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Everything posted by -ghost-tf

  1. -ghost-tf

    Community Upgrade Project: WIP thread

    Very nice guys, big thank you to everyone involved!
  2. -ghost-tf

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It is on playwithsix, just search for RHS: United States Armed Forces and RHS: Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation :)
  3. Thanks Toadie, love your animations :)
  4. -ghost-tf

    X-Cam prototype map

    hahaha awesome :D
  5. thanks alot man! really needed this :)
  6. -ghost-tf

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thank you for finaly releasing arma3!!!!! Congrats on release guys and I wish you the best of luck for MANW contest :D
  7. -ghost-tf

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    wow Only rainy missions after this is released :)
  8. -ghost-tf

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain]

    Thank you and congrats on release!
  9. Since the special Make arma not war branch of the game contains weapon inertia, are you guys planning on adding it on your weapons for the first release or is there not enough time (I dont know how difficult/much work it would be)?
  10. -ghost-tf

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain WIP]

    Great news man, Ill be waiting for it :)
  11. I would like to know that aswell, will spetnaz make it into first release or is it maybe something for in the future? :)
  12. -ghost-tf

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    I believe he means JSRS making sounds for RHS :)
  13. LOVE IT! Thank you for your awesome work guys!
  14. -ghost-tf

    X-Cam prototype map

    wow it looks too good!!
  15. I'm pretty sure they mean the random numbers on the vehicles as you can see in the pic below, nice extra detail :) https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10321680_784621611550834_8902824246219427946_o.jpg Loving the BTR animations btw!
  16. Awesome screenshots! Voted ofcourse :)
  17. -ghost-tf

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Congratz on the release nou! While testing it today we noticed that when someone else talks on the radio your FPS drops down with 20 or so. FPS is fine if you are the one talking on the radio. This also happens when you drop the radio on the ground on "INT AUDIO" mode and someone else talks on that channel. Do you have any idea what may be causing this?
  18. Very nice work Varanon :)
  19. -ghost-tf

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    wow, just fucking beautiful.
  20. Wow! Honestly I would pay money for those ammoboxes alone, I hate the vanilla crates :p So much awesomeness in one post, its too much I cant handle it :D
  21. -ghost-tf

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain WIP]

    New sat layer looks much better! Great work man
  22. Nice! Loving your buildings man, keep up the great work :)
  23. -ghost-tf

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain WIP]

    Really loving these updates! Everything simply looks beautifull :)