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Everything posted by migueldarius

  1. awww yeah work, thanks ^^ /* null = [logic1, logic2, number] execVM "generate_traffic.sqf"; */ _start = _this select 0; _end = _this select 1; _number = _this select 2; _carList = [ "C_Offroad_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", "C_SUV_01_F","C_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Van_01_box_F", "C_Van_01_fuel_F" ]; _manList = [ "C_man_p_beggar_F", "C_man_1","C_man_polo_1_F", "C_man_polo_2_F", "C_man_polo_3_F", "C_man_polo_4_F", "C_man_polo_5_F", "C_man_polo_6_F", "C_man_shorts_1_F", "C_man_1_1_F", "C_man_1_2_F", "C_man_1_3_F", "C_man_p_fugitive_F", "C_man_p_shorts_1_F", "C_man_hunter_1_F", "C_man_shorts_2_F", "C_man_shorts_3_F", "C_man_shorts_4_F" ]; for "_i" from 1 to _number do{ _civil = createGroup Civilian; _randomCar = (_carList select (random (count _carList))); _spawnCar = createVehicle [_randomCar, (getpos _start), [], 2, "NONE"]; _spawnCar setDir (getDir _start); _spawnCar setfuel 0.5 + (random 0.5); _randomMan = (_manList select (random (count _manList))); _driver = _civil createUnit [_randomMan, (getpos _start), [], 2, "FORM"]; _driver moveInDriver _spawnCar; _driver setBehaviour "SAFE"; _grp = group _driver; _waypointCar = _grp addWaypoint [(getPosASL _end), 0]; _waypointCar setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle (vehicle this); deleteVehicle this"]; sleep 5; }; ---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 ---------- this is my full script working, this make a traffic vehicles from logic point one to other logic point where you want put in the editor. So you should do is create two logics points names what ever you want and choose a numbers of car you want to see road. :o /* null = [logic1, logic2, number] execVM "generate_traffic.sqf"; */ _start = _this select 0; _end = _this select 1; _number = _this select 2; _carList = [ "C_Offroad_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", "C_SUV_01_F","C_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Van_01_box_F", "C_Van_01_fuel_F" ]; _manList = [ "C_man_p_beggar_F", "C_man_1","C_man_polo_1_F", "C_man_polo_2_F", "C_man_polo_3_F", "C_man_polo_4_F", "C_man_polo_5_F", "C_man_polo_6_F", "C_man_shorts_1_F", "C_man_1_1_F", "C_man_1_2_F", "C_man_1_3_F", "C_man_p_fugitive_F", "C_man_p_shorts_1_F", "C_man_hunter_1_F", "C_man_shorts_2_F", "C_man_shorts_3_F", "C_man_shorts_4_F" ]; while {true} do { trafficDone = false; _number = _number + (random _number); for "_i" from 1 to _number do { _civil = createGroup Civilian; _randomCar = (_carList select (random (count _carList))); _spawnCar = createVehicle [_randomCar, (getpos _start), [], 2, "NONE"]; _spawnCar setDir (getDir _start); _spawnCar setfuel 0.5 + (random 0.5); sleep 0.1; _randomMan = (_manList select (random (count _manList))); _driver = _civil createUnit [_randomMan, (getpos _start), [], 2, "FORM"]; _driver moveInDriver _spawnCar; _driver setBehaviour "SAFE"; _grp = group _driver; _waypointCar = _grp addWaypoint [(getPosASL _end), 0]; _waypointCar setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle (vehicle this); deleteVehicle this; trafficDone = true"]; sleep 5 + (random 5); }; waitUntil {trafficDone}; };
  2. Hi all, I Tried make spawn some cars in a logic point and this civil cars go to the other logic point in a traced road like a traffic. Well, I don't know why my civilians cars don't move I don't know what I do wrong :( generate_traffic.sqf /* null = [logic1, logic2, number] execVM "generate_traffic.sqf"; */ _start = _this select 0; _end = _this select 1; _number = _this select 2; _carList = [ "C_Offroad_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", "C_SUV_01_F","C_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Van_01_box_F", "C_Van_01_fuel_F" ]; _manList = [ "C_man_p_beggar_F", "C_man_1","C_man_polo_1_F", "C_man_polo_2_F", "C_man_polo_3_F", "C_man_polo_4_F", "C_man_polo_5_F", "C_man_polo_6_F", "C_man_shorts_1_F", "C_man_1_1_F", "C_man_1_2_F", "C_man_1_3_F", "C_man_p_fugitive_F", "C_man_p_shorts_1_F", "C_man_hunter_1_F", "C_man_shorts_2_F", "C_man_shorts_3_F", "C_man_shorts_4_F" ]; trafficDone = false; for "_i" from 1 to _number do{ _civil = createGroup Civilian; _randomCar = (_carList select (random (count _carList))); _spawnCar = createVehicle [_randomCar, (getpos _start), [], 2, "NONE"]; _spawnCar setDir (getDir _start); _spawnCar setfuel 0.5 + (random 0.5); _randomMan = (_manList select (random (count _manList))); _driver = _civil createUnit [_randomMan, (getpos _start), [], 2, "FORM"]; _driver moveInDriver _spawnCar; _driver setBehaviour "SAFE"; _grp = group _driver; _waypointCar = _grp addWaypoint [(getPosASL _end), 0]; _waypointCar setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle this; trafficDone = true"]; sleep 5; };
  3. Yes is fixed, now the spawn car move to the waypoint, but right now don't delete the veichle, I don't know why if I write "deleteVehicle this" in the waypoint... generate_traffic.sqf /* null = [logic1, logic2, number] execVM "generate_traffic.sqf"; */ _start = _this select 0; _end = _this select 1; _number = _this select 2; _carList = [ "C_Offroad_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", "C_SUV_01_F","C_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Van_01_box_F", "C_Van_01_fuel_F" ]; _manList = [ "C_man_p_beggar_F", "C_man_1","C_man_polo_1_F", "C_man_polo_2_F", "C_man_polo_3_F", "C_man_polo_4_F", "C_man_polo_5_F", "C_man_polo_6_F", "C_man_shorts_1_F", "C_man_1_1_F", "C_man_1_2_F", "C_man_1_3_F", "C_man_p_fugitive_F", "C_man_p_shorts_1_F", "C_man_hunter_1_F", "C_man_shorts_2_F", "C_man_shorts_3_F", "C_man_shorts_4_F" ]; for "_i" from 1 to _number do{ _civil = createGroup Civilian; _randomCar = (_carList select (random (count _carList))); _spawnCar = createVehicle [_randomCar, (getpos _start), [], 2, "NONE"]; _spawnCar setDir (getDir _start); _spawnCar setfuel 0.5 + (random 0.5); _randomMan = (_manList select (random (count _manList))); _driver = _civil createUnit [_randomMan, (getpos _start), [], 2, "FORM"]; _driver moveInDriver _spawnCar; _driver setBehaviour "SAFE"; _grp = group _driver; _waypointCar = _grp addWaypoint [(getPosASL _end), 0]; _waypointCar setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle this"]; sleep 5; };
  4. migueldarius

