonBuilder.exe or I create pbo from other programs.

    I hope this helps anyone who can help me. And again, I'm using a bi pbo because I know they work. Thanks

  7. I was trying to edit some stuff, then I would create a pbo like I've always done. I thought I kept messing things up. But I tried taking a bi pbo in the addon folder. I de-pbo'd it, or opened it or however you call it. Then I created a pbo immediately without editing it. I put it in the addon folder and everything in that pbo becomes broken. I can select it from menu in editor, but no icon appears and game crashes. In the 3d editor I can place it but it's not there.

    I used Eliteness, cpbo, and the new Addonbuilder. Why are my pbo's not working? Please help.

    Thank you

  8. Thanks for the setcaptive tip. I know that already and there is a module for that too now. But setcaptive causes problems. Sometimes when the captives "go free" and aren't captive anymore, enemies don't engage them like they normally would.

    The point is, hidden units should be hidden. I just want it to work right. It's bad enough that you can walk into invisible tanks because, while invisible, they are still physically taking up that space.

    And like F2k said, I was hoping it would save resources.

    I'll try to see if it's only the vehicles that are getting attacked. When first release the module did not hide vehicles only soldiers. So maybe empty vehicles won't get attacked and I can "moveindriver" etc. when they unhide. FOR NOW

    BI can't you make a spawn module that works exactly like show/hide module? More of a singleplayer spawner as opposed to a constant respawn point. A single spawn so we don't have to script.

  9. I have been using the show/hide module. So far it's worked well. But in my last mission all of the units that I have hidden get attacked. You can't see them but AI does. I have had hidden infantry before and they didn't get attacked. I'm pretty sure they were in sight of enemies too. This time I have vehicles hidden and they get attacked immediately. They don't take damage but ammo gets wasted.

    So is it a mistake or is it like that on purpose? If it is on purpose can't it be changed? If all hidden units can be seen by AI then what is the point? They might as well be visible. Having them actually hidden is a huge benefit. I can have them be seen when I need them, also it cuts down on waypoints. I don't need to put vehicles way out of range and out of sight. Giving them less waypoints for them to get stuck on things, also to keep groups from being spread out, and no where near similar groups. Etc... You get the point.

  10. Has anyone had a problem with the game disappearing when you push alt+tab? Everytime I use it to minimize the game and get back to my desktop the game disappears. I would say the game exits, but task manager still shows it running; at a lower value. So I have to get in to task manager to shut the game down just to start over again. It just started today.

  11. What AiA does is it tells arma3 to look for more files outside the arma 3 directory. It is the same as moving A2 and OA content into A3. But AiA has gone further to remedy some of the issues or problems that come up. Like sound. The problems happen because the A3 stuff override old things like sound. So an A2 vehicle might call on a sound file that gets blocked by A3 content. Like echo or reverberation. A3 uses different ways to produce those sounds, so A2 stuff sounds wrong when in A3. I'm just using sound as an example.

    So if you want something from OA orA2 or A1, you can put it in A3. But you need to also bring over anything it relies on. Like the F35 needs CAAIR or something and other pbo's. If you don't bring those over too it won't work right. I put everything from A2 and OA in arma 3 in a @folder. But I did leave some behind. Mainly because they had the same name in A3.

    I got everything to work in A3 but with the issues like sound or things I don't care as much about for now. Even the lite BAF and PMC worked. BUt I still can't get A3 to open the newly released DLC content. I got around the security issue but now it won't open the p3d for the vehicles. They need to do something to fix that because we can't mod it into A3 (which is why it was released) if A3 refuses to recognize the dlcs.

    So i'm still waiting for a dev to tell me why it's not working

  12. I'm surprised there are so few questions so far. I've asked this elsewhere but got no help so far. I tried using some of the OA DLC's into A3 just like I had with the OA and A2 stuff. I know merging into A3 hasn't been perfect so far but the DLC stuff has been one of the things I have desperately been waiting for. Especially since the ACR stuff was a relatively new release.

