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Posts posted by Victim9l3

  1. Thank you. I can stop using arma 2 pbos. But why do we have to have that Language addon? And can you please tell me how to avoid getting random skins. I am so done with not having control of which skins I want to use. Having such a small selection of civilian vehicles, I don't want to risk having 4 identical cars in a parking lot. . And although I am thankful you did this, and appreciate the work you did, I really don't ever have any need those bright colored skins. I don't see any bright orange vehicles in real life, or most of bis color choices either. Besides Altis looks extremely poor and I don't imagine nice paint jobs. But it is good work and very useful.

  2. Since bi decided to make FIA units spawn with random headgear, I can't go around it.

    I used this "THIS addHeadgear "H_Booniehat_indp";" as an example. It works on non FIA units but not FIA. They continue to want to wear stupid surfer bandanas and other things, but will not let me change it.

    I even looked at the pbo to see the list of random options and I selected headgear that is supposed to work on those units.

    Why would bi make random a default for anything. As mission makers we usually choose everything specifically. And if we want something random, we make it random. It doesn't make sense. It's about control and making units or vehicles random takes out the point of creation. Put random in the armory or bootcamp or whatever, but not mission making/editor.

    Random should not be default. Not for mission makers.


    p.s. I was also looking for the previous guerilla1 uniform. The one for rifleman. I thought maybe I could script in an occasional unit to still have the old one, just like hidden selections for vehicles. But I can't find it anywhere. I saved the entire game as a backup 2 different times and I can't find that uniform in any of them.

  3. No. I loved the camo pattern for the FIA Rifleman, Rifleman light, Miller, Ammo bearere, etc.. now it's completely gone. Now we have a dirty brown shirt. That was cool and it was different than everything else. Also hate the random headgear. Now instead of scritping the occasional head, I have to script EVERY SINGLE FIA because you never know which headgear they will show up with. Now I get the "opportunity" to have my FIA units go around with green and white Hawaiin pattern headgear, or blue bandanas or fruity berets. Now only once in a while do I have guys with shemags on. change it back :(

    Also the offroad camo was cool too. Can't you put that one in with the new ones?

    Can't you make a MODULE for random headgear? Sync it to a group and randomize their head. I mean now we have to code every single unit because we don't know which head gear will show up. If I new he would have a beret, then I can always know to change it.

    Didn't you learn anything from using random car textures. We ONLY like random when we want it random. It's easier to code random than it is to code every unit to be unrandom. Please someone agree. And put the old camo shirt back on please.

  4. I used the set fog command. For some reason I ABSOLUTELY can't get fog within 100meters from me during the dark morning hours. I've tried different dates even. The only thing that is constant is I can't get ANY FOG until the sun starts coming up. If the sky is black then NO FOG. Once the sky starts changing to a blue color, fog starts to appear. It literally follows the light.

    In October, I can't get fog unitl about 5:20 or so. (game isn't on so i'm trying to remember the exact times)

    I used 3 methods. "setfog", using the module for weather, and using the regular mission settings. All set to 100.

    5:20am I start to notice fog. Everything stops being crystal clear.

    5:30am it gets to about 50%

    5:45 might be close to 90%

    It gets to about 100% around the time just before it starts to get pink. And that too, why is it still pink with full overcast?

    When I changed months, like January, all the times change to later. The fog seems to follow the sky color. I even played with other settings like rain.

    Doesn't bi monitor these forums? Can't we get some input from them?

  5. I like this camo pattern and have been wanting someone to do it for a while now. I had problems with the last version. But is it possible for you to take pictures of the actual camo? I see a lot of backpacks and boots and helmets and dirt. It seems to have that Bi Blur effect on most of the camo. The only part of the pics that are clean are in the middle of the shot when the guy is far away. Looks like it looks good though. I'm downloading anyway though so who cares :)

    At least you didn't do like 95% of addon pictures by taking pictures where the sunlight is on everything except the units. Nobody seems to notice bis extra dark shadows.

  6. I have a mission set at 4:50 am October. I set fog to 100. I'm at ghost hotel. zero fog in game. But when I change the time of day to 5:50 am. I have 100 fog. Why?

    I've tried different settings (I wanted 90 but didn't work so I raised to 100 with no success). I've tried changing Overcast, Rain, wind, etc. all to no affect. Why would there be no fog at beginning of mission no matter what the time is?

    I do have a boat out to sea. At 4:50, if I team switch to the boat, there is fog way out miles out to sea. But why not on land?

    And if anyone can tell me how to make dense fog lower to the ground, I would appreciate it.


  7. I looked through some threads related to lights, but I'm not sure which is the one I want.

    I need a helicopter to turn it's main searchlight on. Setting safe and careless only turns on collision lights.

    Basically, i'm at a base waiting for a heli to drop off someone. When the heli comes close to me, I want him to turn on it's lights.