    Restrict UAV Backpack

    true, true hahaha, sorry, well I want that in the mission is restrict the UAV copter, I added a virtual ammo box and I don't know how to restrict chose the UAV backpack this addAction ["Arsenal", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;}];
  5. migueldarius

    B2 Scripts

    someone can help me with the Restriction Script? is that I want restrict a UAV Backpack, but i don't know how to do.
  6. "fireMortar.sqf" _mortar = _this select 0; _targetArray = _this select 1; _target = _targetArray select 0; _theAmmo = getArtilleryAmmo [_mortar] select 0; _idx = 0; //-- prevents firing at aircraft if(isTouchingGround _target) then { //-- The number of times you want the _mortar to check for range while {(_idx < 8)} do{ _tgtPos = position _target; _isInRange = _tgtPos inRangeOfArtillery [[_mortar], _theAmmo ]; if (_isInRange) then { _mortar commandArtilleryFire [_tgtPos, _theAmmo , 1 ]; }; sleep 5; _idx = _idx + 1; }; };
  7. migueldarius

    FFAA MOD (Spanish Army Mod)

    I I recommend that the units speak Spanish, as the mod RHS: Escalation that the units Russians speak Russian, logic :p
  8. migueldarius

    USS Iowa

    AusSnipe73 if you make the new ship for the navy army of United States the USS Freedom http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Freedom_%28LCS-1%29
  9. I recommend you do as the mod RHS, translate Spanish voices for greater realism mod
  10. migueldarius

    Enemy AI using artillery.

    Nope, I don't know what happen whit Sandstorm that don't fire more one time T-T
  11. migueldarius

    Enemy AI using artillery.

    continue without shoot :/
  12. migueldarius

    Enemy AI using artillery.

    Nope, don't work, only fire once time, the loop while don't work and not reload the ammo with a truck, maybe it's a bug of bohemia?
  13. migueldarius

    Enemy AI using artillery.

    Just right now I put the setVehicleAmmo 1 exactly your code, the AI does not want to reload... AI derp... :butbut: T_T
  14. migueldarius

    Enemy AI using artillery.

