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2LT. Tom vd H.

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Posts posted by 2LT. Tom vd H.

  1. Strange, I wonder what BI changed in MP...did any errors come up and could one of you PM me an IP to test this on a dedicated server by chance? I don't usually tangle with this server stuff so having one I can just hop into and get an idea on how things are behaving.

    Just sent you a PM with some details, you're welcome to join us and see what's going wrong, I'm on most days, all day 0:)

  2. Would be nice if it was arma 3 mp compatible

    Yup, I found this as well. The mod works fine in SP, or as a none dedicated server host, but for all server guests weapons loadouts fail to load properly and M230 IHADSS tracking is fairly slow. Hope these are issues that can be hotfixed since this mod makes ARMA 3 worth while playing again.

    EDIT: On dedicated servers only the GUNNER can set the load out, if he does, the weapons systems load onto the helicopter effortlessly. Maybe the 'arming' option can be removed for the pilot.

  3. i couldnt get it to work at the start, but then again this is my first time using the addon and i didnt have a clue how, i tried doing it by the weapons and it did nothing then found out i had to be in the chopper after that it worked fine but ever since i got it working i never had your issue.

    I fixed it now, I didn't set which vehicles could be used as Arming vehicles, the arming option must've bugged out a little bit, allowing me to attempt to rearm even though no viable vehicles were nearby. The only issue I have now is that I can't mount the FIM-92 Stinger pods, not a major issue, but it would be nice to have regardless!

  4. First off, very many thanks for such an excellent and in depth mod Franze and NodUnit! I've been using it on ARMA 3 and everyone in my clan is very impressed. I was wondering about 1 thing though, is there anything I can do to make the arming menu work, does it need a Server game logic? Currently on Arma 3, the weapon systems do not load onto the aircraft, sometimes they do, but then glitch through the present armaments. All help is much appreciated!
