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Posts posted by Brisse

  1. I'm on the mission "Radio Silence" at the moment and I liked the opening of the campaign but this mission is just ridiculous.

    So I'm moving up on the enemy base with my squad. There is me and three guys. I failed to destroy the towers. I can take the base without too much effort, sometimes I loose a squadmate or two but afterwards I can't save and here the ridiculous stuff starts. The squad moves north and two enemy MRAP's comes towards us and dismounts. They pretty much instantly kills my entire squad. Their aim is unrealisticly good. I die every time and have to reload back to before the assault on air station mike-26. I have tried probably 30 times now and I'm getting tired of it. Please BIS do something about this mission, it's not enjoyable like this. I'm playing on Veteran, sometimes I tried to take down the difficulty level but it does not help me get through this mission.

  2. I know the men are carrying full combat great but remember they are trained military in top form, not computer potatoes like us.

    Us? Don't underestimate the diversity of people playing Arma.

  3. (the naked guy was a bit faster due to not having a weapon which makes you run faster for some reason).

    There is a reason for that. I'm pretty sure Usain Bolt stands a better chance to set a world record without a rifle in his hands...

  4. Did I see soldiers from "Sjösäk" in those movies on the front page?

    Edit: Just tried out the mod and saw that those were SOG operators using that hat. I did not know it was used by any other unit than Sjösäk. Maybe I was wrong :)

    Some other constructive criticism:

    The G-båt has higher top speed IRL. Please make it go about 65km/h and make it slower when reversing (about 15km/h I guess).

    The tracers used by the Swedes seem to be of the wrong colour. It should be red IMHO.

  5. Be interested to know which army you are in as i have never witnessed anybody losing their gear in battle. You are carrying your stuff for a reason. You need it.

    "McSenna! Ammo for the gimpy!"

    "ummm sorry s'arnt i dropped it half a mile back. Do you need it then?"

    Emm.... backpacks usually contain stuff like extra clothes, your bedroll, your sleeping bag and so on. All the combat gear is supposed to be in your combat vest/belt/whatever your army uses.

    Unless you're part of a recon unit that walks in forests for weeks with all their gear, chances are you'll just leave the backpack at the trucks.

    You got that right.

  6. imo the fatigue sets in too quick.

    Then you are most likely carrying to much.

    You guys need to start doing what we soldiers do in real life. Drop your backpack when entering a battle.

    There is even a com option to tell your AI team to drop their packs.

    Plan your approach so that you don't need to run more than neccesary.

    Work with your team. Move, cover, move, cover etc...

  7. But also, a soldier is unlikely to accidentally decide to eject from a car going 100km/h :)

    It's hard to argue against that. Just the other day, I was going to blow up a radio tower with a satchel on a multiplayer server. Before blowing it up I was going to mount a Marshall and get out of there, but insted by accident I hit the "touch off" and lots of players including myself was killed in the accident.

    Accidents happen in real life to but this happened way to easily.

  8. ^thats true, but IRL you won't end up ejecting from a chopper while you were trying to put the auto-hover on. This does happen with the scrollmenu.

    Well, I have never had that problem. I always map that function to one of my HOTAS buttons. Just like real life :)

    I never touch keyboard and/or mouse when flying.

    I can see it might bother those without HOTAS though.

  9. Being a soldier in real life is even more clumsy than scrolling through a list and pressing a button. I say we keep the interaction system as it's always been. If anything, it is a realistic thing that it takes time to chose an interaction option. Ejecting from a car going 100km/h does not take 1millisecond in real life.

  10. I have problems with fatigue effect and I feel nauseous after 1 hour game :(

    That is a legitimate reason, easily fixed by changing the visuals of fatigue. That does not mean soldiers should become less tired.

    I hope the devs will make this work for all of us. I'm not suffering from the effect myself, but those who do must be taken seriously.

  11. Don't know what you are all complaining about. Soldiers in ArmaIII get realistic fatigue at the moment. I think they are very well fit, but realistic.

    Things to consider:

    Boots are not running shoes

    Heavy equipment

    Terrain is hard to move over

    Steep hills

    Also consider that you will quickly start to breath heavily even though you do not feeling tired. This is still a huge impact on aiming.

  12. I must admit that we haven't been out in that boat for some time, and the distance was according to my memory.

    I don't know if you watched the last vid I posted, but I reckon the crash stop there is 20 - 30m and that boat is not anywhere close to 100km/h there. More like 40 - 50km/h.

  13. Just tried out the assault boat and I think it feel as it should except it takes to long to stop when going straight ahead. The solution right now is to make a 360 degrees turn, wich will quickly stop the boat.

    Also, looking at the 3D model, I see that it does have reverse thrust capability and it should be able to crash stop.

    Edit: Here is another video. This is the "G-boat" wich is another boat I had a lot of fun with during my time in the Royal Swedish Navy. There is a crash stop just after 2 minutes:

    It can actually stop faster than that, but then everyone gets wet becouse of all the water plash ;)

  14. When I saw this thread I just had to register so I could post replies :)

    I'm a marine engineer and have lived my whole life around boats and ships. Everything from the smallest canoe to the largest oil tankers in the world.

    I have also been in the navy and experienced the CB90 and other similiar boats.

    This is why I had to post:

    We have a speedboat in my family. When we're out and going around 100 km/h, we can easily stop the boat to 0 km/h with not more than 20 meters stopping distance. In game, the speedboat seems to take more than 100 meters to stop from full speed.

    Becouse that is utterly bullshit. No boat can do that, not even with a crashstop feature like the CB90. This is a very common misconception though becouse it's very hard to judge distance and speed out on the water. I doo however agree that the boats in Arma3 feels a bit wierd but hey, it's not a boat simulator.
