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Posts posted by tinter

  1. I have a mission in which all the playable units are sync'd up to a character damage module and in their init they have "removeallweapons this". Yet when I host a listen server, people say it's only me who's damaged and when people play recon paramedic or recon demo specialists, they have items in their inventory like medikit and FAKs, or in the demo's case, mine detector and toolkit. Yet when I play these classes my backpack is empty. Other people even say they can see the items in my inventory. Is it because I'm hosting a listen server rather than a dedicated one?

  2. I don't know how the script interprets decimal values like 0.5, but when I tried to use random 0.5 or even as low and random 0.01, not much was changed. I tried setting up something like if (30>random 100) then {1} else {0}, but I'm not too familiar with scripting and I'm not sure how I would return those values, since I know that code needs to be executed for then and else. That's all I've tried and I'm not sure what else to try.

  3. Since they added the sounds being lower while in the vehicle, I now have to drive in 3rd person so I can notice when I get shot at. I had an APC shoot at me yesterday and I only noticed because one of my teammates said it.

  4. I actually managed to fix it, but it was right before I went to work so I didn't get to post it here. It was indeed a problem on my side, but no big issue.

    Here's the code I used.

    while {_loop} do {
       if((side _x == opfor) && ((leader group _x) != _x)) then { // if you're a baddie and not your own group leader
           _x unassignItem "NVGoggles";
           _x removeItem "NVGoggles";
           _x removePrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_ir";
    	_x addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";
    	_x enableGunLights "ForceOn";
    } foreach (allUnits);
    sleep 30;

  5. If you're spawning enemies, just equip them how you want when you spawn them. No need to constantly be cycling through. :)

    Commands you'll wanna look into are leader and typeOf possibly.

       if((side _x == opfor) && ((leader group _x) != _x)) then { // if you're a baddie and not your own group leader
           _x unassignItem "NVGoggles";
           _x removeItem "NVGoggles";
           // add flashlight or whatever
    } foreach (allUnits);  

    Your code is giving me an error about _x being an undefined variable. It's stopping the script from working.

  6. I know how to remove NVG and add flashlights. And I guess I could just loop the script so it would work for all newly spawned enemies, but I haven't heard about how to do a class check? I'm having a bit of trouble finding anything related to it.

    ---------- Post added at 22:33 ---------- Previous post was at 22:30 ----------

    I was thinking more something that goes like this:

    Warning, pseudo code.

    checking = false
    check classname of each spawned opfor unit
    if a leader or some other thing then do nothing
    else then remove nvgs and add flashlights to gun and make them use it
    wait 10 seconds or whatever.
    checking=true to loop

  7. Hey it's me again! I fixed the vehicle despawning problem, mostly.

    In eos_SpawnVehicle.sqf line 70.


    				if (!_active) then {


    				if (!_active && !(player in _vehicle) ) then {


    The vehicle will not depsawn, but once the player has left it, it disappears instantly. To fix this I added an else command in as line 75, it says

    				else {_loop=false};

  8. Well that's disappointing. Have you set your spawn distances up? Also the bastion mode does the same thin reinforcements did just much more efficiently and better. Have you checked that out?

    It had happened on a few occasions before, but I don't think it's that much of a problem, it's not that common anyway, and it seems to happen less now.

  9. It also looks like you took out the reinforcements option. I used this to spawn random enemies the player would encounter in my mission. I would have used the light patrol option, but I found it would sometimes spawn the squads right next to the player. Particularly when starting the mission.

    ---------- Post added at 09:33 ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 ----------

    I guess I'll just switch back to light patrols.
