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Everything posted by sudslv

  1. thank you :) i got working script with GUI on button click but i still would like to know 4 things: 1. how to make that bike will despawn if player didnt use it for 5 min. check if player already spawned 1 bike so he cant keep spawning them (when he will press the button a hint will pop up saying "you already spawned bike" or it will erase previous bike and spawn new) 3. how to make either when bike spawns player automaticaly gets on it as driver or spawn it 2m infront of players direction. But most important: how to do it only in 1 sqf file? thank you very much.
  2. thank you very much, you explained alot of things to me :) so basicaly in GUI on button press i execute: spawnBike = { _target = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _arguments = _this select 3; _bike = createVehicle ["MMT_USMC", getPosATL _caller, [], 0, "NONE"]; }; [player, player, 1, nil] call _spawnBike; or: spawnBike = { _target = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _arguments = _this select 3; }; _bike = createVehicle ["MMT_USMC", getPosATL _caller, [], 0, "NONE"]; [player, player, 1, nil] call _spawnBike; so this will find the exact player who called the createvehicle... and teleport the vehicle to caller as defined player? it knows the "player"s id or i must replace the getPosATL _id? edit: im on different computer and cant access any of scripts.
  3. you need to set the arrays or they are auto: so on addaction 0 will be targer, 1 will be caller, 2 will be id, 3 will be arguments? i dont understand where are you getting them from? and my initial idea was to make this work with GUI button. edit: im looking right now at Celery's bandage script: //init.sqf [player,0.14,0,10,true] execVM "cly_heal.sqf"; so player executes the script and the numbers are the "options" (idk how to call them), but at his script he does this: //script.sqf _target=_this select 0; _caller=_this select 1; _id=_this select 3; so im confused now. targer - player caller - 0.14 id - 0 im newb to all this and would like to get some explanation how it works. and thank you for replying to me.
  4. thank you for reply but i still dont understand: "so my question is how to make script know which player executed the script and for example spawn bike next to the exact player who executed in server" and in your script: "(_this select 1), []" as far i know it selects arrays from 0, so first would be "MMT_USMC" and 2nd "getPosATL (_this select 1)" im little confused.
  5. so any succes? i was folowing this for days but you didnt respond. EDIT. (check the description)
  6. okay finnaly you said what is your problem but i cant help right now. I will take a look tomorrow as im editing my own map.
  7. i quite dont understand what you are trying to do... make "raw, ugly" map with your idea and then try to make "pretty" the specefic things and if you get stuck at something then post on forums but search first. about "ALICE" i just yesterday got arma 2 operation arrowhead so idk what it is however you can do the following to units u want to ai be able to kill: in units init field write: this addmagazine "30Rnd_762x39_AK47"; this addweapon "AK_47_M"; this addrating -1000; if you want the unit start with loaded weapon put magazine infront of weapon. weapons. please dont say what you want to make but say what you are stuck with otherwise nobody cant help you and nobody will spoonfeed you. EDIT: googled about ALICE. so i think you want to spawn random civilians and few of them are hostile and armed against blufor? if yes then i guess easy ways would be like you did only if you want them to have civillian skins just spawn civilians, paste the above code into their init field and add: this Setside east; you can use "resistance" instead of east too however there is workaround for ALICE but it would require some good scripting.
  8. I believe this is wrong part of forum? you are saying what you want to make but not where you need help (where you are stuck). And all this is easy to make, im not a *pro* in editor/scripts but for example: 1. player spawns as civilian and recieves task "gather intel from..." grouped with other civilians(undercover soldiers). 2. when player does something(ex: goes to waypoint) Trigger will start, it will trigger a already spawned/will spawn group and use Setpos, give Waypoint and For each civillian (who this army will kill) in init field add "this addRating -10000;" (this will make the group move to the destination and will kill any bad rated unit in their way). 3. add another Task "...", then i think it could be made with Setside but i fully didnt understand what you want. 4. again add Task "...", i think again Setside and Join Group, you can make Trigger to activate for example this. use KEYWORDS to search how to use them in editor and make a mission(atleast try) and then make thread where are you stuck (and please dont ignore the main rule "Search before post").