    Anyway, I'll use the ACR as the example. When I tried before the content release I got a message at start up saying something to the effect "air_acr cannot be opened due to unkown block in the header." Now after content release, It says "air_acr failed to load. The content SHOULD be protected." So now that it's not locked anymore Arma 3 still won't allow it.

    However, I opened the pboprefix in the air_acr pbo. I deleted this "hprotect=setup". That allowed Arma 3 to use the air_acr.pbo. But now the problem is that the p3d model won't open when I load a mission in the editor using one of the addons. I put the ALCA on the map along with me, a pilot. When the mission starts it tells me that the "..p3d model cannot be opened. It doesn't say why. However it's still in the game. I saw the shadow and found where the cockpit would be and got in and flew it. Completely invisible though.

    So what do we need to do to get these to be recognized so they can be used? I would like to use the content but if I can't get it in game how can I use it. Thanks

  13. I have already tried to put the OA DLC's into A3 like I did with everything else. I put A2 and OA stuff in a @Folder and have been using them in A3, in a more cruder way than AIA. So far only the lite versions of pmc and baf worked. When I tried to put ACR and the non lite DLC's into A3 I would get a warning "A3 can't can't open air_acr due to a blocked header".

    Now since the release I tried it again. I can depbo the ACR stuff now, so I know the header isn't blocked. But I get a new warning now "air_acr SHOULD be protected, so A3 will not use it". Basically that's what it says. SHOULD is the key word. So I guess bi will still need to do something on the A3 end in order for those to work. So I still can't use the stuff I have been wanting to for a long time.

  14. I keep taking rotor damage in the wildcat if I am on the ground. I landed safely to let a group in and a few seconds later my rotors stopped spinning and ROT turned red. Same thing when starting the game on the ground. If I start spinning the rotors and stay on the ground too long I take damage. And they both lift off within seconds. Even while blades are slow.

    Also I can't use my map. As tank crew and heli pilot (the only ones I tested so far) When I push "M" all I get is message saying "cannot connect to positioning system." that is in and out of vehicle. And I do have map in my inventory.

  15. I have been absolutely dying to ACR and the other DLC's into A3. Finally I can with the new model releases but ACR is having a problem still. And maybe more but ACR is first in the list.

    I get a warning that ACR content SHOULD be protected. It used to say it can't read headers. So now that I can use the stuff from ACR, how do I get around A3 blocking ACR? And likely BAF and PMC stuff when it sees that they are not the "lite" versions. I looked around some of the readme's but didn't find (yet) the answer.


  16. I found all the new objects that were added except the 4 variants of trash barrel. I found plastic barrels that have trash in them but I don't know if they were there before. If they are new then there are only 3. If you include the empty plastic barrel then you would probably include the water plastic barrel since all 5 are the same plastic barrel. Which is 5. So is that the 4 varients of trash barrels? Cause we used to actually have trash barrels not multipurpose plastic barrels. I just want to know if I found everything. Or if they were put somewhere else.

    But I am very glad we are getting more objects. Especially the luggage. I have completed filling up the airport and the airport building with vending machines and lockers etc. so luggage helps. Now if we can get civilians outside a group of one type of guy with a button up hawaiin shirt and stupid clothes. Women and regular looking people for once in the history of the game. People with t shirts not skin tight under armor or tourist. what happened to the guys in suit and tie? How about some airport employees or workers that aren't wearing dirty white pilot coveralls. You're getting there bi. Thank you.

    Also can someone confirm that the entire right side of the airport is unable to open any doors and won't take damage on the doors and windows? I can't even shoot through the glass to get inside. I have to go in from the left side. Well left and right depends on which side you look at if from. I can't get out of any of the rooms with shut doors.

  17. Thanks for giving the Opfor Urban units matching vests. They look so pretty now. It's way better than the brown vests that helped them to actually blend in with anything outside the cities. I called for reinforcements during a mission and the urban squad leader told me to bring the enemies close to the city so they can help us. They said that if they came out of the city to help us their uniforms might clash with the environment.

