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Everything posted by rtek

  1. I'm using LEA Loadout editor, and it's creating this for my loadout: removeallweapons s2; removeallassigneditems s2; removeHeadgear s2; removeUniform s2; removeBackpack s2; removeVest s2; s2 addWeapon "ItemMap"; s2 addWeapon "ItemWatch"; s2 addWeapon "ItemCompass"; s2 addWeapon "ItemGPS"; s2 addWeapon "G_Diving"; s2 addWeapon "NVGoggles"; s2 addWeapon "Laserdesignator"; s2 addBackpack "B_Carryall_oli"; clearItemCargoGlobal (backpackContainer s2); clearMagazineCargoGlobal (backpackContainer s2); clearWeaponCargoGlobal (backpackContainer s2); (backpackContainer s2) additemcargoGlobal ["FirstAidKit",8]; (backpackContainer s2) additemcargoGlobal ["optic_Aco",1]; (backpackContainer s2) additemcargoGlobal ["Medikit",1]; (backpackContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["11Rnd_45ACP_Mag",3]; (backpackContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",9]; (backpackContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["Laserbatteries",1]; (backpackContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",2]; s2 addVest "V_RebreatherIR"; clearItemCargoGlobal (vestContainer s2); clearMagazineCargoGlobal (vestContainer s2); clearWeaponCargoGlobal (vestContainer s2); s2 addUniform "U_B_Wetsuit"; clearItemCargoGlobal (uniformContainer s2); clearMagazineCargoGlobal (uniformContainer s2); clearWeaponCargoGlobal (uniformContainer s2); (uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["11Rnd_45ACP_Mag",1]; (uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",6]; (uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["MiniGrenade",2]; (uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["B_IR_Grenade",2]; (uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",1]; s2 addWeapon "arifle_MXC_Black_F"; s2 addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; s2 addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_H"; s2 addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Nightstalker"; (uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["11Rnd_45ACP_Mag",1]; s2 addWeapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F"; s2 addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_acp"; s2 addHandgunItem "optic_MRD"; s2 addWeapon "ItemRadio"; s2 selectWeapon (primaryWeapon s2); This is a loadout for a diver. My diver will not start with NVG's in his inventory. I tried to change it from s2 addWeapon "NVGoggles"; to s2 additem "NVGoggles"; s2 assignitem "NVGoggles"; but they still won't show up in the inventory slot. I even tried to go back into the LEA Loadout Editor and just put the goggles into the back pack, which ends up working, however my mission begins in the water, so accessing the gear isn't possible till land fall. I need the NVGoggles on my team. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance. EDIT: Nevermind, I found the issue. Wasn't with this script, it was with another script that was removing NVG's from all sides. It works fine now.
  2. rtek

    Add NVG and suppressor

    I'm using LEA Loadout editor, and it's creating this for my loadout: removeallweapons s2; removeallassigneditems s2; removeHeadgear s2; removeUniform s2; removeBackpack s2; removeVest s2; s2 addWeapon "ItemMap"; s2 addWeapon "ItemWatch"; s2 addWeapon "ItemCompass"; s2 addWeapon "ItemGPS"; s2 addWeapon "G_Diving"; s2 addWeapon "NVGoggles"; s2 addWeapon "Laserdesignator"; s2 addBackpack "B_Carryall_oli"; clearItemCargoGlobal (backpackContainer s2); clearMagazineCargoGlobal (backpackContainer s2); clearWeaponCargoGlobal (backpackContainer s2); (backpackContainer s2) additemcargoGlobal ["FirstAidKit",8]; (backpackContainer s2) additemcargoGlobal ["optic_Aco",1]; (backpackContainer s2) additemcargoGlobal ["Medikit",1]; (backpackContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["11Rnd_45ACP_Mag",3]; (backpackContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",9]; (backpackContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["Laserbatteries",1]; (backpackContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",2]; s2 addVest "V_RebreatherIR"; clearItemCargoGlobal (vestContainer s2); clearMagazineCargoGlobal (vestContainer s2); clearWeaponCargoGlobal (vestContainer s2); s2 addUniform "U_B_Wetsuit"; clearItemCargoGlobal (uniformContainer s2); clearMagazineCargoGlobal (uniformContainer s2); clearWeaponCargoGlobal (uniformContainer s2); (uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["11Rnd_45ACP_Mag",1]; (uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",6]; (uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["MiniGrenade",2]; (uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["B_IR_Grenade",2]; (uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",1]; s2 