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Cold Evil

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Everything posted by Cold Evil

  1. Hi! I'm trying to make the Trident Module to work but it does not seam to work. I have a bunch of AI teams and a player team when a player form Bluefor kill a Independent unit i want a war between them. But it don't seam to work for some reason. Friendly AI and enemy AI count each other as an enemy but don't fire. Is there a way to change the Independent alliance this via script or am i missing something with the module?
  2. Does this work when there are no objectives for the player faction? Also or does it need a objective to send something to?
  3. Question:If i make an OppCom(IND_F) + Militaryzone(IND_F)(Only one base) + Logistics (Synk them right) and add players in BLU_F will the IND_F defend and send units to the zone if the players attack OR are a BLU_F Zone required to make the OppCom System to work properly?
  4. I've experienced the AI crossing water thingy. I'm working on an short AAR after a game session we had today.
  5. Does setMarkerAlphaLocal effect the rending and distribution? Added after allot of testing: The Profiling and recognition of the map seams to get longer the more you do with the map. For example; if I just add a Civilian and one military placement. (Also the necessary plugins.) The process takes less than a minute. If I start moving them around or add markers the time increases. Anyone know anything about that? Also it seems that sometimes the profiling process brakes and the map need to be resaved to fully work again.
  6. Could this effect the inventory system? Box INIT line: nul = [this] execVM "AmmoBoxes\shell.sqf"; this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false; this setvectorup [0,0,0]; this setPosATL [getPosATL this select 0, getPosATL this select 1, 0.8]; EDIT: IT did.... this enablesimulation false broke the damn thing...
  7. Hi! I have made 2 scripts one for units to customize the equipment and one for boxes to resupply and have custom items in them. The respawn script turn people naked for some reason anyone now how to fix that? INIT: null = [this] execVM "Equipment\AAF_Medic.sqf"; this addeventhandler ["respawn","_this execVM 'Equipment\AAF_Medic.sqf'"]; waitUntil {!isNull player}; _unit = _this select 0; removeallweapons _unit; removeheadgear _unit; removeallitems _unit; removevest _unit; removebackpack _unit; removeUniform _unit; //_unit unassignItem "ItemRadio"; //_unit removeItem "ItemRadio"; _unit unassignItem "NVGoggles_INDEP"; _unit removeItem "NVGoggles_INDEP"; _unit unassignItem "ItemGPS"; _unit removeItem "ItemGPS"; _unit addUniform "U_I_CombatUniform_shortsleeve"; _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrierIA1_dgtl"; _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetIA"; _unit addbackpack "X39_MedicBackPack"; //_unit additem "ItemGPS"; //_unit assignItem "ItemGPS"; _unit addMagazine ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 9]; _unit addMagazine ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 9]; _unit addMagazine ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 9]; _unit addMagazine ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 9]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Yellow", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Yellow", 30]; _unit addWeapon "arifle_Mk20_ACO_F"; _unit addWeapon "hgun_ACPC2_F"; //_unit addWeapon "Binocular"; And and no one on server can tanke things from the box. How to fix that? if (! isServer) exitWith {}; _crate = _this select 0; while {alive _crate} do { //Clere the box clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate; clearMagazineCargo _crate; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _crate; clearItemCargoGlobal _crate; //Add item _crate addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade", 30]; sleep 600; }; Whats wrong with them?
  8. Hi! Is there some way possible to remove all first aid kits from units and vehicles?
  9. should i add that in the init.sqf? And will it loop and remove it form ai spawning during the game also?
  10. You are completely right. :P Also ive tried to remove the uniform from the spawn script and hopefully it will work. Cause i can beleve that it has some fishy thing to do with that. I've changed all the equipment spawning to global. BUT it still don't work. I have found a way to get the equipment tho and that's by dragging it to the ground and then to the inventory BUT that's not an optimal idea for a multiplayer map. So i still have problems with the items... An example of another box: if (! isServer) exitWith {}; _crate = _this select 0; while {alive _crate} do { //Clere the box clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _crate; clearItemCargoGlobal _crate; //Add item _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 20]; _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 30]; _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Yellow", 30]; _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box", 15]; sleep 600; };
  11. i stumbled over this, about the: AN/PRC-117G It is a relay cool video ^^ http://rf.harris.com/capabilities/tactical-radios-networking/an-prc-117g/
  12. Hi! Is it possible to resize a zone IF enemy get inside the marker area? When using sized zones? And how do i do this? And is it possible to reactivate zones after deactivating them using the same method? And is it possible to activate a another zone when a zone is captured? (Simulating counterattack)
  13. Cold Evil