    I have a problem, the sandstorm dont want to reload their ammo, gets stuck. Why? :confused: I placed a ammo truck, but dont want reload.
  15. How to do a Ch-67 start with a Sling ropes a Hunter and this heli drop the cargo in a marker o point that I want? Hello guys! I want that a AI Ch-67 drop her cargo (its a hunter with sling ropes) in a marker or pos that I want and the heli leave and the hunter start him mission. :confused:
  16. migueldarius

    Enemy AI using artillery.

    If I want the artillery is a Sandstorm launcher and fire in a marker like a loop while every five minutes?
  17. migueldarius

    =BTC= Revive

    Don't work in a Dedicated Server, Just start the mission, end the mission like all is dead. Why? Can help me please?
  18. migueldarius

    Realistic Jumping Script

    How change the key? I don't like press 2xC I like press V. Please help me :)
  19. migueldarius

    =BTC= Revive

    For all players dead, If all player is dead, anyone cant revive to anyone so, end mission. The variable "Win" is defined in the editor yet with a trigger.
  20. migueldarius

    Help for Alive Check Players

    In the original post of BTC Revive, anyone answer me :( ---------- Post added at 15:54 ---------- Previous post was at 15:49 ---------- In the original post of BTC Revive, anyone answer me :(
  21. Hi Guys, I have a problem with my "Alive Check script", I'm noob in the world of scripting but I try to learn. My problem is that the mission not end when all players dies that mean the mission end lose, so, this script I want work with the revive script BTC, check that all players is dead and end the mission. Please any else to work this script, whats is my fail? Thank you for read, I hope help. :) In Editor Each players or units playable is named P1, P2, P3, P4... etc is for the script work "AliveCheck.sqf" hint "Alive Check Start"; sleep 2; if ( { !(isNull _x) && { !(alive _x) } } count [P1, P2, P3, P4] == 0 ) then { hint "Todos estan muertos o no existen"; }; sleep 2; hint "Alive Check End"; sleep 2; AllPlayersDead = true; "init.sqf" // ***************************** Alive Check Script ************************** AllPlayersDead = false; [] execVM "AliveCheck.sqf"; // ******************************* Revive Script ***************************** enableSaving [false,false]; call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf"; //call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\lite\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf"; // ******************************** Ends mission ***************************** [] spawn { waitUntil {win}; sleep 1; ["end1", true] call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer; sleep 1; forceEnd; }; [] spawn { waitUntil {AllPlayersDead}; sleep 1; ["LOSER", false] call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer; sleep 1; forceEnd; }; // ******************************* End Init ***************************** Link for the mission: mega.co.nz
  22. migueldarius

    Help for Alive Check Players

    Other cuestion, if in other mission without respawn or revive, only default in the description.ext "respawn = 0;" If i want Check if players is alive, this script maybe work? hint "Alive Check Start"; sleep 2; if ({( isPlayer _x ) && !( alive _x )} count playableUnits == 0 ) then{ hint "All dead or not exist"; }; sleep 2; hint "Alive Check End"; sleep 2; AllPlayersDead = true;
  23. migueldarius

    Help for Alive Check Players

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148085-BTC-Revive/page133 Post in, but "playableUnits" dont work too :(
  24. migueldarius

    =BTC= Revive

    Hi Guys, I have a problem with my "Alive Check script", I'm noob in the world of scripting but I try to learn. My problem is that the mission not end when all players dies that mean the mission end lose, so, this script I want work with the revive script BTC, check that all players is dead and end the mission. Please any else to work this script, whats is my fail? Thank you for read, I hope help. :) In Editor Each players or units playable is named P1, P2, P3, P4... etc is for the script work "AliveCheck.sqf" hint "Alive Check Start"; sleep 2; if ( { !(isNull _x) && { !(alive _x) } } count [P1, P2, P3, P4] == 0 ) then { hint "Todos estan muertos o no existen"; }; sleep 2; hint "Alive Check End"; sleep 2; AllPlayersDead = true; "init.sqf" // ***************************** Alive Check Script ************************** AllPlayersDead = false; [] execVM "AliveCheck.sqf"; // ******************************* Revive Script ***************************** enableSaving [false,false]; call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf"; //call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\lite\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf"; // ******************************** Ends mission ***************************** [] spawn { waitUntil {win}; sleep 1; ["end1", true] call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer; sleep 1; forceEnd; }; [] spawn { waitUntil {AllPlayersDead}; sleep 1; ["LOSER", false] call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer; sleep 1; forceEnd; }; // ******************************* End Init ***************************** Link for the mission: mega.co.nz
  25. migueldarius

    Help for Alive Check Players

    The problem is not the BTC revive, this work fine, is the script "alive check" that don't check if all players in the same time is dead, I think that i written correctly but dont work...