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About apathetik

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  1. apathetik

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Yeah, that does make sense. But for difficulty's sake, it would be cool to give them at least a little bit of armor, maybe enough to stand 1-2 rounds before immediately dying. Also, the one shot instakill kinda breaks their compatibility with wounding mods, like the TPW ones.
  2. apathetik

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Thanks for the mod! It really adds to the immersion and makes me nostalgic for the good old arma 2 days. Only one issue though, it seems the armor values that these units have, at least the middle eastern ones, is super weak. One shot from a suppressed 9mm weapon consistently kills infantry units, even if shot in the foot. I don't know if this is intended or not, but I'm pretty sure I don't have any mods that alter bullet damage or anything like that. Has anyone else noticed this? I apologize if this has been mentioned already. Thanks again for the awesome mod!
  3. Hello, I'm having a problem when using version .75 with manually placed zones/HQ on Altis. I've edited the INIT.sqf file accordingly, setting custom values for the zones/HQ, bluefor/opfor AI skill, army power, and command points. Whenever I start up the mission in SP, MP units spawn in the middle of the ocean when they should be disabled in SP through the isMultiplayer condition of presence. Also, when I check the Request Units menu, blufor AP shows a value of "any". In addition, the "WARCOM Initialized" notification does not show up. This problem did not occur using the .74 versions. The unmodified version .75 mission with random zones/HQ seems to work fine though.
  4. Hey kibot, first off, awesome mission. It's one of the most fun experiences I've had in any game. The concept is pure genius, I love how there are elements borrowed from strategy games. As for the freezes, I've been getting them constantly on versions 0.73 b, c, and d. These would happen any time shortly after I encountered an enemy. I noticed that enemies were being called out by AI as unknown units, which was weird. The enemies wouldn't shoot back, and my AI units wouldn't engage them. Upon approaching the enemies, my game would freeze and would have to be killed in the task manager. I tested numerous possible causes in each version, SP vs MP, conflicting addons, custom base placement, extra resources added in the editor, zone size, etc. This was all on the latest dev build. After all that, it was the weirdest thing. The weather setting of all things was what was causing it. Whenever I set the weather to arid, which I always did because rain is annoying, the freezes would happen. Upon changing the weather to tropical or mediterranean, the problem was gone. Anyways, hopefully this helps narrow down the cause of the freezes. Awesome job on the mission and thanks for making it. :)
  5. Hello, I apologize in advance if the answer to this has been already posted or is otherwise obvious or trivial. I've searched google and these forums but haven't yet found a solution. I'm working on a simple COOP mission, and was wondering if there was any way to completely disable friendly fire in such a way that firing upon a friendly unit does no damage whatsoever. Is this possible through some script or mission parameter? Thanks!