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About Cannon_Fodder121

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Cannon_Fodder121

    Sidearms in holsters - are we getting it?

    My vote also is to just remove the holsters completely from all vests until the problem is fixed. As said before a generic pistol in the holster is an issue if it stays in the holster when you draw the pistol or is there when you don't have a pistol. I think the holster issue needs to be looked at like an Item like the NVGs. When pistol slot is full and pistol not in hand the weapon is rendered in the holster (if applicable) and when in hand it is not rendered. The NVGs do something similar. Even if you use a generic holster model for all pistols.
  2. Cannon_Fodder121

    Iranian troops need to be heard!

    Since the BLUFOR are NATO troops a few different accents for even the English speakers would be great too.
  3. Cannon_Fodder121

    3rd person view and difficulty levels

    Have server-side feature to decide to allow or disable 3rd person.
  4. Cannon_Fodder121

    How many would be against delaying the game even further?

    I would rather not see them, or any company, rush a project to meet an arbitrary release date they set for themselves months ago. Since we have the Beta to play with having to wait a few more months isn't that difficult since we are getting our Arma 3 fix the whole time. With the modding community we can get any gear or vehicles we want so don't need to wait for BI. BI has one job, make the game they want to make and at the level of excellence we have become to expect. And if the wait is for something cool like ToH or DCS flight dynamics even better.
  5. Cannon_Fodder121

    [SP] Hell-Heli : Simple Randomized Autorotation Practice

    Without a script you can't guarantee engine and rotor failure by just placing enemy infantry around. I find that's part of the fun never knowing what happens.
  6. Cannon_Fodder121

    [SP] Hell-Heli : Simple Randomized Autorotation Practice

    Thank you so much for this. Was getting tired of spawning helos with next to no fuel or shooting out the tail rotor myself. ---------- Post added at 11:35 ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 ---------- To do this I just got to editor, spawn the bird I want to fly, place marker on the map for LZ, and place EI around to shoot at me.
  7. Cannon_Fodder121

    Chopper Pilot PROS

    On foot I use them for my lean left/right. I don't like keyboard collective so I also set it to the toe brakes. Takes some practice to be pressing down on a toe brake and trying to turn the pedals the opposite direction. Vehicle throttles are also there.
  8. Cannon_Fodder121

    Arma 3 Facetrack Noir

    I use Track IR v5 not Face Track. I found I had to make a few minor tweeks to the curves to get the tracking to where I liked it.
  9. Cannon_Fodder121

    Chopper Pilot PROS

    I am having a bit more trouble then I expected flying helos in Arma 3. I am getting better. I use keyboard + mouse with rudder pedals w/toe brakes and Track IR. I was having some issues getting the hang of things. Moving to analog collective on the toe brakes seamed to help a lot for me. Keeps my feet pretty busy but nice to leave my fingers on the buttons I need.
  10. Ability to ground taxi would be a nice extra. Outside of a true flight sim it seams unnecessary. Chances are the only way we will see this is if BI decides to use the ToH flight model for ArmA.
  11. Cannon_Fodder121

    Seattle Map into ARM III

    Being from Seattle I would love to fight it out in my home city.