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Everything posted by HitmanTwoActual

  1. HitmanTwoActual

    HAFM more realistic NVGoggles view

    I agree, lets boost that grain up, we aren't in the movies after all gents :cool:
  2. HitmanTwoActual

    Scope Mod A3

    yes please!
  3. HitmanTwoActual

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    Textures and model updates are always welcome!
  4. HitmanTwoActual

    Race Built Galleon - An orphaned project

    Oh please finish this, I would love to see battles with this!
  5. HitmanTwoActual

    SOC WIP Thread

    Glad we could all be gentlemen in this affair. Thanks for fair play, especially in a world of rude people.
  6. HitmanTwoActual

    SOC WIP Thread

    Ah, well I was just chiming in my opinion, but it's some great work nonetheless and hopefully y'all can work together.
  7. HitmanTwoActual

    SOC WIP Thread

    I think he meant he wanted to contribute to the project. But that's just what I took from it.
  8. Render all day everyday :D
  9. HitmanTwoActual

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    Fixed as in non-moving, it is always open and has spots to stand on the ramp.
  10. HitmanTwoActual

    IgiLoad script - logistical support

    *Facepalm* I'm sorry that I was too incompetent to see that.
  11. HitmanTwoActual

    IgiLoad script - logistical support

    Will you add Konyo's MH-47E to the list? It's quite the chopper :D
  12. HitmanTwoActual

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    I have officially lol'd too damn hard on this forum now. Thank you for making my day :D
  13. HitmanTwoActual

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III - WIP

    Agreed, if they we're muffled it would be perfect. Not too loud to overload your actual Comms, but still enough to where it makes the aircraft come to life.
  14. HitmanTwoActual

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III - WIP

    Looks like the beast is ready for combat!
  15. HitmanTwoActual

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III - WIP

    He means without the water damaging the engine, basically making the helicopter able to float.
  16. HitmanTwoActual

    astast: WIP Thread

    Can't go wrong with that!
  17. HitmanTwoActual

    astast: WIP Thread

    Certainly something I am looking forward to! What textures do you plan on doing for the uniforms?
  18. HitmanTwoActual

    astast: WIP Thread

    May we get screens instead? :D The next best thing!
  19. HitmanTwoActual

    Damons HD Kryptek Units WIP

    I also have this problem, the Highlander camo is full of white for me.
  20. Will we still be seeing the AR-15 DMR Platform released? I was eager to see what you did with that.
  21. HitmanTwoActual

    HAFM ArmA 2 UK Wheeled - Import

    I can assure you we are having different experiences :D I still enjoy the mod, Jackals are worth it all!
  22. HitmanTwoActual

    HAFM ArmA 2 UK Wheeled - Import

    I can confirm this, we had bouncing so bad that we we're almost 90 degrees to the ground. You can imagine it's hard to fight off people when you're practically doing barrel rolls :D
  23. HitmanTwoActual

    HAFM ArmA 2 UK Wheeled - Import

    The vehicles will rock back and forth sideways when in motion. I know this has been a problem with most A2 and OA ports as well.
  24. HitmanTwoActual

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    From what I see on GH, this next update is sure to be packed full of brand new features! Also looking forward to that new pack ;)
  25. HitmanTwoActual

    Group Link 5 Special FX Edition

    All of this was already covered with the GL5 release last month, there's no need to bring up all this again, especially when it was already resolved.