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About 80talet

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  1. Greetings! I must start with saying I'm quite new with the editing and warn you of my bad English! But I've spent countless of hours trying to figure out what the problem is with my edited "mission". What I am trying to do is to make a NPC/player leaning on a table and record him with another playable character while using fraps, for a project I have using a green screened render map. He must lean completely still on the table for it to work and move his mouth. But I can't seem to edit the characters face of the NPC to the ArmA 3 "Gilkas" face which is required for the project to work, tried everything but it wont change so I got the idea of making it into a playable character and let a friend join with the desired face. But when he joins, the unit leans on the table and then tries to draw a weapon animation and back to leaning all the time and repeat itself. I just need it to stay on leaning and don't make any moves, at all. This is what I'm using in the Init field: [this,"LEAN_ON_TABLE"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 0.8] Please please help me!
  2. Hey guys! I'm quite new and a beginner with ArmA 2 editor so take it slow, but so far I have had a blast. My problem tho is that when i try to edit Takistan or all other maps except for Desert and Chernarus, the game crashes and the following message shows up: "Include file addons\proving_ground\PG_config.hpp not found" I own ArmA 2: CO with OA, BF and PMC. So why can't I edit the other maps showing up? I want to access editor so i can learn from other missions aswell. Thanks in advance and sorry for bad english!