    =BTC= Revive

    Hi! Love your script, it gives the medics something to do the battlefield. I have a question: is it some how possible to revive a player inside a trigger area? An example: A trigger is located inside a building (Let say the Altis hospital, at the entrance.). When the player is dragged in to this trigger the player revives. Is this possible using the "ACE revive simulation" and how do i do it and what should i call to make a working field hospital? Another thing it would be cool if you could add time to the countdown using first aid kits.
  14. Hi! I'm trying to make this string to effect the second gunner position and the copilot position of a Ghost Hawk. NOTE: _v = vehicle player; if (driver _v == player || gunner _v == player ) then I've been stalking the wiki but did not get any smarter by doing that. Cause "turret [ _v [0,0]] == player" don't seams to work.
  15. Some items work fine by trying to remove them but some items does not work anymore. Helipads, buildings and piers work fine... But not the goddamn stone piles...
  16. Cold Evil

    Respawn with Custom loadout

    I use this method: Make files for each unit in the mission directory were your missions are saved. Exsamples: Infantryman.sqf Marksman.sqf Medic.sqf Then open the editor and add the following text to the Init fieald of the the unit you what to have the loadout. For the marksman: null = [this] execVM "Marksman.sqf"; this addeventhandler ["respawn","_this execVM 'Marksman.sqf'"]; For the medic: null = [this] execVM "Medic.sqf"; this addeventhandler ["respawn","_this execVM 'Medic.sqf'"]; And for the infantrymen: (example with directory) null = [this] execVM "Equipment\Infantryman.sqf"; this addeventhandler ["respawn","_this execVM 'Equipment\Infantryman.sqf'"]; Then open one of the files you just made and add the custom equipment by typing something like this: waitUntil {!isNull player}; _unit = _this select 0; removeallweapons _unit; removeheadgear _unit; removeallitems _unit; removevest _unit; removebackpack _unit; removeUniform _unit; _unit unassignItem "NVGoggles"; _unit removeItem "NVGoggles"; _unit unassignItem "ItemGPS"; _unit removeItem "ItemGPS"; _unit adduniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"; _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr"; _unit addBackpack "B_Kitbag_base"; _unit addItem "Medikit"; _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB_plain_mcamo"; _unit addGoggles "G_Combat"; _unit addWeapon "binocular"; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["SmokeShellBlue", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["SmokeShellBlue", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["SmokeShellBlue", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["SmokeShellGreen", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["SmokeShellGreen", 30]; _unit addMagazine ["SmokeShellGreen", 30]; _unit addWeapon "arifle_MXC_F"; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Hamr"; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; There you go custom equipment.
  17. Cold Evil

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    @Na_Palm i use all the files you provided in your change. The only modification i have done to the file is from "addon\LV\..." to "LV\..." Uploading the mission yo your PM
  18. Cold Evil

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    I copied your code you wrote and used that as a template when redoing them.
  19. ([9215.26, 21705.2] nearestObject 1105560) setdamage 1; ([9215.26, 21705.2] nearestObject 1105560) hideObject true; ([9215, 21705] nearestObject 1105560) setdamage 1; ([9215, 21705] nearestObject 1105560) hideObject true; Ill add this to the list of not working to... IF i didnt do anything wrong..
  20. Cold Evil

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    @Na_Palm trying it out now. EDIT: Ive tried it out BUT it seams that it only reads one group of civilians. EDIT2: Do you think it might conflict that the military town has the same marker name?
  21. Cold Evil

