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About SinBad1956

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    Private First Class
  1. SinBad1956

    =BTC= Revive

    Sorry to say it doesn't. At least for me. I am using this code in a script that is called by a trigger: respawnPos = getMarkerPos "respawn1"; publicVariable "respawnPos"; "Respawn_west" setMarkerPos RespawnPos; It did work with an earlier version of your script, not now. //SinBad
  2. SinBad1956

    =BTC= Revive

    Anyway to change the respawn location after completing a task? I am having the same problems described above, even with RC6. Thanks, //SinBad
  3. I have tested the script and it works perfectly in MP. Thanks again. //SinBad
  4. Kylania, yes I see your point. Guess, since I was familiar with what I was trying to do, what I thought was a good explanation, wasn't as clear as I thought. Thanks to both you and BangaBob for the help. I will try this out tomorrow and let you know. Either way, I think this will get me there. Also, thanks to Cuel for your suggestion. I think I will take your suggestion and get some sleep. I'm exhausted. Not going into a loop though.. ;) //SinBad
  5. Seriously? you don't think I didn't see that in my searches over the last few days? I did. I just couldn't figure out how to integrate it or what the hell it means for that matter, or if it was even going to be what I was looking for. I've spend hours and hours testing and trying different things, none of which I got to work. Was hoping for a little more help. Not asking anyone to code it for me, just a little help in the right direction. //SinBad
  6. The old problem again... works local/SP not so in MP: by that I mean the hints doesn't show up at all. Basically it's the global hint issue. I've searched and read for two days now and tried everything I can think of. Help! //SinBad //Countdown Bad Guys Then Task 2 hint "THE FIRST PART OF THIS MISSION IS TO DEFEND YOUR BASE. KILL ALL OF THE ATTACKING ENEMY SOLDIERS. IF THEY REACH YOUR FLAG, GAME OVER!"; sleep 5; _run = true; while {_run} do { _agrps = (units _grp2) ; _acount = {alive _x} count _agrps; if (_acount > 0) then { hintSilent format ["THERE ARE %1 ENEMY SOLDIERS LEFT TO KILL", _acount]; } Else { If (_acount < 1) then { hint "ALL OF THE ATTACKING ENEMY SOLDIERS ARE DEAD. WELL DONE!"; sleep 15; Script_Handler = execVM "task2.sqf"; _run = false; }; }; };
  7. Ok.. so since it appears no one has an explanation or fix for this, is this happening for anyone else who has AI parachute in or is it just me? I even modified the script to do 'one at a time' and it still is happening in MP. Seriously getting sick of the disconnect between MP and SP/local editing results. //SinBad
  8. Thanks mantls for the reply, but I couldn't follow the entire code. I picked out the "Initial Drop" and replaced mine. Same thing in MP, double the chutes, half of which was empty. Not sure why it creates two chutes for every createvehicle function. //SinBad
  9. The problem is (as usual) it works in SP/Local but not in MP. There are 8 AI in the group, the helo brings them in and they eject via trigger. In MP, there are twice as many parachutes created, i.e., 16. The 8 AI move into 8 chutes leaving 8 empty. How do I create only the number of chutes required for the group? Other than that, it works fine except a TON of lag when the chutes open. I've looked at a number of parachute scripts, but couldn't noodle it through. Here is the code I'm using: _chute = "NonSteerable_Parachute_F"; { unassignVehicle (_x); (_x) action ["EJECT", vehicle _x]; } foreach units ec1group; { waitUntil {(getPosATL _x select 2) < 100}; _para1 = _chute createVehicle (position _x); _xpos = getPos _x; _para1 setPos _xpos; _x moveIndriver _para1; } foreach units ec1group; Ideas? //SinBad
  10. Interesting... When I used "NonSteerable_Parachute_F", it seems to work OK.. at least for now.. we'll see... //SinBad
  11. I had been working on a new mission where the AI jump out of a helo and attack the base. Whenever the AI deploy their chutes, the game crashes. I thought it might be something else I was doing in the map, so I created a test map and simplified it where there is only AI and a single player: 1. Place a marker called marker1 on the map. 2. Create a player. 3. Create 4 or 5 AI. 4. Put them all into a group called ec1boyz; 5. Add a parachute to them at the start. 6. create a trigger to start the paradrop which calls the following script. hint "here they come"; {_x setPosATL[(getMarkerPos "marker1" select 0),(getMarkerPos "marker1" select 1),(700)];} forEach units ec1boyz; sleep 2; {(_x) action ["OpenParachute", _x];} forEach units ec1boyz; this will basically put the AI 700 meters in the air above marker1 and open their chutes. At that point, or a little later, the game crashes. Is there a problem with the multiple parachutes causing crashes? Ideas? //SinBad
  12. kylania that worked perfectly... Thanks so much!!! //SinBad
  13. No go.... The chopper, crew and the player got teleported.. lol yes, the crew was a bit upset.. ;) //SinBad
  14. Can anything get more weird? Setup: a. MH-9 on the ground b. _myaction = this addAction ["teleport", "teleport.sqf"]; placed in the chopper's init field. c. contents of teleport.sqf hint "You are being teleported into battle"; sleep 3.0; Player setPos (getMarkerPos "obj1"); d. marker called obj1 placed on the map somewhere. Results: 1. if the player uses the scroll wheel OUTSIDE of the chopper to teleport it works fine 2. if the player is INSIDE the chopper and teleports he goes to marker obj1, then comes right back into the chopper. As usual, it works fine in SP, but in MP it fails. Kind of weird... Ideas on how to make the player not bounce back into the chopper after being teleported? I would like this to work with the player in the chopper, so please keep that in mind. Thanks.. //SinBad
  15. Just to conclude, Larrow's script works like a charm. I took out the addwaypoint stuff and just used the waypoints created with the mission editor. Thanks all ... //SinBad