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About jabbajaws77

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. jabbajaws77

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    I'm sort of curious why you would receive an infraction for this posts. Its nice to see a decent comment posted about the interest in this mod. I have seen far worse comments in this thread which would have been more worthy of a warning, seems odd. Good to see you are interested as this mod has great potential I believe and am looking forward to it also. Jabbajaws77
  2. jabbajaws77

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    Hope the mod is coming along strong. Me and the boys would still be keen to assist with the beta testing when you guys are happy with the build. Looking forward to getting into this baby and having a good smash. Jabbajaws77 - [bLS]
  3. jabbajaws77

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    I love how a group of intelligent people decide to make a mod that has the potential of being awesome and the whole focus gets changed to being a debate about what a zombie is and is not. The mod looks and sounds great and as the designers they should be able to call their creatures whatever they like just like an author creates their own vision. Too many people are caught up with making everything negative instead of concentrating on the positive. How about a thanks to the designers/creators etc for offering what looks to be a great mod which a lot of people are excited about playing. I know for 1 I am looking forward to playing it and hopefully hosting a server myself. Peace out, Jabbajaws77
  4. Squad name: BLS - Black Listed Society Timezone/location : Australasia Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): PVP Contact email: Please See Website For Contact Options Website address: www.blacklistedsociety.com Short description: Australasian gaming community playing multiple PC games. We host Arma3 Wasteland, BF3 Mixed Mode and Rising Storm RO servers. New players welsome and always recruiting friendly players Language: English
  5. Hey JoSchaap I have downloaded V2.3 When I try on your server the vehicles load and the missions start but on my home server for testing nothing happens? I see somewhere you posted that you need a config and antihack downloaded seperately but I cant find these 2 files. "Be aware that since v2.3 the mission requires additional files found in the first link (config and antihack scripts)" Will this be why mine isn't working? Jabbajaws77 **** EDIT - Now working
  6. jabbajaws77

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Thanks Mate, glad you like it...... Maybe he will see your comment and consider us again, until then I am trying to get a GoT version hashed out for a cleaner look but keeping the base capture and our missions. Proving difficult at the moment :) Jabbajaws77
  7. jabbajaws77

