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About Highlander

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Highlander


    Thanks a million! Cheers Franky
  2. Highlander


    Thanks for all your help people. And a special thanks to haleks (Where can I donate)... I will try the suggestions put forward though I really look forward to the update. Great mod... Great community... What more can I say! Thanks everyone! Cheers Franky
  3. Highlander


    Hi everyone. When the Ravage mod is enabled it switches off all the street lights/airfield lights etc... on all the maps. I understand this may be done for the purposes of it being a zombie apocalypse though I would like to set up some scenarios where the lights are on around the map being Altis in this case. I can normally work it out myself having sound knowledge in the past with dayz servers and enabling the street lights.... though I cannot work out for the life of me how to enable the lights on Ravage. Would really appreciate some help regarding this. Hope someone is able to help. Cheers Franky
  4. Highlander

    Half my group walk/limited

    Hi all. I have set up a mission with myself in command and 10 units. Mission is ready to go but I have noticed when I command them to move or regroup... half of them run and the other half walk. Like they are 2 groups. They are also not in formation with myself in the middle. I am off to the side at the end. Like they are in formation... just not around me. As I am still learning the ropes of eden editor I would appreciate some help on this. I remember in arma 2 I was always central to my group and all my units copied what I did. If I ran they ran. I walk they walk. I have placed all units in the editor just like I would in arma 2. Cheers Franky
  5. Highlander

    Grouping Units in Eden Editor

    I have worked out that by moving the units close to me (as commander) they all link up to me. So it's not a bug at all. It's just me forgetting the eden way ;-) Cheers Franky
  6. Highlander

    How to change character voice accent

    Thanks for the tips joostsidy. Appreciate that. I ended up changing faction to NATO that gives me English american accent then edited cloths/loadout etc.... to my liking so I look exactly the same as I did before. I guess it's a work around. Am happy now :-) As for the hardcoded profiles... I must agree... need the freedom of allowing to change certain aspects of the character especially when it comes to multi cultural and ethnic groups. Cheers Franky
  7. Hi all. Whenever I create a mission and I place myself in command... My character voice has a european english accent. Although I change it to an american english accent within the units identity under the voice drop down menu.... The voice never changes. How do I change my english accent? Would much appreciate some help as this is the last change I would like to make to the mission for immersion purposes. Cheers Franky
  8. Highlander

    Grouping Units in Eden Editor

    Yes I am using 1.66 stable. Always keeping it up to date. It's very unusual as to why they won't group. I can only group one unit.
  9. Hi all. I am just trying to group up some units to me as playable unit in command and am only able to group 1 unit to myself (Me being the leader as lieutenant or higher) Every other unit is private. No mater what faction. Can only group one unit. When I go to group to another unit the blue line connects to it but disconnects from the other. I have 10 units placed. Never had this issue in arma 2. Been editing missions for years but I am lost with this one. I am also running ALiVE mod with this. Could someone kindly shed some light on this as to whether I am missing something? Much appreciate any help. Cheers
  10. Highlander

    Adding map to vehicles

    Thanks for clearing that up for me! I must have missed something. You are the best! Cheers
  11. Hi there peoples! Been searching high n low on how to add a map to a vehicle (SUV or the like) I tried addMagazineCargo and addWeaponCargo and both seem to work when I add ammo or weapons. Though it wont accept ItemMap. I keep getting no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.ItemMap Can someone please shed some light on this for me. Cheers