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    @Na_Palm: It works perfectly. But is there a way to efficiency this a lite more and calling the files at the main text. Instead of reading the code one by one. And maybe instead read the files one by one and at the end. The setup look like this at the moment: init.sqf /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ execVM "LV_Related\Civilian_City_Mrkr.sqf"; execVM "LV_Related\Civilian_Town_Mrkr.sqf"; execVM "LV_Related\Civilian_Village_Mrkr.sqf"; execVM "LV_Related\Civilian_Industry_Mrkr.sqf"; execVM "LV_Related\Military_Outpost_Mrkr.sqf"; Civilian_Village_Mrkr.sqf (exsample): //functions for the div patrolscripts if(isNil("LV_CloseDoors"))then{LV_CloseDoors = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_closeDoors.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_nearestBuilding"))then{LV_nearestBuilding = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_nearestBuilding.sqf";}; //new ones if(isNil("LV_patrol_vD"))then{LV_patrol_vD = compile preprocessFile "LV\patrol-vD.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_patrol_vH"))then{LV_patrol_vH = compile preprocessFile "LV\patrol-vH.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_patrol_vE"))then{LV_patrol_vE = compile preprocessFile "LV\patrol-vE.sqf";}; //------------------------------------------ //functions for militarize if(isNil("LV_ACskills"))then{LV_ACskills = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_ACskills.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_vehicleInit"))then{LV_vehicleInit = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_vehicleInit.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_fullLandVehicle"))then{LV_fullLandVehicle = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_fullLandVehicle.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_fullAirVehicle"))then{LV_fullAirVehicle = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_fullAirVehicle.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_fullWaterVehicle"))then{LV_fullWaterVehicle = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_fullWaterVehicle.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_militarize"))then{LV_militarize = compile preprocessFile "LV\militarize.sqf";}; //------------------------------------------ //functions for simpleCache if(isNil("LV_GetPlayers"))then{LV_GetPlayers = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_getPlayers.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_fnc_simpleCache"))then{LV_fnc_simpleCache = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_simpleCache.sqf";}; //------------------------------------------ //chript for changing gear on spawned troopers if(isNil("LV_chGearfMPs"))then{LV_chGearfMPs = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_chGearfMPs.sqf";}; //------------------------------------------ _side_list = [0]; //blue, red, green _mrkrText = "Village_Mrkr"; //text in mission placed markers to check for PatrolSpawnMarkers_list = []; _sCmilID_list = []; _usedLVgroupCnt = 0; _UsedmilID = 0; waitUntil {player == player}; createCenter civilian; createCenter west; createCenter east; createCenter resistance; //get all Patrolmarkers and count them { if (_mrkrText == markerText _x) then { PatrolSpawnMarkers_list set [count PatrolSpawnMarkers_list, _x]; _usedLVgroupCnt = _usedLVgroupCnt + 1; hint format["%1", _x]; sleep 0.001; }; }forEach allMapMarkers; sleep 1; hint format["%1", _usedLVgroupCnt]; //get randomness for militarize script and spawn each { _UsedtargetMrkr = getMarkerPos _x; _Usedside = _side_list select (floor(random(count _side_list))); _Usedradius = 100; //+ floor(random 300); _UsedspwnMen = [true, false]; //Land, Water _UsedspwnVeh = [true, false, false]; //Land, Water, Air _Usedstill = true; _UsedMenRatio = [4, floor(random 2)]; _UsedVehRatio = [1, floor(random 1)]; // [aimingAccuracy, aimingShake, aimingSpeed, spotDistance, spotTime, // courage, commanding, general, endurance, reloadSpeed] _UsedSkill = [(0.5 + random 0.1), (0.3 + random 0.025), (0.5 + random 0.1), (0.6 + random 0.1), (0.4 + random 0.1), (0.6 + random 0.2), (0.8 + random 0.1), (0.3 + random 0.025), 0.7, 0.5]; _UsedGroup = Nil; _UsedInit = "nul = [this] call LV_chGearfMPs;"; _UsedmilID = _UsedmilID + 1; _hndl = [_UsedtargetMrkr, _Usedside, _Usedradius, _UsedspwnMen, _UsedspwnVeh, _Usedstill, _UsedMenRatio, _UsedVehRatio, _UsedSkill, nil, _UsedInit, _UsedmilID] spawn LV_militarize; waitUntil {scriptDone _hndl}; _sCmilID_list set [count _sCmilID_list, _UsedmilID]; hint format["Civ ready: %1", _UsedmilID]; }forEach PatrolSpawnMarkers_list; //set vars for simpleCache and call it _sCplayer_list = [player1]; _sCdistance = 500; _sCkpCnt = false; _sCMP = false; nul = [_sCmilID_list, _sCplayer_list, _sCdistance, _sCkpCnt, _sCMP] spawn LV_fnc_simpleCache; hint format["simpleCache ready!"]; ----------------------------------- An example of what I'm talking about: Init.sqf //functions for the div patrolscripts if(isNil("LV_CloseDoors"))then{LV_CloseDoors = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_closeDoors.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_nearestBuilding"))then{LV_nearestBuilding = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_nearestBuilding.sqf";}; //new ones if(isNil("LV_patrol_vD"))then{LV_patrol_vD = compile preprocessFile "LV\patrol-vD.