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Everything posted by irfanahmed1979

  1. irfanahmed1979

    Armor Improvement System (AIS)

    Oh, I missed that.
  2. irfanahmed1979

    Armor Improvement System (AIS)

    Can I have a similar system for helicopters blocking AA missiles?
  3. rlex, 1. Can you tell which mission it is in which the player can acquire the creation factory? (The mission description might help) 2. Can I spawn a creation factory in the form of a container box from the request units dialog? If so, what code will I have to enter in the vehicle.sqf?
  4. Thanks rlex, Seems to be working.
  5. I'm also using bigshot's version. Maybe they'll try to fix this after the bootcamp DLC.
  6. Anyone experiencing the bug where the supply dropped ammo box sinks into the ground?
  7. Thanks zig, I tried it in the editor and the ramp door works. However, there's that invisible wall which stops you from walking through the ramp and into the helicopter. That really put me off. As for the mission file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j7d2sqwcg46zk75/BigShots%20DUWS%20Modified%20v1.3.zip
  8. Actually I want to use it in a mission DUWS (Dynamic Universal Warfare System) in which the player can request a vehicle and it is spawned. There are no pre-spawned vehicles at the start of the mission. It is all dynamic.
  9. Is there a script that I can use with DUWS which allows me to open/ close the ramp door of a CH-49 Mohawk (I've added the Mohawk to the request vehicle) and also load/unload cargo? I tried in vain using the script found here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169340-Usable-cargo-ramp-for-CH-49-Mohawk I am totally new to scripting in ARMA 3 and although I've been playing since the beta I still don't know the difference between add-ons and mods or how to manage and use them. The same goes for scripts also.
  10. If anyone would like a working ramp door on the AAF CH-49 Mohawk helicopter, please use the feedback tracker to upvote this issue here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9974 I know there is/are script(s) for this but this should be a genuine feature of the vanilla game. Devs must be pretty busy with other stuff but this issue has been lingering on for quite a long time.
  11. Bigshot I'm trying to change the Helicopter taxi vehicle to a kajman black. So far I can get the heli to come to the LZ and land but I can't get into the chopper. I don't know coding, just messing around. If you could have a look at the code: _posplayer = _this select 0; _radius = _this select 1; _foundPickupPos = []; taxiCanTakeOff = false; _music = call compile preprocessFile "support\taxi\random_music.sqf"; if (commandpointsblu1 < 1) exitWith { ["info",["Not enough command points","Not enough Command Points (1 CP required)"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; _foundPickupPos = [_posplayer, 0,_radius,10,0,0.2,0,[],[[0,0],[0,0]]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // find a valid pos // try to find a pos, if no pos is found exit the script if (0 == _foundPickupPos select 0 && 0 == _foundPickupPos select 1) exitWith {hint "No valid LZ nearby"; sleep 5; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem;}; // A POS NEAR THE PLAYER HAS BEEN FOUND, CHOOPA EN ROUTE commandpointsblu1 = commandpointsblu1 - 1; publicVariable "commandpointsblu1"; // create marker on LZ _markerpickup = format["lz%1%2",_foundPickupPos]; // Define marker name _markerstr = createMarker [str(_markerpickup), _foundPickupPos]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; str(_markerpickup) setMarkerType "hd_end"; str(_markerpickup) setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; str(_markerpickup) setMarkerText "LZ"; // create the chopper, gunners and pilots _helo = createVehicle ["O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F", [_posplayer select 0, (_posplayer select 1)+2000, 200],[], 0, "FLY"]; _helogroup = createGroup west; _pilot = _helogroup createUnit ["O_helipilot_F", [5,5,5], [], 0, "NONE"]; _gunner1 = _helogroup createUnit ["O_helipilot_F", [5,5,5], [], 0, "NONE"]; _helo flyInHeight 150; _helo addAction ["<t color='#00b7ff'>Give a LZ to the pilot</t>", "support\taxi\mapclickhelo.sqf", "", 0, true, true, "", "vehicle _this == _target"]; _pilot setcaptive true; _pilot allowfleeing 0; _pilot disableAI "Target"; _pilot moveindriver _helo; _gunner1 moveInGunner _helo; // create the helipad to land and the waypoints _helipad1 = createVehicle ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F", _foundPickupPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _wp = _helogroup addWaypoint [[_foundPickupPos select 0, (_foundPickupPos select 1)-75], 0]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; [_helogroup, 1] setWaypointCombatMode "BLUE"; _fobname = [1] call compile preprocessFile "random_name.sqf"; _random1 = round random 9; _random2 = round random 9; _pilot sideChat format["This is %1 %2-%3, we're approaching your location for pick up, check your map for the LZ",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; waitUntil {_foundpickuppos distance _helo < 350 or (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot)}; // wait until the helo is near the lz // IF THE PILOT IS DEAD OR CHOPPA DOWN ****************** if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith { deleteVehicle _helipad1; deleteMarker str(_markerpickup); hint format["%1 %2-%2 is too damaged to continue the mission",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; // --- AJOUTER DE NOUVEAU LE SUPPORT sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; // **************************************************** // spawn smokeshell _smokePos = [_foundpickuppos select 0, (_foundpickuppos select 1)+ random 5]; _smoke = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle _smokePos; _chemlight = "Chemlight_green" createVehicle _smokePos; _helo land "GET IN"; // spawn the door opening script _pickupSpawnopen = [_helo,_foundpickuppos] spawn { _helo = _this select 0; _lzPos = _this select 1; waitUntil {getpos _helo distance _lzPos < 10}; _helo animateDoor ['door_R', 1]; sleep 3; _helo animateDoor ['door_L', 1]; }; _inVehCheck = true; while {_inVehCheck} do { waitUntil {sleep 0.1;taxiCanTakeOff or (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot)}; // wait until the player has given a validpos if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith {}; // get out of the loop if choopa is down // check if player is inside choppa if (vehicle player != _helo) then {taxiCanTakeOff = false; _pilot sidechat format["This is %1 %2-%3, get back in, I can't transport you're not inside the chopper !",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; _helo addAction ["<t color='#00b7ff'>Give a LZ to the pilot</t>", "support\taxi\mapclickhelo.sqf", "", 0, true, true, "", "vehicle _this == _target"];} else {_inVehCheck = false;}; }; // IF THE PILOT IS DEAD OR CHOPPA DOWN ************** if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith { deleteVehicle _helipad1; deleteMarker str(_markerpickup); hint format["%1 %2-%2 is too damaged to continue the mission",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; // --- AJOUTER DE NOUVEAU LE SUPPORT }; // ***************************** // everything is ok, player is in choppa playMusic [_music, 0]; // _helo lock true; titleText ["Pilot: Roger that, we're oscar mike...", "PLAIN DOWN"]; str(_markerpickup) setMarkerPos ClickedTaxiPos; // create the helipad to land and the waypoints _helipad = createVehicle ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F", ClickedTaxiPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _wp = _helogroup addWaypoint [ClickedTaxiPos,0]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; [_helogroup, 1] setWaypointCombatMode "BLUE"; // spawn the door closing script _pickupSpawnclose = [_helo,_foundpickuppos] spawn { _helo = _this select 0; _lzPos = _this select 1; waitUntil {getpos _helo distance _lzPos > 10}; }; waitUntil {sleep 0.5;_helo distance _helipad1 > 350 or (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot)}; // wait until the helo is away from LZ // IF THE PILOT IS DEAD OR CHOPPA DOWN ************** if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith { deleteVehicle _helipad1; deleteVehicle _helipad; // _helo lock false; deleteMarker str(_markerpickup); hint format["%1 %2-%2 is too damaged to continue the mission",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; // --- AJOUTER DE NOUVEAU LE SUPPORT sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; // ***************************** if (enableChopperFastTravel) then { // TELEPORT HELO NEAR LZ deleteVehicle _helipad1; titleText ["En route to LZ...", "BLACK OUT", 3]; sleep 3.5; _helo setpos [getpos _helipad select 0, (getpos _helipad select 1)+1000, 150]; sleep 3; titleText ["En route to LZ...", "BLACK IN", 4]; }; waitUntil {ClickedTaxiPos distance _helo < 200 or (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot)}; // wait until the helo is near the lz // IF THE PILOT IS DEAD OR CHOPPA DOWN ************** if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith { deleteVehicle _helipad; // _helo lock false; deleteMarker str(_markerpickup); hint format["%1 %2-%2 is too damaged to continue the mission",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; // --- AJOUTER DE NOUVEAU LE SUPPORT sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; // ***************************** _helo land "GET OUT"; // spawn the door opening script _LzSpawnopen = [_helo] spawn { _helo = _this select 0; waitUntil {getpos _helo distance ClickedTaxiPos < 20}; _helo animateDoor ['door_R', 1]; sleep 3; _helo animateDoor ['door_L', 1]; }; // time to move ppl out of the helo; waitUntil {(getpos _helo select 2 < 4 && _helo distance _helipad<20) or (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot)}; // wait until the helo is near the ground // IF THE PILOT IS DEAD OR CHOPPA DOWN ************** if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith { deleteVehicle _helipad; // _helo lock false; hint format["%1 %2-%2 is too damaged to continue the mission",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; // --- AJOUTER DE NOUVEAU LE SUPPORT sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; // ***************************** titleText ["Pilot: We've arrived at the LZ", "PLAIN DOWN"]; // _helo lock false; {doGetOut _x; sleep 1;} forEach assignedCargo _helo; //units group player; sleep 40; _wp = _helogroup addWaypoint [[0,0,0],0]; // tell the helo to leave _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; deleteMarker str(_markerpickup); deleteVehicle _helipad; // spawn the door closing script _LzSpawnclose = [_helo] spawn { _helo = _this select 0; sleep 2; _helo animateDoor ['door_R', 0]; sleep 3; _helo animateDoor ['door_L', 0]; }; waitUntil {_helo distance player>100 or (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot)}; // wait until the helo is near the ground // IF THE PILOT IS DEAD OR CHOPPA DOWN ************** if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith { hint format["%1 %2-%2 is too damaged to continue the mission",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; // --- AJOUTER DE NOUVEAU LE SUPPORT sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; // ***************************** _pilot sideChat format["This is %1 %2-%3, we are RTB",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; sleep 200; deleteVehicle _pilot; deleteVehicle _copilot; deleteVehicle _gunner1; deleteVehicle _gunner2; deleteVehicle _helo; sleep 2; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem;
  12. irfanahmed1979

