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Everything posted by ScharfSepp

  1. OPFOR is a realism unit consisting of veteran Arma II and III players. We are focused entirely on representing the various Opposing Forces found in the Arma series. While we adhere to realistic and practical tactics, we do not have any specific set of TTP we follow, or vast amounts of out of game beaurocracy. We are versed in multiple ways of doing things in accordance to commonly found "opfor" tactics around the world, from unconventional "insurgent" tactics to conventional warfare, we emulate a wide range of possible opposing forces. We are structured as an OPFOR training unit. There is only one member rank, and one recruit rank. Once accepted and thoroughly trained you are an equal among us. Everyone in the unit will be able to lead or follow as they wish, as long as we retain a high level of cohesion and effectiveness. Any military veterans who wish to apply can skip the basic recruiting phase and become a full member right away. We will be primarily focused on PvP battles, as well as helping train other units. We are striving to be a respected and friendly unit within the Arma community. Our primary focus will be on providing other Arma units a well trained and elite cadre to fight against in live fire training, operations, and for friendly scrims. Any unit can call on us for participating in their training and operations as requested. We will also do a lot of our own training and some operations. If you are interested in joining you can shoot me a PM or apply at http://opfor.freeforums.net/board/2/applications You can also join us on Teamspeak at
  2. ScharfSepp

    Is Arma 3's AI so unusually accurate? I don't think so

    I would much rather have an inaccurate but useful and fun AI that actually lays down a heavy volume of fire in your direction, than the AI that runs around looking stupid until they 360 no scope you at 300m. Of course, the best solution is PvP. :p
  3. A little about me, I am a US Army veteran with combat experience as an NCO, I believe my idea is a bit unique given the current array of teams and units out there. Here's the basic idea: A "realism unit" that will be "OPFOR", that is "Opposing Forces". What I would like to do is found a relatively small unit that specializes in OPFOR operations, TTP, and equipment. The intent is to have a small, cohesive unit that is extremely versatile, well trained, and active. The unit would essentially be an "elite" unit, without the common headaches of "by the book" operation with stringent rules, regulations, and structure. The angle I'm getting at, is there can be a LOT of opportunities for such a unique and community friendly unit to thrive and participate with any and all units out there in their various training, and operational deployments. This unit would be "elite" and capable of providing solutions to every unit out there who would like to test themselves against an opposing force who is elite, well trained, and, well, competent. This unit could also be used to provide knowledge, direction, and training to these other units. Some of the specifics (TTP, structure, equipment etc.) will be based on various special forces units around the world, with nothing specific, with everything about the unit being practical, and battle focused. No extra clutter.. The unit will be flexible and well trained in order to accurately emulate various hostile or fictional units and organizations around the world. I am against having any by the book ranking structure as well, each member will have chances to lead any or all elements in combat, and every member will be equally trained at a much higher level than normally found in other units. The idea here is to have a cadre of competent, well trained, and elite individuals that can act as members of a team, or perform leadership duties as needed. Everyone will be able to operate a myriad of vehicles, equipment, and weaponry. The idea I'm really banking on is once formed and trained this unit would be called on by other units to assist in their own training, or to provide OPFOR in any combat scenarios. This, ontop of in-house training and operations would allow for a high volume of unique and fun activities. That's what it should be all about in my opinion, fun. Not grinding through ranks, sitting around bored in training, or being restricted and subjugated in some unit structure. Please post or PM if anyone is interested. The only hard part will be recruiting the right people for such a unit.
  4. Squad name: OPFOR Timezone/location : EST/PST Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): TvT, PvP Contact email: brixentalsepp@gmail.com Website address: http://opfor.freeforums.net/ Short description: We are a veteran group dedicated to providing the OPFOR for other units to fight against in training, operations, and PvP/TvT simulations. Language: English.
  5. ScharfSepp

    Floating an idea for a unique realism "unit"

    We're officially created, we have 8 members as of formation. See our recruiting thread here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173746-Team-OPFOR-(Forming-now!) We look forward to meeting and participating with any established units out there. If we get our butt handed to us that's the way the dice roles, we simply look forward to playing, training, and participating with other units, no matter the outcome. One emphasis we are making is to put ourselves in a situation to get our butts handed to us to further the training and experience of other units. We are formed as a cadre of military veterans as well as arma veterans, we're here for fun and hopefully to help others. The uniqueness does not come from the fact that we are merely OPFOR, the uniqueness comes from the idea that we're very experienced in real life, as well as arma, and our foremost goal is to provide other units with opportunities to train with and against us. By elite, you are correct in assuming it's because we will specialize in providing a dedicated well trained, and cohesive opposing force for other units. Our training and experience is "battle focused", meaning everything we do revolves around expanding and honing our craft in firefights and combat as a whole. Thanks for the replies, see you on the battlefield. :ok:
  6. Thinking of forming up a small cohesive group of guys. No ranks, no 15 year old officers ordering you around, no paperwork, no ridiculous procedures for joining, no B.S. The focus will be to merely have a small core of players that can play together, have fun, and play the game. I'm trying to get some army buddies to get on board with ARMA 3 as well, so we'll mostly be composed of military, but not looking to preclude anyone from joining up with us. Let me know if you are interested. -ScharfSepp
  7. Indeed, and that's I've come to the realization I will never be happy in most clans. Do you have a steam account becario?