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Posts posted by Cunico

  1. So I have ran into this issue while trying to redo some of my textures and RVMAT's but I don't understand what causes this?


    Whenever it's in a shadow or w.e it goes completely black. Is this because I didn't apply the RVMAT to every LOD model? I guess that would be a question I am unsure about...does the RVMAT have to be applied to all LODS for it to work properly? or is it another issue. THanks for your help in advance.

  2. I would have a little report about the series of items for Ghost Recon:

    I after playing again Future Soldier, I've noticed that the coverage of the face should be a little larger on the chin and cheeks to fully cover the straps of the helmet. it is just a detail, but it would be great if you could fix it! :)

    Ok, will fix for next update.

  3. *Updated the First post with updated link

    Please check the readme files for the recent updates to this pack, but quick and dirty I fixed some models and added some new textures etc. I'm not going to do anything further with this until the full release of the game because they have shemaghs and such in Arma 3. I guess we will just go from there, when I am able to compare and use the slots that they used.

    Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/jdn7f1oely7tc5l/%40HiddenIdentityPackv3.zip

  4. This kinda sucks, I enjoyed using this but a box popped up and said I need to purchase because I have an unregistered version and to continue use I need to purchase??? I missed the part that said this costs money or did I just overlook that, my fault if I did. Either way this is a great tool to use and really enjoyed it. Thanks for your hard work with this.

  5. Hey Cunico. FYI I managed to get Kiory's balaclava working in the NV goggles slot. It was actually fairly simple. Happy to share with you the config code I used.


    Hey that would be awsome, have not had much time to release any goggles for this MOD but as soon as I get time from work I will. I think as soon as I convert them to the NVG slot I will release the next update. I have added an additonal 5 textures.

  6. If possible you should put the ones with eyepro in the NVG slot so you can have headgear and eypro+the face shemagh. Especially since you wouldn't be wearing sunglasses at the same time you're wearing NVGs.

    I was going to put the Eyepro on the tactical hoods. For now, but than as I progress put them in on the shemaghs and such. I'm making them separate from the tactical hoods so you wear them as goggles or when you wear the tactical hoods you will equip them. Up for ideas though.

    ---------- Post added at 02:56 ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 ----------

    Oh man... I just messed that up hahaha I meant it you put it as a headgear! I swear! :D

    Lol, its cool man no worries.

  7. -If you put it as goggles, then you would be double layering shades.

    Joke: You should just punch yourself in the head ;). No, if you put it in the goggles slot like it is now than you can't equip goggles while you wear the shemaghs or hoods etc. Also, getting ready to update...I fixed the texture problem and added white, and black tactical hoods. Also changed the name of the AOR1 to AOR2. Before I release this update though I am going to make some eyepro at least 2 of them.

  8. So I have checked with some people, you make sure you have the newest pack. I have tested myself and with 8 other individuals that all have the v.2.5 and they said they see all the textures in first person and 3rd. So can you guys tell me exactly what shemagh there is not texture on so I can look into it?

    ---------- Post added at 01:08 ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 ----------

    i would like to wear the shemaghs you made (neck level preferably) with goggles or eyepro.

    I agree that would be cool but the problem is I can only replace the googles, or headgear. So if you would like to wear neck shemaghs with glasses than you wont be able to wear headgear unless there is another way to achieve this. This is my first Mod so I am prety new to the whole thing.

  9. i dont know if anyone else is experiencing this but i noticed while playing tonight that on your latest version the neck shamagh in 1st person view has no texture. i just thought i would let you know, thanks man!

    Easy fix, the thing that sucks was I could of swore I fixed this. So in the next update I will double check to make sure before I release next update. When I changed the name of everything to get the bikeys to work it messed up all the textures, but I can fix it. sorry that it's do that just bare with me and I will get it sorted out in the next update.

    ---------- Post added at 19:59 ---------- Previous post was at 19:58 ----------

    Mediafire link is down?

    Also, can we please have a black face mask? Seems like that's the only thing missing.

    should work now. You want an all black tactical hood?

    ---------- Post added at 20:01 ---------- Previous post was at 19:59 ----------

    If possible, could you combine the headwrap and the face shemagh and make it one headgear, with hiddenSelections?

    I can do that, but I personally like just the headwrap and thats it when you combine the two looks really bulky. I have no problem combining the two and making it headgear.