  9. well you can still use mysql (probably no other way if user saves after logout) just when server restarts delete/erase all data and create new however i found something that might interest you: today i was playing wasteland and found a working server wich automatically saves all data and has some more good features than the original one. you might be able to contact the owner of this modification and ask him. the server name was: "OMG-Clan 404Wasteland 1 - No TWS - HARD MODE - save stat - acr dlc" or ""OMG-Clan 404Wasteland 2 - No TWS - EASY MODE - save stat - acr dlc", gamemode "coop", map "404wasteland - chernarus [V3.0b] tuned by Jannik and Owner", players "75". searched with all arma 2 expansions enabled. good luck at this, this "OMG-Clan" has some fanpage or something wich is displayed when you enter game. however i would suggest you make it work after server restarts, because it is more fun when you can save all your items and continue getting more "powerfull" (unless your server will be running several days nonstop). good luck, cant help with anything else. good luck (and if you can then please post how you "fixed" your problem).
  10. interesting but i didnt see any script wich would "trigger" the saving. im not even good when it comes to problems like these in arma but i have heard that this requires MySQL to work and preferably a login system try searching more about it and good luck, would be nice if you would put script (or atleast explain) how you will deal with this problem.
  11. okay that will make it work only if its single player/ multiplayer. but im thinking that the script must be around "_caller" and "_target", something like that but im bad at using them, especially when it comes to variables
  12. Hi i have been searching for this almost a week and didnt find anything releated to it. I have made some testing and managed to make it work with specefic ai units. the idea of this system: when a Player walks next to Player an action menu "Make squad" will appear for Both. when both press it, they will go into salute animation for 1-3 sec, then they will join into squad and to leave(for 1 player) at 5x distance he will have option to leave squad. To add new players the squad leader must do it with others and i want to make that everyone sees everyone in squad. this ill literary eliminate frendly fire in my mission (PVP deathmatch type). The main problem with this is that i dont know how to make it work in multiplayer (how to write the Code that it will work globaly and you can add anyone not specefic units). i would be very grateful if someone could help me in this problem and please: I didnt make this thread to read things like "this has been asked, use google, ect" I made it because i couldnt find anything even releated to this and cant figure it out on my own.
  13. oh the my best guess would be check script and find the line wich is causing this, cant help then.
  14. are you sure that the "circles" arent markers? check in editor the map and scripts.
  15. "Silderoy" didnt solve my problem as i said its addon. and it REQUIRES arma 2 operation arrowhead to work, if anyone could JUST say how to make my idea work globaly? that it will group 2 specefic players not every player on server (60+ player server)
  16. Hi the famous bandage mod http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?106204-CLY-Heal-a-self-bandaging-script doesnt work in my mission multiplayer but it works ok in editor preview. i have copied [player,0.2,0.15,3,true] execVM "cly_heal.sqf" into init.sqf and the other script into "cly_heal.sqf". I have checked and found out that a "28 days later" mod uses this script and it works fine in multiplayer for them. if anyone can point out why it isnt working in my map i would be very grateful.
  17. I suppose that the cly healing is bugged or something. i made new map and first time i tested it, it worked fine. after some time i added ONLY ai and the "give bandage" option stopped working. i guess then i have to make my own healing script. MODS CAN CLOSE/REMOVE THIS THREAD AS NOBODY ANSWERED AND THE SCRIPT IS BEHAVING DIFFERENT EACH TIME!
  18. check if in vehicle instead of distance from vehicle
  19. im newb with editor atm but i can say that these circles are markers (including the green flag and ect). Im not sure how important are they but you can hide them in editor (if not remove). about civillians: i found out that if you have any ai in your screen radius (if you spot anyone in game) they will show up on map for some period of time so idk how to change that. good luck mate. :)
  20. thank you, havent tested yet but it looks like its for arma 2: OPERATION ARROWHEAD and im on arma 2. however i will dig a little thorught its scripts ---------- Post added at 17:30 ---------- Previous post was at 16:21 ---------- ok i checked and only bad news: 1. its arma 2: oa only 2. its an addon (never dealed with them before) so if anyone can just say how to make work globaly..
  21. UPDATE i made a new mission and placed 3 opfor soldies there (all playable) i tested it in single player and multiplayer and seem to only work bandage frendly, bandage myself and cant give bandages to others however any idea what could be causing that i cant use it in multiplayer in my mission