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Everything posted by fuzi8n
How to make a unit pick up an object and take it [Ex: a Harddrive]
fuzi8n posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I have downloaded the A.R.P. mod for ArmA III to give the game a little more realism. However, if I release my mission, I want the player to be able to go around the camp looking for the harddrives... but being able to pick them up. Is there any script or something that I can put in the objects init line so I can make the player be able to pick it up? :confused: -
Trying to get this EMP script to work differently! [Need Help]
fuzi8n replied to fuzi8n's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thank you so much! -
Trying to get this EMP script to work differently! [Need Help]
fuzi8n posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Trying to get this script to work differently. It currently shuts off all of the lights only when you throw a blufor IR grenade. I'd like it to be so I can activate the script via a radio trigger or even better, an object like the laptop. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The script is currently activated through the players init. I just want it so I don't have to throw an IR grenade, just activate a trigger or activate an object. _AOE = _this select 0; _Lights = nearestObjects [_AOE , ["Lamps_Base_F", "PowerLines_base_F","PowerLines_Small_base_F","PowerLines_Wires_base_F","Land_PowerPoleWooden_F"], 500]; _DamageOFF = 0.95; _DamageON = 0.00; _Vehicles = nearestObjects [(getpos _AOE), ["Car"], 500]; _CountLights = count _Lights; (_Lights select 0) say3D "electricity_loop"; sleep (floor(random 3) +2); for "_i" from 0 to _CountLights do //this will run 1 extra time //replace 0 with 1 or _CountLights with (_CountLights - 1) { if (getDammage (_Lights select _i) < 0.90) then { (_Lights select _i) setDamage _DamageOFF; sleep 0.1; (_Lights select _i) setDamage _DamageON; sleep 0.1; (_Lights select _i) setDamage _DamageOFF; sleep 0.1; }; }; { if (isEngineOn _x) then {_x setHit ["motor", 1]} } foreach _Vehicles; -
Trying to get this EMP script to work differently! [Need Help]
fuzi8n replied to fuzi8n's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
It won't work because I need to throw an IR grenade for the EMP to work. I don't want to throw anything, just activate it from a trigger. -
UH80 Ghosthawk hitpoints? Were they updated?
fuzi8n posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
So I used to have all of the hitpoints for the Ghosthawk (main rotor, tail rotor, engines, avionics, ect.) but now none of my old triggers are working. Were the hitpoint names updated or something? Not even "heli setHit ["motor", 1];" is working anymore? I'm currently on the most up to date version of the dev branch. If you have any other heli or plane hitpoints that work please let me know or help! Thanks, Fuzi8n. -
UH80 Ghosthawk hitpoints? Were they updated?
fuzi8n replied to fuzi8n's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thanks a lot kind sir! If I use it in anything ever, I'll be sure to credit you for the help! ---------- Post added at 02:57 ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 ---------- I actually have one last question, I'd like to activate one of these via radio trigger. What would I put in the trigger's init? In this instance let's use "HitVRotor" -
UH80 Ghosthawk hitpoints? Were they updated?
fuzi8n replied to fuzi8n's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
How do I use that in-game? Via trigger or what, do you have an example? -
Cut all engines off in a certain area [Possible?]
fuzi8n posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello community, I have a bit of a situation; I'd like to cut all the engines to any surrounding vehicles within 500m of the object that turns all the engines off, is this even possible? Also if it is possible, could i be able to turn off the vehicle lights as well? I guess my idea is an EMP within an isolated area. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :) -
Problem trying to salvage an old BETA mission!
fuzi8n posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Anybody seen this error before or knows how to fix it? If the picture link above is broken, here is another link: http://gyazo.com/1baea0f7b9e249a4a39b0e6cb6bb1552 -
Cut all engines off in a certain area [Possible?]
fuzi8n replied to fuzi8n's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
How do I get this to work on a trigger? I have it working with an init and sqf but it happens as soon as the game starts and I'd like it to work with a radio activation trigger. _vics = nearestObjects [(getMarkerPos "markerName"), ["Classname","Classname"], 500]; {_x setHit ["motor", 1]} foreach _vics; This would destroy the engine of any vehicle defined in "classname" granted they have a "motor" hitpoint. Hitpoint names are kind of weird. They variate and are sometimes in Slavic or Czech (or something else, not sure). This whole EMP thing might be hard to do in a universal way. You might have to script it for a specific area with specific vehicles and lights. -
Problem trying to salvage an old BETA mission!
fuzi8n replied to fuzi8n's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Worked! Thanks a lot! -
Problem trying to salvage an old BETA mission!
fuzi8n replied to fuzi8n's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
If you can't view the picture here is the link: http://gyazo.com/1baea0f7b9e249a4a39b0e6cb6bb1552 -
I want to use this animation specifically this one: "Acts_A_M01_briefing" on a player. Any help on how to do this?