addWeapon "arifle_MXC_Black_F"; s2 addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; s2 addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_H"; s2 addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Nightstalker"; (uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["11Rnd_45ACP_Mag",1]; s2 addWeapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F"; s2 addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_acp"; s2 addHandgunItem "optic_MRD"; s2 addWeapon "ItemRadio"; s2 selectWeapon (primaryWeapon s2); This is a loadout for a diver. My diver will not start with NVG's in his inventory. I tried to change it from s2 addWeapon "NVGoggles"; to s2 additem "NVGoggles"; s2 assignitem "NVGoggles"; but they still won't show up in the inventory slot. I even tried to go back into the LEA Loadout Editor and just put the goggles into the back pack, which ends up working, however my mission begins in the water, so accessing the gear isn't possible till land fall. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance. EDIT: Nevermind, I found the issue. Wasn't with this script, it was with another script that was removing NVG's from all sides. It works fine now.
  3. That's a good idea, except that the original will still be there.
  4. I tried to use 1, tried 3, even tried to change from DemoCharge to SatchelCharge and use Satchel instead since it's more powerful than a c4, but it has no effect. The structure I'm currently trying to destroy is a comms tower at the main Stratis airfield. there's one at Kamino Firing Range as well I need destroyed. Players have complained that 1 satchel wont even down those towers, when before the recent updates it only took 2 c4 to take those down. Now I have to resort to using missile strikes from that launchmissile.sqf that one guy created. It sucks because 1 satchel charge should have no problem taking down 1 small comms tower. I"m so pissed off at Bohemia for nerfing explosives. It takes me 1 satchel and 3 c4 to drop one of those comms towers. That's just ridiculous. How could I just alter the hit = on the explosives? Like the hit = of the "Bo_Air_LGB" is 1400, "Bo_Mk82" has a hit of 5000, while "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo" has a hit of only hit = 200, and Satchels have a hit of only 500. How can I just switch satchels so they use the equivalent of like an LGB or Mk82 like IED's how you can choose what munition to use as explosive. lol I just tried 1 satchel, 2 democharges and followed by 1 minigrenade. the minigrenade finished it off.
  5. TAG_handleDamage = { _veh = _this select 0; _damage = _this select 2; _ammo = _this select 4; if (_ammo == "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo") then { //--- Increase damage _damage = _damage * 3; } else { _damage = _damage; }; _damage }; I saw this somewhere, don't remember where. Tried it out but didn't do what I wanted. I tried * 6, but that didn't do much. What's wrong with the code?
  6. The UAV option in the support module, I'm looking to have the option to call a uav for recon in mission, not for the briefing. When I set how many transports, cas runs etc I want to allow, there's an option for UAV Recon, but no support module for a UAV recon. Random patrols, Ive just been setting a group with multiple waypoints all set to 100-200m placement and they randomly patrol that area the waypoints cover. Works great. Only reason I use the in game support modules is they work, they're in the editor and quick and easy to setup. I looked at UPSMON and EOS but my missions arent big enough to use those and justify the time spent to set them up. but ill look I to fhem a but more, maybe use them on my bigger missions.
  7. Could any give a simple description on how to get either of these to work? The Random Patrols, I know used to involve markers. Then I saw a video saying it now uses civilians, and having to put down their routes and stuff. Is this really how they made it? Other way seemed so much easier and more clean. btw, I currently dont care about using any scripts for random patrols. I want to know how to work the ingame modules. The UAV recon support, I set it to -1 for infinite, Ive set it to 1 and Ive tried at 10, but the option never shows. artillery, cas, transport....those all work synced to a support requestor and synced to respective vehicles. UAV recon, theres no option in the requestor module to sync to a uav. How does this work? Thank you to anyone, in advance, who can explain these two modules for me.
  8. rtek

    Chessmaster's Wounding System

    If im wounded, will the AI come to my aid? on A3 Wounding, I could never get them to help me when I was down. They'd just walk past me like I wasnt even there. basically id be removed from the group in A3 Wounding. Will I remain in the group if im down and about to order the AI?
  9. I tried search for any tutorials or info on the uav recon support but haven't found anything on how to use it.
  10. What about using the laser designator to target with, and have to have a certain vehicle near by to act as the ECM system. Make it so you target/lase say an IFRIT, use either an addaction or radio call, the result being the vehicle loses all fuel and engine gets turned off. Maybe an electrical sound effect too. I know simulated EMP works. I used to do it back in my dayz server for no fly zones over bases. Heli enters area, engine shuts off and fuel goes to zero. heli falls out of sky.
  11. I am trying to set an OPFOR heli with a rifle squad to fly to a location and drop off the squad if BLUFOR are detected and the location's communication tower is still standing. If the communication tower is destroyed, then if BLUFOR are detected, I do not want the OPFOR heli to come. So far, below is what I have and can't get it to work. Riflesquad is set to be in the heli cargo with opfor1 = group this; {_x moveInCargo opheli} foreach units group this; At the base(Kamio Firing Range), I have a trigger down for testing set to BLUFOR activation once present with a condition of ((getDammage (position logic1 nearestObject 29623)) == 0) being 29623 is the comms tower's ID and that trigger is synced to a game logic named logic1. I have this trigger synced to the first waypoint for the heli which is right at the heli itself. When I test it, the heli shows up even when no blufor are present inside the trigger and the comms tower is still standing. btw, I usually use ((getDammage (position logic1 nearestObject xxxxxx)) == 1) synced to a game logic in a trigger for destroying a building. Does anyone know how to set all this up so the helicopter only shows up if blufor are detected and the comms tower is standing? and not show up if the comms tower is destroyed.
  12. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17740 here's the link to the report i made. Not sure if it's the building's damage or the explosives that's the issue, but they do need to fix whatever they broke.
  13. they recently broke explosives. All of my coop missions Ive made, I have had to change any objective involving the destruction of a structure. lots of buildings are now indestructible. like power line poles. I submitted a feedback bug report to bohemia. ill link it later, hopefully you guys will go comment on it and vote it up so they will look into it.
  14. how do I have the unit board a vehicle after they leave the group? s1 is me in paragrp s2 is the other unit which will join paragrp, then leave paragrp and join boatgrp boat i need s2 to board after he leaves my group is boat1, boat1 is in boatgrp What would I put into the leave group trigger ON ACT. to get s2 to board the boat that's waiting. so far that trigger has ({_x in thisList} count [s2]) > 0; //for the Condition [s2] joinsilent boatgrp; //for the ON ACT. I've tried to give s2 a hold waypoint synced to the join paragrp trigger, then a waypoint of GetIn by the boat. That didnt work. I tried to have s2 join grpnull with the waypoints, that didnt work. When s2 joins boatgrp, he moves past the leave group trigger, but never boards the boat. When s2 joins grpnull, he just stops dead in his tracks soon as he enters the leave trigger. edit: I figured it out. I placed a 4 man recon team grouped as grprecon at the beach. Had s2 join them. Had them with a move waypoint synced to a 15 second countdown trigger grouped to me, then a gave them a getin waypoint synced to a load waypoint for the boat and put {_x in boat1} count (units grprecon) == {alive _x} count (units grprecon); into the Condition for the load waypoint. Tested it, and s2 left my group, joined grprecon, 15seconds later they boarded the boat, once all were onboad, the boat sped off to it's next waypoint.
  15. This is simple version of what I use in some of my missions. The doors open before landing and close once the team disembarks. Heli should also wait for the team to disembark. Once you and your team disembark, move to the other heli waiting and board that heli and it will take off and fly away. That will show you how to make a heli wait for you team to board it. I use that method for some missions. Team starts in the base, can customize their loadouts at the ammo crates, then board heli when ready. Heli will take off once everyone in the group is aboard. I hope this helps. Mission Example
  16. looks a lot like what I was reading on this page link isnt hiddenselectiontextures where you could actually put in the .paa from a mod into the mission folder and just put in the path to there? That way the mission calls the added vest or headgear texture in the mission instead of in the main A3 directory? We used to do that when we'd modify the DayZ code inside our mission.pbo instead of having the players have to download a modified version of DayZ. Would a call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "characters_f.pbo" but instead of the main arma 3 directory path, you use a path leading to inside your mission folder and just modify that .pbo with whatever .paa files you want to add in there work?
  17. A few of my missions involve blowing up certain buildings. Recently those structures have become invulnerable. Like the power line poles leaving the power plant near Kavala. I used to be able to blow those up. Now they don't destroy, even with multiple satchels planted. Same with the comms towers up the hill from the powerplant. Has anyone else noticed buildings/structures becoming invulnerable recently?
  18. hell yeah, kickass As far as having to use an addon to use all the different gear from that addon, i'll pass. I hate having to make player download/activate an addon just to play a mission. There's some great stuff in that NSW mod. There has to be a way to add those things to a mission without it having to be an addon. Probably putting those items into the mission folder some where and calling it some where similar to set texture on uniforms.
  19. report the bug if you have everything right. Players of a couple of my missions have reported the same issue with opfor detected by blufor(player). Might have been one of the most recent game updates that broke it for some people. I just tested it, and it worked most of the time.
  20. assigning the rebreather won't keep it on the player when on land. Is there any way to do this without having to install a mod?
  21. I just tried it and it doesnt help. 5th task completes before the player even reaches the trigger zone of the 5th task location. The way I'm testing now is I am simply using the one that GrumpyOldMan linked, but I added task and task completion modules all synced. I put a blufor soldier inside the 5th trigger to simulate the player moving through it in the beginning of the mission. I run with the playable character from the start to the finish and the mission ends before I can even get to the 5th trigger since that trigger already fired at the beginning of the mission. I even put in a condition of tsk1 and tsk2 and tsk3 and tsk4 in that trigger, thinking it will only fire once those 4 tasks are complete, but apparently it fires off regardless. edit: i changed the 5th trigger condition to be tsk1_ok and tsk2_ok and tsk3_ok and tsk4_ok and 5th trigger doesn't fire at all now, beginning or end. I think using tskx_ok might be on the right track as it prevented the trigger from firing in the beginning..... ---------- Post added at 00:37 ---------- Previous post was at 23:38 ---------- Task test Mission This is what the test is setup like right now. Player starts inside the 5th trigger, runs to the 1st zone, moves through the structure passing 2nd, 3rd then 4th and exiting back at the 5th zone. I need that 5th zone/trigger to complete the mission even though the player started there. I just went ahead and made the final trigger a radio trigger so player has to radio HQ that they've successfully made it back to base.
  22. it works, but I need the final trigger to only activate when the other triggers have because the player will walk into the trigger at the very beginning of the mission when he gets into his helicopter to take off. I need that trigger to only fire when he returns from the mission and lands inside that trigger, which that trigger will complete the final objective of returning to base. If the trigger fires in the beginning when he returns to base, then the mission will finish right after he completes his last task on the field before going to the extraction since that one trigger back at base fired when he first boarded the heli. If that makes sense. Would it just simply a matter of setting the final location trigger to Repeatedly instead of Once since the player will be walking through it twice but it needs to fire when the task to return to base is active? Nevermind, that doesnt work. Since that trigger already fired, soon as the 5th Task is available it's considered completed because of going into that trigger in the beginning.