    I tried using this but didn't work:

    player action ["lightOn", orca1];

    Is this right? I am not inside the heli, so I don't know if i'm supposed to change "player".

    --I also need a way to shut off UGV lights. They never shut off unless I take controls of driving. Switching to gun makes the lights turn back on.

    --Last, I want the outside lightposts turned off at the ghost hotel.


  8. After typing all this, I delete it. I'm having problems with addonbuilder. Everytime I try it I get a different result. But I finally got a good result. If I figure out what happened I'll re post.

    But maybe you can clarify for me.

    The source directory and the destination. That is what I want pbo'd and where to put it right? When they were different, it didn't work. when they were the same it did.

    Last time it worked, when both were the same, the pbo was put into the folder I wanted pbo'd. Today, the settings the same, it put the pbo in the folder that had the folder to be pbo'd. if that makes sense..

  9. I have looked at this I the 3d editor, not the game yet. I know sometime things show up odd in the 3d editor sometimes. But there is only 1 selection. The CSAT version. Is the 3 other textures something I have to put into the init? And are you going to update the CSAT texture? The camo doesn't line up on the wings. It comes out like a uniform. Each piece was painted separately and assembled after it was painted.

    Thank you. That Neoprene looks ok but isn't very good air to air. This is awesome.

  10. Yes. I've been doing this as a way to keep things out of sight until I need them. If I want someone to shoot out of a window while a patrol is walking on the street, I will use this. If I put him in the building there is a chance he can be seen. Since AI doesn't have the ability to hide or be sneaky or peek around corners, I use this "teleport" method to simulate him hiding.

    I'll set him down somewhere far away in the position I want him in. For instance, if I put him in the building and have him go prone to hide then he won't be in the right place to shoot out of the window. I can teleport him to the exact spot.

    It's very easy, in fact it's the same code that puts a unit in the game in the first place.

    "Bob setpos [24076.367, 16110.009, 0];"

    That's it. Bob is the name of whatever you want to move. It will instantly put him at those coordinates.

    I set a trigger and in the "on act." I put that code.

  11. I use the module "object modifiers". I use it to trigger squads into different formations, different positions etc.

    Somehow, in the mission I am creating, it stopped working. I tried it in another mission to make sure it worked and it worked fine. There is something in my mission that is causing it not to work.

    I have one green group walking then when they get to trigger, they drop to prone positions. Another group, I have them change from one formation to another. Now, I added text to the trigger so that I can make sure the trigger is working properly. And it is.

    I have a trigger set for activation by independent and the type is none. It's synced to the module. Module is set to work on "group of synced objects". And I have the module synced to group leader. It's all set up correctly. I copied them and used them in a clean new mission and it worked. But something is preventing it from working in my mission.

    I thought it might be the module. but I am using the module on a group putting them in a prone position. I worked on them but the module wasn't triggered. They were synced from the beginning.

    So, independently, the trigger is set and works correctly

    The module works correctly

    But not together- just in this mission

    Does anyone know what could cause this? Maybe there is a limit on how many I can use? But that never stopped me before.

    All ideas and help appreciated thanks

  12. I tried using "land" the heli moved but did not land. I think I needed a helipad. I think the land waypoint was created because you couldn't get a heli to just land. They either had to get out or unload then get back into the air. The land waypoint lets them land without getting out.

    Haven't got "firemission" to work yet. That waypoint just gets ignored.

    There is also a new waypoint in the default section. "follow". It lets heli follow any vehicle you place the waypoint on. I tried it on ground vehicles, units, and it did nothing. I did not try it with fixed wing though. The heli is terrible at following. bi hasn't coded them to match speed, so the heli just lunges forward then stops, then lunge, etc. Unless you get a vehicle fast moving. I think boats will work great with it.

  13. I know that getting different loadouts on aircraft and having them put in the right place can be complicated so I'm trying to find a way around that. Mainly for the Opfor neo jet. It's worthless in air to air combat. It has 2 AA missles. The first one gets wasted when target fires flares so the second is the only one that hits. What about the 3 other enemy jets in the air?

    This is what makes me question bi's thinking process. Why make 2 buzzards but not 2 Neo or 2 Wipeouts? There is no AA to fight the Buzzard. I think the thinking process is like I keep saying. Why make a complete game when the community will do it for you for free.

    That's a different issue. So I'm thinking that maybe after the 2 AA missles get fired from the Neo, they can automatically reload once or twice. That way I can use a code to remove bombs, or leave them on for looks. Then I can add missles to replace the ones fired so that a Neo or Wipeout can be useful in AA missions without all the mess of replacing the visible loadouts.

    And for those that say to use the loadout addons from the community, I can't man every single jet in the air. I need AI to be able to have the illusion of 4 or 6 missles.

    Thanks for any help.

