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About WarheadKillor

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  1. Glad your having fun with it! What locations do you suggest I go for? I have Chernogorsk in the production pipes right now, which is shaping up to be an 8 player defense (rather than the regular 6).
  2. Perfect! Exactly the reaction I wanted from someone. Hope you enjoy it! -------------------- Got a new update for everyone today, and with that update comes a new mission. Check the changelog for more details. I'll also make strides towards finishing up more of Devil's Castle and perhaps move onto more towns in Chernarus. Defend Camp Maxwell Camp Maxwell is an interesting place to defend because where they come from you have very limited line of sight, you may have to work as a team to push them back down the hill to successfully complete. Do keep in mind that Camp Maxwell is in ALPHA, the evac heli may not even be able to land with all the trees around and everything. --- CHANGELOG EDIT: Since I don't like double posting as much as the next guy, I've updated the missions even more and this is reflected in bold.
  3. COOP 06 - DEFEND THE TOWN Based off the original COOP map, Defend Kamino by Bohemia Interactive Author's note About the Missions Each mission has slightly different mechanics, mostly because of the location. Some missions have different classes, as well as some structures placed so that defense is much easier. Everything is pretty standard from Defend Kamino, there are waves of enemies which spawn cars, tanks and sometimes boats (depending on the location). There is a 30 second spawn time. It is recommended that you do play with atleast one other person, because if you die while playing it solo the mission will just end. Changes from the Defend Kamino mission No respawn loadouts (until I can figure out a way that is balanced and prevents class loss/switching) Supply crates which provide ammo, weapons, launchers and misc items. New Parameter that includes the option of start during lighter hours or at night. Artillery and CAS support calling (eventually I will change this to be unlocked via the wave system rather than at start) Uses preset loadouts (Autoriflemen, Combat Life Saver, etc.) Independent faction is only available in certain missions (probably for bigger cities like Chernogorsk) Downloads ARMAHOLIC PAGE Make recommendations down below on what defense missions you want to see next! Chernarus Note: It is required to have AllinArma and Arma 2 installed. All missions have been built to support and play with A3 content only. Check the AllinArma wiki to see how to change the addon to reflect this. Known Issues Report issues you encounter down below and we'll try to sort them out! Stratis
  4. WarheadKillor

    Switching weapons

    This would actually be good with proper animations and everything, fine job with it so far!