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Posts posted by tinter

  1. I configured some variables to look like this

    X39_MedSys_var_Head_DamageMultiplicator = 100; //default 1
    X39_MedSys_var_Head_HeadShotFakeKilling = false; //default true 
    X39_MedSys_var_Head_HeadShotDeathLimit = 1; //default -1

    Yet when I walk up to shot an unarmed civilian(Oops) in the head at point blank range with the MXC, they're still standing. Are there any other parameters I should change?

  2. Well it's not too far of reality that the navy would love to keep the a-10 around, even if it's not much use now. With some revising they could probably fit into a role they need, and it's not like it matters anyway. Arma 3 is not "futurey" enough for it needing to be much different than a modern day jet.

  3. I'm having a hard time reimplementing the real death again. Manually using the function to check an units damage, manually checking the condition and manually trying to use the kill function, works fine.

    But when I do a knockout check, even though it should kill the unit. It doesn't. Do knockout checks not run on downed units? It seems the only possible reason for it to not work. If I cause enough damage before they go down, they'll die, but not if they're already knocked out.

  4. The very welcome side-effect, you mean? I'm just hanging out for TFAR to release some API controls in a new version so we can gag unconscious players from using direct speech, too. There's not much more ridiculous that hearing "Alpha, this is Bravo lead! I'm unconscious! I got hit by enemy infantry behind that shack to the north! Come and pick me up! I've got 410 seconds before I die!"

    Yes of course very welcome. You can sadly still use direct speech, but atleast not the radio.

  5. to 1


    Its just the time before respawn button is available


    will be applied everytime you can be brought back with epi (no timer is displayed at bottom right edge)


    will be applied everytime your DEAD (requires defi to be brought back + timer is displayed in bottom right edge)

    X39_MedSys_Generic_DamageBeforeKnockOut, X39_MedSys_Generic_DamageBeforePermaKnockOut, X39_MedSys_Generic_DamageBeforeDead

    Theese are the three variables which are defining when you will be knocked out temp/perma or dead

    to check your current damage use the function X39_MedSys_fnc_getUnitDamage

    its pretty simple if you know how

    I know how it works and I've configured it a lot, but you still always need a medikit to get someone up.
