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Everything posted by Miggel

  1. Miggel

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Not sure if this is the right right place to post this but I'll give it a shot. Jump to the end to skip the story I was making a mission and was using the old out post as a regroup point for the players team, I set up a team of three blufor recon men for the player to meet but I also spawned an opfor squad of nine men about 20m away from them to take out the recon squad and then get in the building. I started a preview as a blufor RM 100m north west down the road by the time I got to old outpost everyone was dead I restarted as one of the opfor and found out that all the opfor and blufor men threw their grenades straight away opfor shot and killed all blufor troops then proceeded to walk over the grenades they just threw a few seconds ago after a few retry's the same thing happened over and over again but sometimes a few opfor survived, I changed the position of the ai to fix the problem which took longer then expected but I also forget about the grenade thing until I started reading this thread today but I can't recreate it due to my pc not running at the moment. Long story short I don't think AI reacts to grenades the enemy's or their own but the last time I played a3 was when apc's were new to development branch (GPU and screen crapped themselves) so I'm not sure weather that's still happens.
  2. What would be a better option 2 GTX650's or 1 GTX660?
  3. The secondhand market sucks in my area but ill give eBay a try, I only have $150 worth of wiggle room on my budget left so if I do go intel it won't be fancy. Thanks Leon86 and Ezcoo for the cooler suggestions most of them fit my budget all that's left to do is research on them, my brother offered to get water cooling for me i cant remember the name of it but he said he puts it together and installs the kit himself, it sounds a bit sketchy to me but he said he'd buy a new processor if it screws up still deciding weather to take him up on it or not. A kingston 120gb SSD was originally on my list but ARMA3 came out and my graphics card almost caught fire and my monitor blew out so I had to drop the SSD in favour of a new GPU and monitor.
  4. Thanks for the replys. 30fps at standard to high settings, I've never seen past 1000m anyway so it sounds good to me. I'm upgrading two computers and I have a $900 budget, I know intel CPUs are better but Intel is so damn expensive so i cant do that but i might be able to do the over clocking depending on how much the extra cooling costs, I've never over clocked anything on my computer but before I do ill look up my motherboard and make sure it can do it. Any advice on what cooling I'd need? I did look at the GTX760 but it blows my budget so its out of the question for me. I have 64bit windows7
  5. CPU:AMD phenom ii x6 1055 GPU:2gb gtx 650ti RAM:16gb Is this enough to run medium settings at or above 30fps? With my current setup I get 25-30fps at the lowest settings...when I'm looking at the ground CPU:same as above GPU:GT220 1gb RAM:6gb