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About Geit

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  1. Alright, thanks for all the responses :) I quess the only thing really reasonable to do is wait until the full release...
  2. well, that means I have to get a new motherboard also... Is there then no good CPU's with AM3 or AM3+ sockets?
  3. Alright, will try it, but funnily enough, ArmA2, ArmA2: OA were running very smooth for me. They had no problems running, but I quess arma2 is an older game now too, so that doesn't count. EDIT: also, you running both games fine with that HD 6950? Might consider buying a new video card, as I can see you have almost the same processor as I have, so we should have same performances, except on the video card being different.
  4. Alright, also putted a "(performance)" letters behind it because of that rule. Kinda says that theres issue with performance then. I get that lag in pretty much every server, time to time I have had lag free, but not very long for lag free, it seems if it gets more populated the issue grows. Friends are playing from Sweden and UK. I myself am from Estonia. I can't understand how can server affect my frames, it surely is, but why it is, that's the question. Is it in any way fixable by myself? As I said others get good frames, ofcourse they also have beastier PC's than I have, but still. I should be able to play it even in lowest settings.
  5. Today I wanted to play multiplayer with my friends, because before the A3 beta I just wasn't able to play in multiplayer because of the framerate beind awfully low. And it was pretty much only me. None of my friends had that problem. Now, when game is in beta, I heard they fixed alot of performance issues so I thought to come back to see if now I can play with my friends, and - suprise, suprise - framerate still as bad as it was on alpha. In singleplayer I can get the framerate steady 40-60 FPS with pretty much all on HIGH, but in multiplayer I can't get even 20 FPS with all settings on LOW. Some screenies for you guys to see (note: on these screenies I didn't mess with options, only taking the LOW setting and VERY HIGH setting from selection, but I tested already turning options off and on on AA & PP and tried vsync off also. On these screens, vsync is ON, thats why everything on low screen frames are at 60 FPS): MULTIPLAYER http://www.upload.ee/image/3405834/2013-06-26_00001.jpg (419 kB) http://www.upload.ee/image/3405835/2013-06-26_00002.jpg (552 kB) SINGLEPLAYER http://www.upload.ee/image/3405837/2013-06-26_00003.jpg (537 kB) http://www.upload.ee/image/3405838/2013-06-26_00004.jpg (469 kB) System specs: RAM: 8GB DDR3 G-skill GPU: MSI R6850 1GB (OC'ed version of HD 6850) CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 965 Black Edition @ 4.0 GHz (has aftermarket cooling, wont go over 65*C) Power unit: Corsair CX600
  6. Geit

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Really good RP, now would be nice if arma 3 would get more optimized, would be perfect then :)