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Everything posted by Cunico

  1. Cunico

    Mich Helmet Texture Help

    Okay, so obviously as everyone knows there is some UV stretching going on within the helmet. Unfortunately I don't know much about O2's UV mapping, but if you can get your hands on 3ds max or something similar I can help. The only reason why I recommend 3ds is because there is a simple tool called "Relax", and this will allow the UV's to quit stretching. Also, another cool thing is when you mess with the UV's in a certain setting it doesn't manipulate the actual textures itself. I would take everyone else's advice and just re-UVmap the helmet. Lastly, does the helmet have a _nohq map on it? THat might also help a lot.
  2. Okay so need some help here. I basically have a pair of NVG's I would like to wear but when one turns on I would like a separate object to turn on with it. How, and what would the script look like to achieve this. I basically want to light up the other ojbect more than the other. THan when it turns off that other object will either be gone or invisible. It basically has to turn on with the NVG's. I have no scripting knowledge really lol so any help is greatly appreciated as alwasy. Below is the test config that I'm currently using for just random old objects.
  3. Yes, I have read multiple threads on retextures and yes I know how to do it. I'm just not sure how to build a faction called "NAVY" and have one soldier in there. I did a uniform retexture but not sure how to use the INDE uniform and convert that into the BLUFOR area. I never do retextures, but I'm trying to make them to match all the gear I'm making until I make Uniforms. If you can just make a simple config.cpp for me for one soldier on the blufor side, using the independent textures that would be awesome of you! If not, thanks anyways.
  4. Hey buddy, thanks a bunch for getting all this for me. You're awesome.
  5. Cunico

    Modelling Map?

    So I've noticed on Armaholic that some modders have a map where its like a grid and you can have soldiers running animations and such. Looks really handy, and even better than having to load into a full map. Where can I find or download this at?
  6. Cunico

    Arma 3 Topology technique?

    Hey Kiory, thanks for the info. its much appreciated.
  7. I was just curious. I normally make a high poly model and bake onto a low poly model by deleting a ton of edges and vertices etc. Anyways, I was just wondering for arma 3 is it better to make a highpoly model and than retopologize over top of it? I just thought of this as I used to to this but its been awhile and wondering whats more effective I guess. I'm sure its just personal preference but figured I would ask. thanks.
  8. Just out of curiosity...how do you get that setup? the background how its all grid layout and soldiers lined up? That would be way faster than loading into a mapa every time...
  9. Cunico

    Arma 3 Topology technique?

    thanks for the fast response. Yeah I kinda figured it was personal preference. I guess I will just stick with deleting edges and such. I can see how making the low poly over top the high would be awesome in some cases tho. I guess it depends on the model to. I feel like deleting edges and stuff is a good way tho just because your model is already made and you have to go in and delete topology that isn't needed on your mesh. The pros always say "If it's not adding to your model, than its taking away".
  10. Cunico

    3ds to Oxygen 2 conversion?

    hmm I tried using it just by selecting one object but returns this error and thats it. "--unable to convert: undefined to type: Array".
  11. Once finished with mine you guys are more than welcome to add these nice scripts and stuff with them. I just noticed your guys nods tonight when I'm about to finish up with my pair lol. You can check them at my website or on my vests page of interested. No offense but the ones you guys have are a bit out of proportion. The textures and rvmats look good though.
  12. Cunico

    Need Help Getting Started

    You want to think of O2 as a converter. It's basically your last step before you go into game. That's the way it is with me anyways.
  13. Cunico

    Normal maps and rvmats

    Looks like you had some Alpha channels enabled in your texture.
  14. Just out of curiosity, which should I do first? I alwasy do the high poly and than the low poly. I am just not sure how I apply the high poly uv map to the low poly. I've been browsing the web for a couple of hours to no avail. When you bake the model with a low and a high does it automatically know you want to apply the high model to the low? I know how to bake and everything but just not sure about the UV mapping part. How do you match you quads and tris up perfectly so it matches the UV. Also, with a shadow LOD I just have to make sure everything is basically enclosed correct? Thanks for the help.
  15. Cunico

    SOC WIP Thread

    Hey, figured I would show you guys the LBT I have been working on the last couple of days. Havn't had much time to work on it but its coming together nicely. http://i.imgur.com/qDCHoj8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/x6kEp2q.jpg these pictures are a bit older have added a few new things but just thought it would be cool to share
  16. Cunico

    Uniformed example model?

    huh...thats really cool I never new that could save me a lot of time trying to see if this vest wil fit in game. This is the model I'm currently using for modelling vest and prety much everything else. Do you know if this is really accurate? http://i.imgur.com/x6kEp2q.jpg http://i.imgur.com/qDCHoj8.jpg sorry these were the only pictures I could provide, but hopefully you know what model I'm talking about.
  17. Oh, okay...so just make the low poly model and than when my High poly is done make the normal map and place onto the low poly? So how would you go about making a high poly and low poly model roughly the same shape? I mean do you make them both seperatley or just copy and past the other and make it more detailed. I been watching youtube viddeos but they really don't discuss how they get one or the other. Obviously they make one, but the other is always just there. My issue is I keep making the high poly and get stuck because I'm not sure how to make the low poly or vice versa. I can alwasy get one or the other. Below I made these in a day or so and not sure how to go about making the low poly once this is done. Image 1 Image 2
  18. Cunico

    Uniformed example model?

    Not to get off topic and this thread is a wee bit old but where did you find this model at?
  19. Hey, so I have made two SPC vests for marines but the issue is I can get one in game, but not the other in the same config? Any help with what I might be doing wrong? Config.cpp
  20. Yeah, the uniform works fine in game. Its just a retexture for the helmet, thats it. Not a new model or anything.
  21. Cool thanks Sulpher! Also, can you check this one out? Basically I just wanted to add my Retexture USMC helmet in here, but as soon as I select it in game...my game crashes. The uniform works just fine that I did, but the Headgear wont. THanks for the help. This is what I have so far: I know there is no Headgear; item, but I've tried two different ones and still not working.
  22. Cunico

    Hidden Identity Pack V.2

    I'm not entirely sure, but I made the 2nd pack top replace the old one. Some people use both. The issue is I believe , two of the mods use the same classname so it kicks off errors.
  23. Cunico

    SOC WIP Thread

    Dang, those Poly's though. How many polys is this?
  24. Cunico

    Hidden Identity Pack V.2

    Thanks man, much appreciated. Sure, I don't see why not. As soon as I'm done working on some other mods for some buddies I would be more than happy to come back and work some more on this one.