    Seriously though, did we not learn any lesson from the U.S. Army acp camo? The Opfor camo is actually cool and I like it a lot. It works. But why would you give them blue backpacks? Why would any army make uniforms but make the gear completely different. The urban camo has gray-ish tan, and brown besides the blue. But you gave them backpacks with ONLY different colors of blue. Not one useful color (outside of the straps). And when you saw how bad the blue backpacks looked, rather than match them to urban camo, You decided to just make them dirty to blend in. Please, why would any army spend money on blue backpacks? Now you give them black vests because it looks better with their uniform. That brown vest was one of the few things that let them blend in to their surroundings. I don't know what's going on with the thinking lately.

    One army has everything from guns, to uniforms, to equipment, to vehicles with the exact camo pattern. Nothing is different. Another army gets random vehicles from various countries but put americans in them as if that would ever happen. Everything stealth has no stealth, every turret the same, etc. This whole game is so mismatched that none of it makes sense. And sandbox content (objects, vehicles, etc) is way under par from any previous game. Not one army has a standard, soft, light vehicle. Everything is armored.

    Someone must have destroyed your plans somewhere in the middle of production. You seem to be trying to catch up in order to meet deadlines.

    That's my opinion on the devbranch. Give them vests that match environment not to make them match. Please. And fix the textures on your fortifications.

    p.s. you have a cargo HQ facing the wrong direction (steps to get inside are a meter away from hbarrier walls. It's near the 2 hard hangars at the north east (I think) side of the airport.


  18. Thank you for trying this. I hate the one bi gives us. The RTE was awesome but not for A3. I got used to using the bi version and I wonder a few things. The worst thing about it is that there is no "class". I have to remove all soldier addons or else I'll have 9 "rifleman" and the only way to find the right one you want is to place them down, then delete, then place down, then delete, until you get the right one. I saw your video quickly but not sure if it will do that too. Well, if you said it would be like the 2d editor then it should be there right? I answered my own question.

    The other thing is I want to make sure there is a "init" box. I can't set vectors or stances or weapons or anything in the 3d.

    I live on the editor, that's almost all I do. So if you need testers or anything I would be happy to help.

  19. Any idea on how long until it's ready to use/test? Bi really dropped the ball with A3. It's as if someone stole all their content before release and they just gave us what was left. Mixed vehicles, and equipment. Missing things like this. The content seems like it's many months or even a year away from being ready. In fact I think that is why they ended up splitting up the campaign. Not cause they wanted to or as if they ever intended it to be that way. I mean they didn't even give us the aircraft from the pictures. They could have gotten those and other things like the A-10 in game just to fill it. So this A-10 is not just wanted it's needed. I'm glad you are putting the work into this. I can't wait to use it. Keep up the good work.

  20. have you testes AI acess to these buildings, because if they cant use the buildings then PvE will get boring, so just a heads up

    I wish making things functional for AI was not thought of as bonus work. PLEASE get these working for AI. So many good maps become worthless for AI. With other games MP and SP are cut and dry. It's one or the other. In Arma most MP missions end up being coop because a lot of missions include squads that have AI in it. And it sucks when the best place to fight won't let AI stay with humans. They stay outside or get stuck because they won't walk up a simple set of stairs. You end up only playing out in the open terrain. AI won't go near a lot of rocks, won't drive near trees. Some maps just get skipped when it comes to creating missions. With bi's open world playability, it's difficult when there are AI dead zones.

    You worked hard on these buildings, they look great. I can't wait to use them. I know it's easy to not worry about AI, but it's definitely worth the effort. Well that's assuming that you care that others want to use your work. Some don't care if people use them or like them etc.

    But they look good. I can't wait to use them. There are a lot of objects, past and present, that would look good inside the buildings for mission makers to use. Thanks for the effort. AI or not, it's definitely appreciated.
