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Posts posted by Thales

  1. Hi MojoQ!


    Sorry to hear about your issues with connection. We understand how frustrating it is to lose the battle, loot and need to refresh all exhausted units. Unfortunately it's not a regular bug but we have some problems with internet connection in combination with our system to prevent cheating. We're aware of this and are working a better solution which should be presented in next update of the game. Hopefully that will fix this issue for all or at least most of our players.

  2. Hi kromka!


    If you have found some way of how to use helicopter drones in the way you find more of an exploit than a good competitive gameplay, you can send me a private message about it and we can focus with our QA to test it. About saving units - it surely makes more sence for soldier units because they can gain experience and become stronger this way but we can surely give the whole process another look. And finally I reported your third issue to our QA to test it and try to find a repro steps for it. Thanks for feedback! ;)  

  3. Hello MojoQ and Subodai!


    To answer questions from MojoQ first:


    1.) I feel like the "Preferred Target" Radius is too small. When Attacking with a Helicopter, it often generously ignores Defence-Buildings and prioritizes on attacking barracks or HQs (generally speaking: Non-Defence Buildings).
    A: Unfortunately the Helicopter Drone had a wrong description and in reality has no favourite target so we fixed the text and it should be corrected in 1.4.0 update.
    2.) Make more AAA available earlier. People (me too) tend to rush lower players with Helicopters, often 6 or more. It takes very long until you can build more than 2 AAAs, and upgrading them is expensive and time-consuming.
    Autocannons help a bit, but I never saw that a helo got downed by ACs only. The Missile Launcher is a "bad joke" against helos (Launcher on Level 2 fires 2 times until destroyed by a level 1 helo)
    A: Thanks for feedback. We'll look into it some more with our QA and if necessary we'll make some adjustments of that.  :)
    About the issue Subodai encountered:
    Not completely sure about how the issue looks like but I don't believe this was reported before. Can you please contact our support on: support@bistudio.com and describe what's happening in detail, possibly add a screenshot of the issue if you have any? This will help us to find the issue and fix it.

  4. Hello SgtGriggs! Please contact our support and add information about your base and all details so we can check if the account is yours. Also please add a description of how it happened that you lost your progress - system update, new device, etc. This way we can warn players about similar situations or fix possible issues.

  5. Hello Keanu Rama! I'm sorry to hear about your problems to connect to the game but what you described is up to our IT to fix and we can't really do anything with that. But thank you for informing our support about this issue, that needs to be fixed for sure. If the support won't respond in next few days let me know via private message and I'll try to speed things up.  ;)

  6. Hello! First of all thanks for feedback and your interest in the game. Thanks to our community we can make our games even better! And now to give you some answers.


    1. "...when "move mode" is turned on, automatically pull out moving object couple pixels out of the finger and then move this object parallely to the finger.:


    A: Thanks for feedback, we're trying some improvements for UI and overall player experience.


    2. It would be good to add an option "gather all" to factories. I really don't want to press "gather" on every factory.


    A: At the moment this solution is not considered but it may change in future.


    3. Why there is so few national flags? There is no Czech, Polish and so on...


    A: At the moment we're not considering adding more flags due to a chance to slower the mobile device performance but it may change in future.


    4. There is no warning just before removing someone from the clan.


    A: We'll look into it, thanks for mentioning it.


    5. It would be good if there would be an option of removal all animations (especially flying choppers, drones, partrols).


    A: We can consider that option for future updates, but it's not planned at the moment.


    6. I can't watch replays of some battles where I were a defender.


    A: Replays are stored on the server for a limited time and option to watch them will disappear after 2-3 weeks. They can also become unavailable if the battle happened on a client no longer supported.


    7. Also fix the 555 error code. Connection is fine and then mid battle I get the 555 error.


    A: If the error happens while your connection is fine, please report to our support on: support@bistudio.com with details about the situation when it happened. This way we can find and fix the issue faster. Thanks.


    8. It would be much better if player could tap on the unit's tile instead of extreme small exclamation mark in the top right corner to watch info about this unit.


    A: Similar to question 1) - we're working on improving the UI and player experience and this will be one of things we want to improve in future updates.


    I hope you found some of the needed information and if you have more questions and suggestions, feel free to post them here.

  7. Hi firefox117! We know about that and so far it won't be changed because it's a measure against some cheating options that could be done in games that solve the connection issues in other way. We're really sorry that this behaviour is causing problems to honest players, unfortunately we encountered players who tried to exploit the system mentioned in your post. We're looking for some better solution but until we find it this feature will be included in the game. We hope it won't bother you and other players much.

  8. Hello! We adjusted the behaviour of the Hexacopter drone - it should now correctly attack defensive buildings first. We know about the unit card displaying wrong target, we have update prepared to fix it.


    To firefox117: If you encounter strange Helicopter drone behaviour, please report it to our support with details of when the issue happened, what was the nickname of the opponent and any other details relevant. Those reports are really helpful to uncover issues that might slip through QA. We'll focus more on the Helicopter drone behaviour and if we find some issue with it we'll adjust it. Thanks for reporting.  ;)

  9. Hi Oliv! The range of the defensive buildings is getting bigger with every level and for the pillbox it depends on the unit that is occupying it - means both it's level and rank. But to be sure we can definitely ask our QA if they can double check it if all ranges are displaying correctly. :)  If you wish to share some more information, feel free to post them here.

  10. Hello! If you encountered suspicious behaviour in the game, please report it to our customer support on: support@bistudio.com


    In the report please describe the situation you encountered as best as you can and it is really helpful if you can include times of when the situation happened, client and world version (you'll find that in the settings menu). If you have screens or video of the issue feel free to include a link or attach the file to your message. We'll check it all and if we find that there is and issue in the game or someone cheated, we'll resolve the situation asap.  ;)
