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About Seaweeduk

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  1. Seaweeduk

    New Battleye Filters

    Can we still have commented lines else where in the filters? What do we do when a quote character is being escaped by \ already, do we also need a \ to escape that \? eg: 1 "" !="this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';" !"\"_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;\"" !"\"Hit\" 3:5 Survivor2_DZ - \"_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;\""
  2. Terrible response doesn't matter how long coming it was the average admin had no clue about this until it was forced and now almost all dayzmod filters are not working. If its so simple to convert them why isn't there a simple tool available for us to do it? Better yet why doesn't battleye do it automatically? Breaking everyones filters is stupid I bet months from now there are still servers with no working filters because of this update. I'm sure regex is great and far superior but that doesn't matter when two days on there's still no dayzmod filters for it https://github.com/DayZMod/Battleye-Filters
  3. Agreed this is really shoddy to implement something that stops the majority of everyones filters from even being loaded, without providing any backwards compatibility or a tool to convert existing filters. If you get a working php script for conversion I would very much appreciate access to it as I'm sure would many others.