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    We have also sent an application to host this mission and I have emailed a few times for an update. The response I have received which I think is applicable to you both is as follows: "Hi. We are on hold with new servers for now, if you dropped an email to ws@arma.su we'll consider you as soon as will decide to have more servers. Thanks." Jabbajaws77
  8. I have tried this....what directory is the bans.txt.txt located? Jabbajaws77 **UPDATE i just changed my file to bans
  9. Have posted in the above comment :) Thanks peeps, really appreciate your help.
  10. Thanks deadfast, it fixed the first variable but now it fails on line 75 with the same error about camadm. Line 75 is else { _spectateButton ctrlSetText "Spectate"; player commandchat format ["No Longer Viewing.", name _target]; player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camadm; <---------line 75 ---------- Post added at 09:27 ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 ---------- Thanks for your comments Galzohar I can include the whole file for you to look at and tell me if the variable is undefined? I dont know what Im looking for..... #define playerMenuDialog 55500 #define playerMenuPlayerList 55505 #define playerMenuSpectateButton 55506 #define playerMenuWarnMessage 55509 disableSerialization; private ["_dialog","_playerListBox","_spectateButton","_switch","_index","_modSelect","_playerData","_target","_check","_spectating","_camadm","_rnum","_warnText","_targetUID","_playerName"]; _uid = getPlayerUID player; if ((_uid in moderators) OR (_uid in administrators) OR (_uid in serverAdministrators)) then { _dialog = findDisplay playerMenuDialog; _playerListBox = _dialog displayCtrl playerMenuPlayerList; _spectateButton = _dialog displayCtrl playerMenuSpectateButton; _warnMessage = _dialog displayCtrl playerMenuWarnMessage; _switch = _this select 0; _index = lbCurSel _playerListBox; _playerData = _playerListBox lbData _index; { if (str(_x) == _playerData) then { _target = _x; _check = 1; }; }forEach playableUnits; if (_check == 0) then {exit;}; switch (_switch) do { case 0: //Spectate { if (!isNil "_target") then { _spectating = ctrlText _spectateButton; if (_spectating == "Spectate") then { _spectateButton ctrlSetText "Spectating"; player commandChat format ["Viewing %1.", name _target]; if (!isNil "_camadm") then { camDestroy _camadm; }; _camadm = "camera" camCreate ([(position vehicle _target select 0) - 5,(position vehicle _target select 1), (position vehicle _target select 2) + 10]); _camadm cameraEffect ["external", "TOP"]; _camadm camSetTarget (vehicle _target); _camadm camCommit 1; _rnum = 0; while {ctrlText _spectateButton == "Spectating"} do { switch (_rnum) do { if (daytime > 19 || daytime < 5) then {camUseNVG true;} else {camUseNVG false;}; case 0: {detach _camadm; _camadm attachTo [(vehicle _target), [0,-10,4]]; _camadm setVectorUp [0, 1, 5];}; case 1: {detach _camadm; _camadm attachTo [(vehicle _target), [0,10,4]]; _camadm setDir 180; _camadm setVectorUp [0, 1, -5];}; case 2: {detach _camadm; _camadm attachTo [(vehicle _target), [0,1,50]]; _camadm setVectorUp [0, 50, 1];}; case 3: {detach _camadm; _camadm attachTo [(vehicle _target), [-10,0,2]]; _camadm setDir 90; _camadm setVectorUp [0, 1, 5];}; case 4: {detach _camadm; _camadm attachTo [(vehicle _target), [10,0,2]]; _camadm setDir -90; _camadm setVectorUp [0, 1, -5];}; }; player commandchat "Viewing cam " + str(_rnum) + " on " + str(name vehicle _target); _rnum = _rnum + 1; if (_rnum > 4) then {_rnum = 0;}; sleep 5; }; } else { _spectateButton ctrlSetText "Spectate"; player commandchat format ["No Longer Viewing.", name _target]; player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camadm; }; }; }; case 1: //Warn { _warnText = ctrlText _warnMessage; _playerName = name player; [_target, format["if (name player == ""%2"") then {titleText [""Admin %3: %1"", ""plain""]; titleFadeOut 10;};",_warnText,name _target,_playerName], false] spawn fn_vehicleInit; // processInitCommands; // clearVehicleInit _target; }; case 2: //Slay { [_target, format["if (name player == ""%1"") then {player setdamage 1; Endmission ""END1"";failMission ""END1"";forceEnd; deletevehicle player;};",name _target], false] spawn fn_vehicleInit; // processInitCommands; // clearVehicleInit _target; }; case 3: //Unlock Team Switcher { _targetUID = getPlayerUID _target; { if(_x select 0 == _targetUID) then { pvar_teamSwitchList set [_forEachIndex, "REMOVETHISCRAP"]; pvar_teamSwitchList = pvar_teamSwitchList - ["REMOVETHISCRAP"]; publicVariableServer "pvar_teamSwitchList"; [_target, format["if (name player == ""%1"") then {client_firstSpawn = nil;};",name _target], false] spawn fn_vehicleInit; // processInitCommands; // clearVehicleInit _target; [player, format["if isServer then {publicVariable 'pvar_teamSwitchList';};"], false] spawn fn_vehicleInit; // processInitCommands; // clearVehicleInit player; }; }forEach pvar_teamSwitchList; }; case 4: //Unlock Team Killer { _targetUID = getPlayerUID _target; { if(_x select 0 == _targetUID) then { pvar_teamKillList set [_forEachIndex, "REMOVETHISCRAP"]; pvar_teamKillList = pvar_teamKillList - ["REMOVETHISCRAP"]; publicVariableServer "pvar_teamKillList"; [player, format["if isServer then {publicVariable 'pvar_teamKillList';};"], false] spawn fn_vehicleInit; // processInitCommands; // clearVehicleInit player; }; }forEach pvar_teamKillList; }; case 5: //Remove All Money { _targetUID = getPlayerUID _target; { if(getPlayerUID _x == _targetUID) then { _x setVariable["cmoney",0,true]; }; }forEach playableUnits; }; case 6: //Remove All Weapons { _targetUID = getPlayerUID _target; { if(getPlayerUID _x == _targetUID) then { removeAllWeapons _x; }; }forEach playableUnits; }; case 7: //Check Player Gear { _targetUID = getPlayerUID _target; { if(getPlayerUID _x == _targetUID) then { createGearDialog [_x, "RscDisplayGear"]; }; }forEach playableUnits; }; }; } else { exit; };
  11. Thanks for the above edit I was wondering how to do that. Jabbajaws77
  12. I agree its great to know where the issues are to fix them, my problem is not knowing how to :) If you feel up to the task you could answer the above for me. We also receive an error when looking at squad mates which says the same thing about undefined variables. Jabbajaws77
  13. This error above is only 1 of the ones we havent been able to fix we have a couple of others also if anyone is willing to look at the errors and files associated that would be fantastic. They all relate to the same thing, Error undefined variable in expression: And adding a isnil to some of our others has worked just unsure the right format to be using for the ones we cant fix :) Thanks
  14. It could be just the first 1 The error I get is as follows in a black box Error undefined variable in expression: _camadm Thanks Full code is case 0: //Spectate { if (!isNil "_target") then { _spectating = ctrlText _spectateButton; if (_spectating == "Spectate") then { _spectateButton ctrlSetText "Spectating"; player commandChat format ["Viewing %1.", name _target]; camDestroy _camadm; _camadm = "camera" camCreate ([(position vehicle _target select 0) - 5,(position vehicle _target select 1), (position vehicle _target select 2) + 10]); _camadm cameraEffect ["external", "TOP"]; _camadm camSetTarget (vehicle _target); _camadm camCommit 1; _rnum = 0; while {ctrlText _spectateButton == "Spectating"} do { switch (_rnum) do { if (daytime > 19 || daytime < 5) then {camUseNVG true;} else {camUseNVG false;}; case 0: {detach _camadm; _camadm attachTo [(vehicle _target), [0,-10,4]]; _camadm setVectorUp [0, 1, 5];}; case 1: {detach _camadm; _camadm attachTo [(vehicle _target), [0,10,4]]; _camadm setDir 180; _camadm setVectorUp [0, 1, -5];}; case 2: {detach _camadm; _camadm attachTo [(vehicle _target), [0,1,50]]; _camadm setVectorUp [0, 50, 1];}; case 3: {detach _camadm; _camadm attachTo [(vehicle _target), [-10,0,2]]; _camadm setDir 90; _camadm setVectorUp [0, 1, 5];}; case 4: {detach _camadm; _camadm attachTo [(vehicle _target), [10,0,2]]; _camadm setDir -90; _camadm setVectorUp [0, 1, -5];}; }; player commandchat "Viewing cam " + str(_rnum) + " on " + str(name vehicle _target); _rnum = _rnum + 1; if (_rnum > 4) then {_rnum = 0;}; sleep 5; }; } else { _spectateButton ctrlSetText "Spectate"; player commandchat format ["No Longer Viewing.", name _target]; player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camadm; }; }; }; Edited by Deadfast: Wrapped the code in [ php ] tags for you.
  15. Did anyone figure out how to fix this 1? EDIT*** Might need to see the comment above with the code example Im not very good at coding as such but can follow instructions :) I still get the error for camadm Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks