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About gac_guardian

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. gac_guardian

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks a lot!
  2. gac_guardian

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Can anyone provide a link or an explaination on how to use the DUKE Antennas on some vehicles? I have the feeling I am too blind to see something obvious.
  3. gac_guardian

    Problem with a replacementconfig

    Oh yes, the attachments fit as described. I tried the combination in the arsenal beforehand. €: The AG36 version of course does not support the bipod, yet the rest should appear.
  4. Hey guys, I am currently stuck with the creation of a replacementconfig for the AAF. (<-a nice way to spend new years night) The goal is to give them the G36 from Toadies latest addon. So far so simple! Now when I try to create custom weapons (define a toadie weapon with attachments) I don't get the pointer slot, underbarrel slot and muzzle slot working as it is supposed to. Here is what I am currently working on to find the mistake (a cut down config for only one unit): This config now should only require RH Attachments and Toadies G36 atm. [€: oh and RHS AFRF for the Pistol] I am pretty sure it is just sth tiny I am missing. Oh and sth odd... if I replace hlc_rifle_G36V rifle with hlc_rifle_G36VAG36 the flashlight appears. Thanks to anyone looking through this and a happy new year to the whole community.
  5. gac_guardian

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    It worked great, thanks a lot.
  6. gac_guardian

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Hello, thanks for the quick update! After Updating I wanted to change the keybinding in the menu and remapped SW Radio speech to "OEM 102" since I use the button on my mouse instead of "Caps Lock". Now every time I push "Caps Lock" to go prone it opens the SW channel and I need to push the mouse button to close it again. Any Idea what I am doing wrong / what I am not seeing?
  7. You need to install the HLC core too!
  8. gac_guardian

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks to the whole crew of RHS providing us these great assets! Today we tried the BECTI mission supplied with it and had great fun going with 2 Tanks, 1 BMP-2 and a command vehicle into combat, though we fucked up due to lack of training (we usually play smaller scale warfare;) ). BUT For some reason we didn't get any resources from the cities we captured. What are we doing wrong? The cities we liberated had red flags on the map, yet the flagpole in the village/city had no flag waving around. Is there any additional thing we have to do, like deploy the MHQ or build / destroy sth.? I looked around but found nothing. I tried another BECTI 0.97 mission and while not doing anything different I managed to get income, but I saw a red circle around the town. And are there any "automatic" salvage trucks? I know these questions might aswell belong to the BECTI thread but I am not sure if you did any additional modifications to the mission. And something else I noticed: The helmets do not have any armor according to the BIS Armoury. Is that intended or is it due to your own armor system?
  9. Well if he'd already include those, why not add: tmr_autorest_deployable = 1; aswell? This way it would be compatible to the major bipod mods around. Anyway we enjoy your guns a lot, you should hear my fellow players praising the detail you've created.
  10. Wow.. cool stuff especially the change from plastic handguard to RIS Handguard is a great detail! Well I am somewhat confused now. My ARs, G3s, M60 and FAL are working with ASDG Joint Rails. But not the AKs and now the MP5s. The AKs didn't matter til now but it was always a little strange. Do you mind adding this feature by default? Or can anyone slap the solution right into my face. I feel like not seeing the forest due to all those trees.
  11. gac_guardian

    Arma 3: Sweet markers system. WIP

    Amazing! I am looking forward to use this nifty addon. It's exactly what I was looking for some time now.
  12. I understood ASDG_JR. It's providing unified rails for 3rd Party attachments. But as I intended to use the TMR Bipod, wich is an attachment I wanted to add a mounting point for it, that wouldn't break the gun by means of someone adding a PEQ-15 to a classic M-60. I've seen the possibility to restrict certain items to a rail a while back but I wasn't following it further, thus I asked here. Nonetheless your suggestions is the way better solution and thank you very much for it. Maybe Toadie could include that line to his configs by default? €: I just noticed that the hlc_rifle_g3sg1 is also equipped with a bipod. It's just folded to the handguard. If anyone wants the additional PBO I just made just drop me a line.
  13. Hey Toadie, thanks for your great weapon packs. We love to use them a lot. I just got a suggestion: Could you add the Pointerslot to the M60s with only the (invisible) Bipod from TMR as compatible item? This way we could use it more realistically. Or could someone write a additional, optional PBO to patch it in? I am not so much into ASDG_JR yet so help would be appreciated.
  14. I seriously prefer the smaller weapon packs as it gives me the choice to use certain weapons without adding several duplicates because I get XY only in the pack with ABC, but I got several other ABCs already along with KLM. Nothing against big packs but as long as they are not some kind of modpack, including units and so forth, I do not see a reason for them.