    IR strobes

    I viewed Shack's Guide on Airborne Assault. In it he mentioned IR strobes to mark the LZ at night. I wanted to know where can I get these IR strobes if I'm playing a mission with the VAS?
  13. I would like that too!
  14. irfanahmed1979

    Gunships: AI pilots and player as gunner

  15. 1. Can I play as the gunner in the Blackfoot with an AI pilot? 2. If so, how can I tell the AI pilot to land? 3. Also, how do I give orders for hovering, increasing/decreasing altitude? 4. As gunner how can I aim the gun of the Blackfoot?
  16. irfanahmed1979

    IR strobes

    ok. I thought there were two types of IR grenades (one type for OPFOR and one for BLUFOR). How would I know the difference?
  17. Bigshot, I just had a look at the downloaded mission file. It contains a .pbo file. Can I get the mission files for the editor?
  18. Thanks Bigshot. I only modify for myself as I make it too easy to play which others wouldn't like.
  19. I've already subscribed to the mission on the steam workshop. All I wanted to know was, if there is any restriction on customizing your mod to my needs. I could do it with Kibot's with ease.
  20. BigShot, can your modified DUWS be modded in order to have more Army points and command points at the start and also change the numbers of points one gets for controlling a zone after the fixed time interval? I know I could do it in Kibot's DUWS. Also can it be modded so that there are more vehicles and units in the request unit menu?
  21. irfanahmed1979

    [SP] The Iron Cowboy

    I like this mod because there is so much armour in it. I just can't play it right. Every time my tanks get picked off one by one from enemy tanks that I can't detect. Also I couldn't figure out how to order the recon team on my right flank to use their UAV. One more thing what is the use of Bravo 1-1 the one with the HEMITT trucks?
  22. It would be nice to see enemy icons on the map when they're reported by an FOB instead of just a message. Icons could provide better situational awareness and might even allow the player to lay down some artillery or mortar fire on the enemy units if he possesses SP Guns and mortars or even MLRS.
  23. I've manually placed the zones and HQ and previewed them in the editor before exporting them to single missions. Now, (maybe it's because of today's dev branch update) every time I start up my mission my character is swimming in the air and I can even hear the water splashes but the main base is at Altis airbase and all other soldiers are walking about fine. ---------- Post added at 12:45 ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 ---------- Alright, now I'm certain that it's to do with today's update. Yesterday when I previewed it in the editor, it was working fine. Today, I loaded it up in the editor and previewed it and I was swimming in the air.
  24. If I change the manually place zones option to true then I don't get the startup dialog box except for the one which asks for manual or random placement of HQ.