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Everything posted by bob100101

  1. bob100101

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Contrary to popular belief, the GAU-8 Avenger is not a magic death ray. Most modern Main Battle Tanks utilize a large 120-125mm gun for a reason. These guns have a much larger muzzle velocity, and a much larger effective range (1200m vs 4000m). The 3BM48 "Свинец-2" round designed for a 125mm smoothbore gun can penetrate around 800mm of armor (which means it can blast through Chobham armour). But the GAU-8's 30mm Depleted Uranium (AP) round can only penetrate about 70mm of armour at 500m, and about 40mm at a range of 1000m. Instead of going "thrue mbt's like a hot knife thrue butter", the most the GAU-8's going to do is help me pry open that slippery pickle jar.
  2. bob100101

    Client side files

    if (isServer) exitWith {}; { if (loadFile _x != "") then { endMission "LOSER"; for "_i" from 0 to 99 do { (findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0; }; }; } forEach ["wuat\screen.sqf"];
  3. That kinda looks like a mashup of sqf and sqs...
  4. I'm sure you could cook something up with the MPRespawn Event Handler :)
  5. bob100101

    locking certain slots

    admins = ["UID1","UID2","UID3","UID4"]; if (!(getPlayerUID in admins)) then { titleText ["Admin Slot! Kicking in 20 Seconds!", "BLACK"]; sleep 5; titleText ["Admin Slot! Kicking in 15 Seconds!", "BLACK"]; sleep 5; titleText ["Admin Slot! Kicking in 10 Seconds!", "BLACK"]; sleep 5; titleText ["Admin Slot! Kicking in 5 Seconds!", "BLACK"]; sleep 5; titleText ["Admin Slot! Kicking!", "BLACK"]; titleFadeOut 1; endMission "LOSER"; };
  6. class Groups { [color="#FF0000"]items=6;[/color] Changing 6 to 49 would be a start. Also have to checked arma2oaserver.RPT?
  7. Revised for "readability" "Gat" is slang for gun, I've changed it. Also be advised, it's untested. // by Bad_Bob if (isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_uid","_player"]; _uid = getPlayerUID player; _player = player; //Note that this is global... specialPeoples = [ "playerUID1", "playerUID2", "playerUID3" ]; notSoSpecialPeoples = [ "playerUID4", "playerUID5", "playerUID6" ]; admins = [ "adminUID1", "adminUID2", "adminUID3" ]; if ((_uid in specialPeoples) || (_uid in notSoSpecialPeoples) || (_uid in admins)) then { if (_uid in specialPeoples) then { private ["_specialWeapons","_specialGatMags"]; _specialWeapons = [ "ACE_TT", "ACE_AK74M_SD_Kobra_F" ]; _specialGatMags = [ "ACE_8Rnd_762x25_B_Tokarev", "ACE_75Rnd_545x39_T_RPK", ]; for "_i" from 1 to 8 do { { _player addMagazine _x; } forEach _specialMags; }; {_player addWeapon _x} forEach _specialWeapons; _player selectWeapon (primaryWeapon _player); [] spawn { hint format ["Welcome Special Person."]; sleep 5; hint format ["Primary Weapon: AK-74M SD Kobra. Pistol: Tokarev"]; sleep 5; hint format [""]; }; }; if (_uid in notSoSpecialPeoples) then { private ["_notSoSpecialWeapons","_notSoSpecialMags"]; _notSoSpecialWeapons = [ "ACE_M3A1", "ACE_APS" ]; _notSoSpecialMags = [ "ACE_30Rnd_1143x23_B_M3", "ACE_20Rnd_9x18_APS" ]; for "_i" from 1 to 8 do { { _player addMagazine _x; } forEach _notSoSpecialMags; }; {_player addWeapon _x} forEach _specialWeapons; _player selectWeapon (primaryWeapon player); [] spawn { hint format ["Welcome Non-Special Person"]; sleep 5; hint format ["Primary Weapon: Grease Gun. Pistol: Makarov"]; sleep 5; hint format [""]; }; }; if (_uid in admins) then { private ["adminWeapons","_adminMags"]; _adminWeapons = [ "ACE_M16A4_EOT", "ACE_USP" ]; _adminMags = [ "ACE_12Rnd_45ACP_USP", "ACE_30Rnd_556x45_SB_Stanag" ]; for "_i" from 1 to 8 do { { player addMagazine _x } forEach _adminMags; }; {_player addWeapon _x} forEach _adminWeapons; [] spawn { hint format ["Welcome Administrator"]; sleep 5; hint format ["Primary Weapon: M16A4 EOT. Pistol: USP45 Tactical"]; sleep 5; hint format [""]; }; }; }; if ( !(_uid in specialPeoples) && !(_uid in notSoSpecialPeoples) && !(_uid in admins)) then { private ["_defaultGat","_defaultMags"]; _defaultGat = [ "ACE_AK103", "ACE_L9A1" ]; _defaultMags = [ "ACE_30Rnd_762x39_S_AK47", "ACE_13Rnd_9x19_L9A1" ]; for "_i" from 1 to 8 do { { _player addMagazine _x } forEach _defaultMags; }; {_player addWeapon _x} forEach _defaultGat; [] spawn { hint format ["Welcome BK Randie"]; sleep 5; hint format ["Primary Weapon: AK-103 Pistol: L9A1"]; sleep 5; hint format [""]; }; };