  14. Can someone give me a real download link. It sends me to the page all in german. The small English paragraph tells me that that site has to handle the download rather than link directly. But everytime I try to download I get sent to another page. When I click download on those links, I get sent to another page. Those pages have all kinds of "DOWNLOAD" buttons that look real nice but they don't have anything to do with the mod. I haven't found a link that gives me a download, just links that give me downloads of other programs or "premium" memeberships so that I can download 20 seconds earlier. Help :( please. Thanks

  15. I know this thread is a few weeks old but I wonder if there has ever been a solution to this problem. I have made missions where his exact thing happens. Usually the AI leader gives anyone (not just AT) a target, but the soldiers run in the opposite direction. I've seen some go as far away as a few miles away. If I team switch to them, I see their target is back where the action is. He has no reason to run away. And they have been in sight of the unit they are supposed to kill.

    Today I noticed it and found 2 runners. One was the squad leader with no reason to run away.

    It's worse because when they do run away they usually ignore orders to move somewhere or come back.

    Sometimes this game just makes it hard to play. I can't tell how many missions I spent a very long time creating just to have something as stupid as runaway soldiers or ai walking through walls and vehicles, Or just AI not doing basic easy stuff. And that mission becomes completely unplayable.

    Can't bi or someone make some kind of script or module or code that makes AI check their targets at intervals. Like a time limit before their targeting gets reset or or walking past a certain distance will reset target so they come back.

  16. I have been trying to make a mission and spent all day trying to get one single Mora to go where I want it. It stops 10 meters away, always pulls about 10 meters to the side of it. It constantly tears down walls, soldiers etc just to avoid the waypoint. I've tried setting the behaviours, both in waypoints and with module, and there is absolutely zero change. I've seen them drive close to the waypoint, up to 6 meters away then drive around a group of trees just to get near the waypoint.

    On open terrain they work almost correctly.

    But I think I discovered the problem. The vehicles don't want to go anywhere near bushes. Even the small dead ones. If my Mora has no problem driving down the length of a wall, but bushes? It's crazy.

    Does anyone else have issues like that? I found a slight workaround but it's not a big difference. I place a marker at the waypoint and I tell the vehicle to move to markers.

    Wasn't there a fix for vehicle waypoints a couple updates ago?


  17. Dan;2694447']Have you tried syncing the waypoint with the unit you want it to follow?

    If you read the entire first post, you have your answer.


    I thought about how the "loiter" waypoint was for helicopters so I tried it with a heli. I created a Mora, I gave it some waypoints. I created a Hellcat, and with waypoint selected I clicked on top of the Mora with the follow waypoint. So the Hellcats first waypoint was on top of the Mora.

    The helicopter, very clumsily, followed the Mora wherever it went. :)

    So I guess its' a helicopter waypoint. The problem is that it does not fly smoothly. It flies with constant stopping. Bi needs to make it so the heli can fly at slower speeds so that it can be a smooth ride. There is also another problem that really should be fixed with ground vehicle waypoints. They always stop at every single waypoint. You can set up triggers to switch waypoints before the vehicle gets there but it doesn't always work. Especially with short distances.

    Another bigger issue is that ground vehicles need to have a reliable way of getting from one waypoint to another in direct pathways. They constantly drive to roads if roads are anywhere near their path. VEHICLES HAVE TERRIBLE STARTS. I have spent too long on a mission trying to get a couple Moras to drive straight, from start to first waypoint 100 meters away. Every time they start they turn and drive 30 meters to the right (usually to the right) then move to the waypoint from that position. Regardless of mode.

    The reason I bring that up is because the helicopter looks stupid following a vehicle because you are forced to give the vehicle too many waypoints just to stay on course.

    And if you can't find the follow waypoint, I am using the dev branch.

  18. I was looking at the effects module and tried the CAS. If you use any of the different types of support, there is no option to trigger them. Each feature, like gun run, starts at the very beginning of the mission. All the other types of effects allow you to sync it to a trigger to set it off.

    I'm thinking it's an error. I can't have an airstrike come in by trigger it. I know there is a support module, but I don't want to call in a strike, I want it to happen automatically. It seems like that's the point of it right?

  19. Does anyone know how this new waypoint is used?

    I'm thinking it would make sense to sync it to a group or unit.

    Like if I give a "follow" waypoint to group A, then I sync it to group B. group A follows group b wherever it goes? Then how would you disconnect?

    Anyone know how to use it?

    Well, after trying, you can't sync it to anything.

    --------------------------------------This last edit is for anyone interested in the answer without reading everything.

    The follow waypoint is for helicopters (haven't checked fixedwing). Select the heli, then when you give it waypoints, you click directly on the vehicle you want the heli to follow (just like a "getin" waypoint) and select "follow". The heli will follow that vehicle, however clumsily.

    I have not yet tried to get it to follow a single person, so I don't know if it works with them.