    ---------- Post added at 20:04 ---------- Previous post was at 20:01 ----------

    I feel really bad for everyone that uses another face or something, because I only have the 1 modeled head to make the shemaghs and stuff and it's really a pain in the arse to try and mold it for different heads. They all have different physical features which makes it challenging when you have only "1" model head to do it from. After awhile it just becomes a hassle, more work than fun and start to lose motivation. Also, I know everyone wants eyepro and glasses and such do you guys want me to make a pack of glasses and such that you can just wear with all the shemaghs, headwraps, tactical hoods etc.?

  10. these are awesome man but any chance of adding some goggles/eyepro/shades with some of the masks, i would love to see the tactical eyepro with the low shemagh, if not i understand how much of a pain in the ass it is to rewrite the configs to allow for this but it was just a suggestion thats all!

    Yeah, I started working on some Eyepro stuff to go along with them but starting a new job so I have to get use to the schedule first than I can start knocking those out. I will keep people updated.

  11. *Update v2.5

    Just fixed some issues hopefully, more info. in the readme files.

    Now Contains:

    • Full Shemagh Head Wraps
    • Ghost Recon Hoods
    • Working .bikey's *Hopefully

    Ghost Recon As Requested:


    Shemagh Head Wraps:



    Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/cocrtohzs385z82/%40HiddenIdentityv2.5.zip

    Notes: Be sure to read the "Readme" file in the download for *Credits and known problems.

  12. I've got one bug with this. Since you changed the name of the pbo files, removing the spec4 prefix, you pathnames for textures changed also. However, the pilot view of the neck shemaghs are pointing to the spec4_shemaghs.pbo file instead of the shemaghs.pbo file, so in 1st person view it appears white. Other than that, nice work. And the shemagh also works nicely as headgear (just a small config change). African faces don't fit the shemaghs or headwraps, but that's ok. After making the headwrap headgear (my addon config references your pbo, but puts it under CfgWeapons as headgear), I can now just wear the face shemagh and the headwrap, hiding the exposed mouth. Great work. Any chance you could add hiddenSelections to your headwraps and shemaghs? All you'd have to do is to select everything in O2 and then create a new Selection called camo. That's literally all that needs to be done to give it hiddenSelections. That's also the reason I'm kinda annoyed with BIS not having hiddenSelections on all their stuff. Because it's about the simplest thing to do in Oxygen 2. But, once again, great addon.

    ...sigh. Ok, standy by I'm going to fix all this right meow. I wasn't getting any errors when I tested all this so I will fix it. I will get it done today.Oh, right about the hiddenselections some of them have it but some don't so I will fix that now, I just fixed the neck shemagh model issue working on the hiddenselections now.

  13. Hmmmm...not working Surpher. How would you go about adding two? This config is just for one and thats it, but I have two I would like to add maybe thats where I messed it up which I don't know how I did but yeah. Thanks for the replies. As of right now I can't find them in game when using this config, and I'm looking under Everything. So something is not right.

    ---------- Post added at 00:01 ---------- Previous post was at 23:39 ----------

    Basically, I have two differnent Head Wraps but I want both of them to take the identity of the helmet.

  14. Basically I have this right now on my shemaghs but how do I set it for the helemts. Instead of replacing the goggles I would like it to replace the helmets. Any ideas? I can't find on the web a script like this only for the helmets, but I guess I am just not sure what to look for. I tried .upboing some helmet mods to find what they have but same problem. below is example what I am after only for the helmets.

    identityTypes[] = {"NoGlasses",0,"G_NATO_default",0,"G_NATO_casual",0,"G_NATO_pilot",0,"G_NATO_recon",0,"G_NATO_SF",0,"G_NATO_sniper",0,"G_NATO_diver",0,"G_IRAN_default",0,"G_IRAN_diver",0,"G_GUERIL_default",0,"G_HAF_default",0,"G_CIVIL_female",0,"G_CIVIL_male",0};

  15. Looks awesome!

    May I suggest adding maybe a few wrinkles and make the headwrap a bit thicker?

    I can't really do much to make it thicker or else I would basically have to re-model it and re UV map it as well. As for the wrinkles yes, I have already done that but this is a older picture.

    ---------- Post added at 20:36 ---------- Previous post was at 20:34 ----------

    Not sure how'd it work adding the top portion of your headwrap to the face shemagh, but that could work.

    Oh, right I see what you mean but I I would have to remake the model regardless just because the Face shemagh drops down under the ears where this one wraps over them.