I want to remove stamina or give the player infinite stamina so I don't become winded and so I can run faster and not be distracted by the screen effect being tired creates, any ideas?
ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread
fuzi8n replied to max power's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
I thought of an idea where on the boats using or adding a PiP Screen to display objects/terrain underneath the vessel to search for divers or SDVs or shipwrecks, just a possible idea or request, is anyone sure whether it could even be done or not? -
I thought of an idea where on the boats using or adding a PiP Screen to display objects/terrain underneath the vessel to search for divers or SDVs or shipwrecks, just a possible idea or request, is anyone sure whether it could even be done or not?
[WARNING] "Hackers" using Mobile Proving Ground
fuzi8n posted a topic in ARMA 3 - SERVERS & ADMINISTRATION
Ok so this was brought to my attention after playing a few domination games. I've found that if you have mobile proving ground installed (an arma mod) you can access and use it just like you can via singleplayer. I myself sadly used the mod in servers the way I shouldn't have causing a bit of corruption so for the players I'd like to say sorry and I won't be doing it again. But to everyone who owns a server: MAKE SURE YOU BLOCK ANYONE WITH MOBILE PROVING GROUND TO NOT ENTER YOUR SERVERS!!! This is also possible to do with both the Arma 3 and Arma 2 versions of mobile proving ground. I hope my mistake and me fixing it by telling everyone what I did and by telling everyone how to stop it will help return servers to normalcy. Again I'm sorry for my mistake but I hope to fix it by telling you how to prevent it. Also: Don't see this message and go try for yourself unless it's your own server, don't fuck up someone else's server like I did. -
[WARNING] "Hackers" using Mobile Proving Ground
fuzi8n replied to fuzi8n's topic in ARMA 3 - SERVERS & ADMINISTRATION
Where is the difference to Proving Ground for ArmA 3? What's MOBILE Proving Ground? Proving ground in the version that you can't take from mission to mission. Originally in Arma II, you can think of it as Arma II's armory except with more you can do/use. To get it into your missions you had to copy all the scripts over. Now the ones the cheaters use is "Mobile Proving Ground" because you can take it wherever you go, sp missions or mp missions. If you have Arma 2, download mobile proving ground for it, Arma III's proving ground uses the same exact layout as the one in Arma II, so either it was a stolen addon or it's made by the same guy, but since I'm not the one to judge anyone or anything, I don't know if it's stolen or the same guy or whatever. -
For those looking for heli hit points!
fuzi8n posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I've seen many posts on this with people not knowing the hit points. After looking through the config for awhile and test I've found the hit points for the heli's: this setHit ["motor", 1]; this setHit ["main rotor", 1]; heli setHit ["Tail Rotor", 1]; "mala vrtule" and "velka vrtule" do not work! -
I would like to spawn in with the smoke grenades already activated. Is there any way to do it via trigger, marker, ect?
Can't Play/Edit my missions because of BETA!
fuzi8n posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Because I had the KA60 and other vehicles on my mission, I'm no longer able to play it because of beta. I updated my ArmA 3 and everytime I try ti play my mission I get the error: "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.a3_soft_f_hunter, A3_Air_F_MH9, A3_Air_F_Ka60, A3_Boat_F_Speedboat, A3_Soft_F_Offroad" I've spent 10+ hours on this one mission alone, please tell me how to fix this! -
Possible Mission Idea...Is it possible?
fuzi8n posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Ok, here's my idea. You need to sneak into a base and steal something that the enemy force has. [Thanks to SaMarta this part has been completed.] First, you have to kill a guard with a silenced weapon. [No problem.] Then you have to steal his uniform. [NEED HELP.] And sneak into the base. I want it that if you're wearing the enemy uniform they don't shoot at you, but as soon as you shoot at them you become an enemy. So...: 1.) Is there any script where I'm able to steal the enemy's uniform? 2.) Is there any way to make the enemy team not shoot at me if I'm wearing their uniform? 3.) Is there any way to make me become an enemy to them once I shoot? -
helicopter insertion for dive team help
fuzi8n replied to yamajin82's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
There's also a program on armaholic.com that converts alpha missions to beta missions. Just search for Alpha to Beta Mission Conversion you should find it, if not let me know and I'll help -
helicopter insertion for dive team help
fuzi8n replied to yamajin82's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
There is already a mission like this, for help, go to armaholic.com and look for "Helocasting" -
Start mission with heli doors open or closed
fuzi8n posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I would like to start my mission with my helicopter doors opened or closed. What would I put in the init line for the heli to get the doors opened or closed?