  8. Suggestion: Description.ext: #include <Max_HealthStatusBar.hpp> Max_HealthStatusBar.hpp: class RscPicture { type = CT_STATIC; idc = -1; style = ST_PICTURE; colorBackground[] = {0, 0,0,0}; colorText[] = {0,0.5,0.8,0.8};//verde//{0, 0.5,0.8, 0.8}; font = "PuristaMedium"; //FontM//PuristaMedium//TahomaB sizeEx = 0; }; class RscTitles { titles[] ={health}; class health100 { idd=-1; movingEnable = true; duration=6; // Fade Duration fadein=0; // Fade Time name = "health100"; // Name in Editor controls[]={Picture}; class Picture : RscPicture { x = 0.78; // X-Axis dex-six y = 0.12; // Y-Axis su-giu w = 0.30; //WindowWidth h = 0.01; //Window Height text = "health.jpg"; // Graphic Direction sizeEx = 0.01; style=48; }; }; class health90 { idd=-1; movingEnable = true; duration=6; // Fade Duration fadein=0; // Fade Time name = "health90"; // Name in Editor controls[]={Picture}; class Picture : RscPicture { x = 0.78; // X-Axis dex-six y = 0.12; // Y-Axis su-giu w = 0.27; //WindowWidth h = 0.01; //Window Height text = "health.jpg"; // Graphic Direction sizeEx = 0.01; style=48; }; }; class health80 { idd=-1; movingEnable = true; duration=6; // Fade Duration fadein=0; // Fade Time name = "health80"; // Name in Editor controls[]={Picture}; class Picture : RscPicture { x = 0.78; // X-Axis dex-six y = 0.12; // Y-Axis su-giu w = 0.24; //WindowWidth h = 0.01; //Window Height text = "health.jpg"; // Graphic Direction sizeEx = 0.01; style=48; }; }; class health70 { idd=-1; movingEnable = true; duration=6; // Fade Duration fadein=0; // Fade Time name = "health70"; // Name in Editor controls[]={Picture}; class Picture : RscPicture { x = 0.78; // X-Axis dex-six y = 0.12; // Y-Axis su-giu w = 0.21; //WindowWidth h = 0.01; //Window Height text = "health.jpg"; // Graphic Direction sizeEx = 0.01; style=48; }; }; class health60 { idd=-1; movingEnable = true; duration=6; // Fade Duration fadein=0; // Fade Time name = "health60"; // Name in Editor controls[]={Picture}; class Picture : RscPicture { x = 0.78; // X-Axis dex-six y = 0.12; // Y-Axis su-giu w = 0.18; //WindowWidth h = 0.01; //Window Height text = "health.jpg"; // Graphic Direction sizeEx = 0.01; style=48; }; }; class health50 { idd=-1; movingEnable = true; duration=6; // Fade Duration fadein=0; // Fade Time name = "health50"; // Name in Editor controls[]={Picture}; class Picture : RscPicture { x = 0.78; // X-Axis dex-six y = 0.12; // Y-Axis su-giu w = 0.15; //WindowWidth h = 0.01; //Window Height text = "health.jpg"; // Graphic Direction sizeEx = 0.01; style=48; }; }; class health40 { idd=-1; movingEnable = true; duration=6; // Fade Duration fadein=0; // Fade Time name = "health40"; // Name in Editor controls[]={Picture}; class Picture : RscPicture { x = 0.78; // X-Axis dex-six y = 0.12; // Y-Axis su-giu w = 0.12; //WindowWidth h = 0.01; //Window Height text = "health.jpg"; // Graphic Direction sizeEx = 0.01; style=48; }; }; class health30 { idd=-1; movingEnable = true; duration=6; // Fade Duration fadein=0; // Fade Time name = "health30"; // Name in Editor controls[]={Picture}; class Picture : RscPicture { x = 0.78; // X-Axis dex-six y = 0.12; // Y-Axis su-giu w = 0.09; //WindowWidth h = 0.01; //Window Height text = "health.jpg"; // Graphic Direction sizeEx = 0.01; style=48; }; }; class health20 { idd=-1; movingEnable = true; duration=6; // Fade Duration fadein=0; // Fade Time name = "health20"; // Name in Editor controls[]={Picture}; class Picture : RscPicture { x = 0.78; // X-Axis dex-six y = 0.12; // Y-Axis su-giu w = 0.06; //WindowWidth h = 0.01; //Window Height text = "health.jpg"; // Graphic Direction sizeEx = 0.01; style=48; }; }; class health10 { idd=-1; movingEnable = true; duration=6; // Fade Duration fadein=0; // Fade Time name = "health10"; // Name in Editor controls[]={Picture}; class Picture : RscPicture { x = 0.78; // X-Axis dex-six y = 0.12; // Y-Axis su-giu w = 0.03; //WindowWidth h = 0.01; //Window Height text = "health.jpg"; // Graphic Direction sizeEx = 0.01; style=48; }; }; class health0 { idd=-1; movingEnable = true; duration=6; // Fade Duration fadein=0; // Fade Time name = "health0"; // Name in Editor controls[]={Picture}; class Picture : RscPicture { x = 0.78; // X-Axis dex-six y = 0.17; // Y-Axis su-giu w = 0; //WindowWidth h = 0.01; //Window Height text = "health.jpg"; // Graphic Direction sizeEx = 0.01; style=48; }; }; };
  9. Welcome to the forum :D Lots and lots of good links in here: Mission Editing and Scripting Information - Links only, NO Discussion A great Guide: Arma 3 Scripting Tutorial For Noobs Biki page on the A2 Scripting Commands: Category:Scripting Commands ArmA2 More good links: Variables Data Types Operators Control Structures PreProcessor Commands Classlists for pretty much anything you can imagine: wiki.ace-mod.net/wagn/Classlists Functions: ACE Functions (ACE Mod) CBA Functions (Community Based Addons Mod) ArmA II Function List Good for sharing code with buddies: ShareText.org The website of probably the most helpful person on these forums: http://www.kylania.com/ex/ And the most useful feature of these forums: The search button. I would also recommend not joining up with a Life team anytime soon if you've done absolutely nothing in sqf...
  10. Not sure, but that sounds like it would work to me.
  11. if (isServer) exitWith {}; **EDIT** I see you needed it for a trigger, so something like !(isServer) && (something) && (something) Should work. (I've never really made triggers before, but I know the general idea of how they work)
  12. This should do, adjust to your liking. EDIT: More readable version down below
  13. bob100101

