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Everything posted by Kydoimos

  1. Hi all, is it possible to remove things like the doors from vehicles? I've discovered how to destroy wheels - but in particular, I'd like to remove the doors from the Hunter MRAP. I've seen they have names in the animation subsection of the config entry - but I can't really get them to do much. Maybe it's not something that can be done? If so, I'll leave it be! :) Thanks in advance!
  2. Kydoimos

    Removing Vehicle Parts

    Thanks Antorugby - not sure whether that will work with the Hunter? Perhaps it can't be customised like the offroad can?
  3. Kydoimos

    Removing Vehicle Parts

    Maybe something like this can be done with hiddenselections or something? In a perfect world, I'd like to be able to just slip something into the Hunter's init. line - but not sure if the doors can actually be removed at all!
  4. playmusic works? SWEET! Thanks RedEdit, I'll give that a bash! :)
  5. Hi chaps - can anybody give me a script or a command that will enable .paa files set with the setobjecttexture command to be visible for clients on a server? At the moment, only default textures are visible, except for the host. I saw some other threads but they related to Arma 2. Thanks in advance for any help anybody can give me with this!
  6. OMG! YES! VICTORY IS OURS! :p Finally - my beloved setobjecttextureglobal!!!!
  7. Yeah, I'm using KBTell too. But I can't get the sound right.
  8. Hi Pete - thanks SO much for your example mission. With it, I've got KBTell working and all my problems are sorted! Amazing mate! Well done!
  9. Kydoimos

    Lip Movement

    Hi Frag, I've got it working - I've succumbed to KBTell. It's taken me all day. But it's working! I tried using OGG and WAV with say command, but no luck. KBTell seems to do the trick.
  10. Kydoimos

    Lip Movement

    Is anyone finding that the lip movement is bugged to hell? Or has anyone had this issue and solved it somehow? I'm totally going insane over this one! It seems the lip movement doesn't work at all, or if it does, it starts up mid-sentence. Sometimes it works ok. Sometimes not. But the one thing that does tend to work, is when the player speaks. That seems to be alright!
  11. Ah, I see, sorry! Totally misunderstood. I was looking for a way to flip a vehicle with a trigger while on the move...
  12. Thanks Pete, I'll do the same! :) I'm sure we'll crack this one!
  13. IndeedPete - awesome, I'll test that out! Thanks! :) It looks do-able! ---------- Post added at 12:35 ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 ---------- Hmm, I've tried out your exampleKBTell mission Pete, but still having the problem! I'm fine with getting text to appear etc., but what I want to do is to get the callsign names appearing like they do in the campaign. For example, in the campaign we have something like the following appearing on the direct radio channel, in white: Private Jones: 'bla bla bla'. When I try, and on the example mission, I'm getting [Private Jones], in square brackets. I kinda want to lose those brackets... thanks, though - for your post and for the mission! I think I've sussed the KBtell, or at least, understand it a bit better.
  14. So here's what I've got. ---------- Post added at 10:49 ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 ---------- Basically, if I use commandradio, I get Unit_Name 1. If I use the directsay command, I get nothing at all. Or, if I use it in conjunction with the player, I get square brackets around their name. Using KB tell would probably be the solution, but I'm finding it difficult to use. It's quite complicated for me and a bit above my head... find it hard to believe I can't get a work around with say, or with the radio commands. The only one that works flawlessly is the sidechat. ---------- Post added at 11:08 ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 ---------- Maybe it would make a difference if I called it from a stringtable?
  15. Kydoimos

    CAS Buzzard Bombing Run

    Spectacular! I just tried it out with the player as the target... sitting in my Hunter, sipping tea. Then, out of nowhere - boom! :cool:
  16. Heya - just out of interest, how do I get the CAS Buzzard to attack enemy vehicles with its scalpel missiles? I've tried removing the magazines for the gattling gun but then the plane doesn't fire at all. I've also tried the weaponselect command, but couldn't quite get it working. Any ideas, anyone? I've searched a lot online and in the forums but couldn't find much relevant. Apologies if I'm being stupid and have missed something obvious - I really have searched hard to find something!
  17. Can't get this to work. I'm calling it with a trigger from a script. It fires okay, but I just get a little bump, like driving over a speed bump...---------- Post added at 10:26 ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 ---------- Is this script is meant to flip a vehicle on the move? Maybe I've understood it all wrong!
  18. Kydoimos

    CAS Buzzard Bombing Run

    Thanks Ruger, brilliant. I do think I tried that, but I'll give it another shot. Mine was a variation on your script, so perhaps yours will work - again, many thanks! :)
  19. Kydoimos

    Campaign force viewer

    Awesome 2nd Ranger - really awesome, thanks for breaking it down! :)
  20. Kydoimos

    CAS Buzzard Bombing Run

    Yeah - I really can't seem to find much on this subject. Most of what I've come across is for bombing runs on A2 and OFP.
  21. Brilliant work! Literally, mind-blowing.
  22. Kydoimos

    Lip Movement

    Anyone out there have any ideas?
  23. Kydoimos

    Armoury Template

    Lol, thanks for the working link rzon. I've edited the post above :). Cheers! So yeah, if anybody has any advice or criticisms, do let me know. I'll try to release updates and rectify any issues as and when I'm made aware of them.
  24. Yes, would love to know - I've got it working fine for the player - but not for AI!
  25. Kydoimos

    Lip Movement

    Uh, okay. I had the lip movement working. And, started a new mission and now it's now. I haven't done anything at all different. What gives? ---------- Post added at 22:46 ---------- Previous post was at 22:39 ---------- Noticed that on a mission I've made, more often than not, the lip movement kicks in half way through a speech. Seems it's seriously bugged... ---------- Post added at 23:33 ---------- Previous post was at 22:46 ---------- Seems I can get lip movement to work on the player but not on AI - how weird is that? Does anybody have any suggestions? :)