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Everything posted by Kydoimos

  1. Kydoimos

    Arma 3 Medals

    Right, here we go - finally nailed the UI for the NATO medals. I did have some success with 'shiny' renders, using X3KJ's approach - but in the end, I went for a semi-shiny look, so as they were in keeping with Arma 3's existing UI items (which have a fairly matt finish).
  2. Hi all, I have had a few requests from members of the community who wish to play some of my content, but are using a Mac. Apparently, they're having some issues (with the p3d files, I think). I've got an alternative download source, other than Steam Workshop, but I have no idea how I can make my content Mac friendly. I've read through the limitations for Mac users, yet I'm not entirely sure if there's anything I can do my end? Thanks in advance for any help - I really don't know much about Macs, I'm afraid! Edit: Many error reports concern a 'Bad version 68 in p3d file'.
  3. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Not for the moment :) Just need to build my stamina for that challenge! Hiya matey! Yeah, I agree - I could certainly add more rockets, and several caches away from the centre of the town? Basically, anything that doesn't require additional voice actor work or more translation is doable! Feel free to write me a little wish list - for example - +4 Titain rockets at the chapel / extra cache at such and such a building / static weapon here, static weapon there. I could remove some of the FIA troops and replace them with some static weapons, to make them more effective? I really like this idea! When I started Resist, such a ploy would have been outside of my scripting skills - but now I feel quite capable of adding this sort of feature. Of course, it's a bit late for Resist, but certainly, with a future campaign, I would introduce the idea where 'actions have consequences'. Awesome! Lol, you found the cap, then? Yeah - I'm up for this, I've even started work on some UI. Just need to work out how I'd script it :P I'm always open to ideas and constructive feedback! They're warmly welcomed!
  4. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Thanks for the feedback, matey! Strange about the AI accuracy - I haven't really fiddled with that too much :P Regarding your question - new missions, ah, yes! Well, here's the plan: Finish a few outstanding tasks on Resist - namely, overhauling the sewer scene (which will hopefully be a little mod in its own right, when it's done) CTRG standalone scenario - Subtle Acquisition Short CSAT campaign Now, the above projects are not exactly set in stone, and a lot will depend on where I end up in 2016. I have a lot of ideas and a lot of things I want to try and achieve - so please, please, don't quote me on any of my intentions :) I do have a story arc for what occurs after Resist - and I'd simply love to do more - but I can't confirm when we'll see a continuation. Rest assured, I love this community and I've got a lot of energy and passion still to give; in other words, I'll be staying extremely busy!
  5. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Added that now, thanks, Lexx - you know, I thought I'd already done that, but it was missing - so this could help! As IndeedPete suggested, I've set the CSAT tanks to combat mode 'blue'. If all else fails, (if I have 'Options None', should I say? :P), then I'll go with that! Thanks for the advice chaps! It'll get there!
  6. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @corporal_lib[br] - thanks matey, for the update! Ah boy, this one will be a tough nut to crack! I'm going to try IndeedPete's solution and turn the combat mode to 'blue'. Also, does it tend to do it every time you try the mission? (don't worry if you've only done it once). I was just wondering, if in the Arma 2D editor, the bug would persist and I could get a look at the tank via the splendid camera, to see if the simulation is enabled or not. I've tried a few things that might fix the issue in a hotfix, but in all honesty, I haven't got a clue why it's not working for you (I had one other report from someone, too). Rest assured mate, somehow, I will fix it! :P
  7. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @IndeedPete - thanks, man! That's another thing I can try :D @Tyret - yup, no scopes in the sewer - yet :P I've got plans for the sewer scene. At present, it's a little gimmicky, but I have plans to fix that. In fact, it's my next project for 2016!
  8. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Good thinking! I just checked though, and they're on 'Careless' mode until they enter the town. Curse you, tank AI! :P
  9. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @corporal_lib[br] - during the mission, did you get the dialogue, regarding I only ask, because the CSAT tanks aren't spawned, they're both hidden, with their simulation disabled. Then, in the script with the dialogue, I've got: They also have their waypoints assigned in the standard fashion in the editor. I can only guess the script isn't firing at all? Strangely, only one or two have reported the issue - I'm going to try and throw in a failsafe somewhere, and see if that will fix things. Have you played the scenario more than once, matey? I'm wondering if it's consistent or randomly occurring. I'll work it out though! :D I don't like to be defeated! Thanks for the report too! Always appreciated!
  10. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Indeed they are! :D Yeah, an EH on mines would be good - otherwise it's a little bit, 'what the... huh?'.
  11. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Oh! That's a massive problem! Right, I'll check it out now :P Thanks!
  12. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @Lexx - great suggestion :D Love it! Yeah, I'll do that on an update, methinks! Thanks!
  13. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @froggyluv - oh, mate! Check your map and you'll see the problem :D Guess you might have missed the signs I put up - along the coast, there's a minefield - just like the one Kerry stumbles across in Survive! If you pick that route, watch your step!
  14. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @Tyret - well done, matey! Thanks for spotting that! I've rolled out a fix today - it's something I overlooked when linking all the missions together with gear saving - thank you! Who indeed! :D
  15. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @corporal_lib[br] - hey there, mate! Glad you liked the campaign! I'm going to look into the CSAT tank issue - it's very strange - can't for the life of me work out why they'd just sit around not moving! Thanks for the report! :D Just out of interest - did the last CSAT tank stop just outside of Selakano - by the MERCs sign?
  16. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @Inlesco - hiya matey! Glad you liked it! Yes please on the constructive feedback! There's bound to be a few things I can edit / change / improve upon. If it involves adding additional text, or voice acting, it might be a bit problematic (further localization and re-hiring voice actors is something I want to try and avoid - if only because I want to save some funds for the next project!). Weird about the wildlife! :P I'm unaware of any way to remove wildlife without removing the sounds of the environment as well - enableEnvironment is a bit severe! Maybe I could introduce a script that searches for animal classnames and removes them? Might be an option :D I'll look into it!
  17. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @armyguy277 - hi there matey, yes, this is to do with the new damage system. The vests I created should inherit their values from the existing vanilla vests, which means the only difference is the texture :) I'll certainly double check for you, however - just in case I've missed something!
  18. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @IndeedPete - ah, matey! You are nothing short of fantastic! Thanks so much - that's some great bug hunting! lol, ah, that bunker - do you know, that placement was intentional - and looking at it, I just think the location is all wrong! :) Sorted those stack errors though, well spotted! I'm such a sucker for copy and paste errors - that door sound issue was a classic copy from the mission file, hence the double ". Tsk tsk, mate, I'm getting lazy! @Helios - that is truly bizarre! Do you think you could send me your XML file? My email's Cerberus_Creative@Outlook.com. Drop me a line and I'll see if I can get it sorted? @armyguy277 - hi there! I haven't updated any armor values personally, but I believe things have been developed by BIS in that area :) I think the damage system is meant to make more sense now - it's had a lot of fine-tuning!
  19. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Ah, thanks for reading it mate! Just glad a few people found it! lol - pleased you found a few bits useful! :D
  20. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Ah, mate - where'd I be without you? :D Yeah, that was a corrupted animation file with Knight! Shame - you missed a great new intro there, lol! Should have all problems fixed now, just trying out the update. Regarding the action menu in the sewer - glad you mentioned it - I have very big plans for that scene and it's what I'm working on next. At the moment, it's a little gimmicky, but... well, you'll see - you're going to love it!
  21. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @DEV614 - hiya matey, are you running any other mods?
  22. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @Helios - hi mate, regarding your string issue - do you have OverviewText = $------string-------; in your mission description.ext as well? If not, try adding a separate description .ext to the mission folders and see if that does the trick - worth a shot!
  23. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @All - hiya chaps - will respond to each post indivdually tonight - got a few campaign issues, revolving around a corrupted game file! Bear with me! :P
  24. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @Helios - I'll check it out tomorrow, mate - I have a few ideas you can try! :P I'm sure we can find a fix
  25. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    @Electricleash - hi mate! I'm afraid you may have fallen victim to a bit of a major error I made today - I uploaded an old PBO which had an error right about where you are in the campaign! Sorry! It should be sorted now! Regarding the mission titles in the map screen, I'll check that out - should have a fix tomorrow. As well, Coleridge's comment about the hat - that's a bug relating to the old PBO. It should happen once, if you pick up an enemy hat - and that's it. Should be sorted now! Let us know if you spot anything else - I'll look into your post, point by point, and see what I can do :D Thanks! EDIT: Just uploaded a fix for the mission names via Steam Workshop