    AI not attacking anything

    Is your person set as being "captive"?
  14. Ooh I see Someones beaten me to the punch :D Good Idea using floor, It hadn't crossed my mind that a null object could be selected, but that's probably just because I'm tired
  15. Well, Currently I cannot think of an easy way to fix your problem, so I'll have a go at it in the morning. (It's really late here)
  16. So, you mean like adding a random number of items from the _items array?
  17. /* put this in the AI's init field: nul = this execVM "randomGuns_AI.sqf"; */ private ["_Weapons","_items","_pWeapon","_pItem","_mag"]; _Weapons =["RH_deagle","RH_Mak","RH_usp","RH_g19"]; _items = ["sc_cellphone","sc_transmitter","sc_cigarettepack","sc_money","sc_lighter"]; _pWeapon = _Weapons select (random (count _Weapons)); _pItem = _items select (random (count _items)); _mag = (getArray (configFile >> "Cfgweapons" >> _pWeapon >> "magazines")) select 0; _this addItem _pItem; {_this addMagazine _mag} forEach [1,2,3]; _this addWeapon _pWeapon;
  18. So Just OPFOR needs the random weapons? And are these OPFOR "players" going to be real players, or just AI?
  19. This probably isn't even complete but it's based off of a [404] ArmA II Wasteland script. private ["_unit","_Weapons","_items","_pWeapon","_pItem","_mag"]; _unit = player; _Weapons =["RH_deagle","RH_Mak","RH_usp","RH_g19"]; _items = ["sc_cellphone","sc_transmitter","sc_cigarettepack","sc_money","sc_lighter"]; _pWeapon = _Weapons select (random (count _Weapons - 1)); _pItem = _items select (random (count _items - 1)); _mag = (getArray (configFile >> "Cfgweapons" >> _pWeapon >> "magazines")) select 0; _unit addItem _pItem; {_unit addMagazine _mag} forEach [1,2,3]; _unit addWeapon _pWeapon;
  20. This should work, I just tested it. Paste this in your init.sqf: if !(isServer) then { if (player != player) then { waitUntil { player == player; }; }; [] execVM "disable3rdPerson.sqf"; }; Make a new sqf file and name it "disable3rdPerson.sqf" Paste what's below into it, and save it to your mission folder. if (difficultyEnabled "3rdPersonView") then //Checks to see if third person is enabled { while {true} do { if (cameraView == "External") then { if ((vehicle player) == player) then { player switchCamera "Internal"; player commandChat "Third Person on foot has been disabled by the mission maker!"; }; }; sleep 0.1; }; }; Be advised, this Will NOT Work in the Editor, only on a server. Source code - Use this next time
  21. Would this work? if (_traitor1 == player) then {hint "Text"};
  22. bob100101

    Multiple scripting

    ---------- Post added at 02:23 ---------- Previous post was at 00:46 ---------- The closest thing I know of to a nuclear bomb is the MOAB included with GLT Misslebox.
  23. Found all of these very useful. Variables Data Types Operators Control Structures PreProcessor Commands