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_patrol_vH"))then{LV_patrol_vH = compile preprocessFile "LV\patrol-vH.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_patrol_vE"))then{LV_patrol_vE = compile preprocessFile "LV\patrol-vE.sqf";}; //------------------------------------------ //functions for militarize if(isNil("LV_ACskills"))then{LV_ACskills = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_ACskills.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_vehicleInit"))then{LV_vehicleInit = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_vehicleInit.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_fullLandVehicle"))then{LV_fullLandVehicle = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_fullLandVehicle.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_fullAirVehicle"))then{LV_fullAirVehicle = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_fullAirVehicle.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_fullWaterVehicle"))then{LV_fullWaterVehicle = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_fullWaterVehicle.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_militarize"))then{LV_militarize = compile preprocessFile "LV\militarize.sqf";}; //------------------------------------------ //functions for simpleCache if(isNil("LV_GetPlayers"))then{LV_GetPlayers = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_getPlayers.sqf";}; if(isNil("LV_fnc_simpleCache"))then{LV_fnc_simpleCache = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_simpleCache.sqf";}; //------------------------------------------ //chript for changing gear on spawned troopers if(isNil("LV_chGearfMPs"))then{LV_chGearfMPs = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_chGearfMPs.sqf";}; //------------------------------------------ execVM "LV_Related\Civilian_Village_Mrkr.sqf"; //set vars for simpleCache and call it _sCplayer_list = [player1]; _sCdistance = 500; _sCkpCnt = false; _sCMP = false; nul = [_sCmilID_list, _sCplayer_list, _sCdistance, _sCkpCnt, _sCMP] spawn LV_fnc_simpleCache; hint format["simpleCache ready!"]; Civilian_Village_Mrkr.sqf (Exsample) _side_list = [0]; //blue, red, green _mrkrText = "Village_Mrkr"; //text in mission placed markers to check for PatrolSpawnMarkers_list = []; _sCmilID_list = []; _usedLVgroupCnt = 0; _UsedmilID = 0; waitUntil {player == player}; createCenter civilian; createCenter west; createCenter east; createCenter resistance; //get all Patrolmarkers and count them { if (_mrkrText == markerText _x) then { PatrolSpawnMarkers_list set [count PatrolSpawnMarkers_list, _x]; _usedLVgroupCnt = _usedLVgroupCnt + 1; hint format["%1", _x]; sleep 0.001; }; }forEach allMapMarkers; sleep 1; hint format["%1", _usedLVgroupCnt]; //get randomness for militarize script and spawn each { _UsedtargetMrkr = getMarkerPos _x; _Usedside = _side_list select (floor(random(count _side_list))); _Usedradius = 100; //+ floor(random 300); _UsedspwnMen = [true, false]; //Land, Water _UsedspwnVeh = [true, false, false]; //Land, Water, Air _Usedstill = true; _UsedMenRatio = [4, floor(random 2)]; _UsedVehRatio = [1, floor(random 1)]; // [aimingAccuracy, aimingShake, aimingSpeed, spotDistance, spotTime, // courage, commanding, general, endurance, reloadSpeed] _UsedSkill = [(0.5 + random 0.1), (0.3 + random 0.025), (0.5 + random 0.1), (0.6 + random 0.1), (0.4 + random 0.1), (0.6 + random 0.2), (0.8 + random 0.1), (0.3 + random 0.025), 0.7, 0.5]; _UsedGroup = Nil; _UsedInit = "nul = [this] call LV_chGearfMPs;"; _UsedmilID = _UsedmilID + 1; _hndl = [_UsedtargetMrkr, _Usedside, _Usedradius, _UsedspwnMen, _UsedspwnVeh, _Usedstill, _UsedMenRatio, _UsedVehRatio, _UsedSkill, nil, _UsedInit, _UsedmilID] spawn LV_militarize; waitUntil {scriptDone _hndl}; _sCmilID_list set [count _sCmilID_list, _UsedmilID]; hint format["Civ ready: %1", _UsedmilID]; }forEach PatrolSpawnMarkers_list;
  22. Cold Evil

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    @Na_Palm So how do your modification work exactly. I understand so much the script recognize Patrol_Mrkr and Patrol_Mrkr_1 and adds militarize to this sector. and under: _side_list = [1, 2, 3]; you can change team spawning for example only Oppfor _side_list = [2]; and under: //get randomness for militarize script and spawn each you can set the parameters for the spawning. Set me straight if i am off now; IF i copy the full and paste the text, modify it for and change all _side_list to _side_list_b etc. and change the _mrkrText = "CivMarker"; i may be able to add civilian spawns right? Side 0 for civ right? EDIT: Or can i divide it to different files save the code as it is and call it from the init file with less changes then described above? EDIT2: And make it like: MilitaryBase.sqf, City.sqf etc. So i can get different spawns depending on city.
  23. Cold Evil

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    While i'm here i noticed that the helicopter reinforcements in the ambient combat sometimes drop ONLY pilots. No effect yet but i will try the opt file Na_Palm provided and see if it helps.
  24. Cold Evil

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Ok, But it seams that all units stay spawned. Confirmed by using flight cam to the area. I gona look at your little change there and see what i can do :)