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Everything posted by jacob88

  1. jacob88

    ArmA fan site logo

    So I used font #7, and created this simple logo/placeholder webpage http://www.portmodz.com/
  2. jacob88

    ArmA fan site logo

    Ok I'll use 7 as a placeholder for now but will try find some better suited fonts, thanks for the feedback
  3. jacob88

    lock/unlock vehicle scripts

    So where does the error come from?
  4. jacob88

    lock/unlock vehicle scripts

    Ok I'm not entirely sure how to solve that error then, does it stop the script working or does it just spam the RPT?
  5. jacob88

    lock/unlock vehicle scripts

    Ok try using the following modified code instead call compile format [' [{ if !(isServer) then { _VCL = %1; if (isNull _VCL) exitWith {}; _UIDs = ["123456","7891011"]; while{true}do { waitUntil{((vehicle player) == _VCL)}; if !((getPlayerUID player) in _UIDs) then {player action ["eject", _VCL];}; waitUntil{((vehicle player) != _VCL)}; }; hint "this"; } }, "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; ',_this];
  6. jacob88

    lock/unlock vehicle scripts

    No problem, glad its working now.
  7. jacob88

    lock/unlock vehicle scripts

    Change line 133 to this _unit execVM "core\restrictions\Vehicle_restriction.sqf";
  8. jacob88

    lock/unlock vehicle scripts

    You would need to call the script again once it has respawned. Does the vehicle respawn using the createVehicle command?
  9. jacob88

    lock/unlock vehicle scripts

    Then this call compile format [' [{ if !(isServer) then { _VCL = %1; _UIDs = ["123456","7891011"]; while{true}do { waitUntil{((vehicle player) == _VCL)}; if !((getPlayerUID player) in _UIDs) then {player action ["eject", _VCL];}; waitUntil{((vehicle player) != _VCL)}; }; hint "this"; } }, "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; ',_this]; You had the structure slightly wrong
  10. jacob88

    lock/unlock vehicle scripts

    Second part of my last post...
  11. jacob88

    lock/unlock vehicle scripts

    Ok then you could use the following code if you spawn the vehicle using the editor then put this in it's init field null = this execVM "Clan_VCL.sqf"; Clan_VCL.sqf call compile format [' [{ if !(isServer) then { _VCL = %1; _UIDs = ["123456","7891011"]; while{true}do { waitUntil{((vehicle player) == _VCL)}; if !((getPlayerUID player) in _UIDs) then {endMission "LOSER";}; waitUntil{((vehicle player) != _VCL)}; }; } }, "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; ',_this]; This will kick players who get into the vehicle and their UID is not in the list call compile format [' [{ if !(isServer) then { _VCL = %1; _UIDs = ["123456","7891011"]; while{true}do { waitUntil{((vehicle player) == _VCL)}; if !((getPlayerUID player) in _UIDs) then {unassignVehicle player;}; waitUntil{((vehicle player) != _VCL)}; }; } }, "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; ',_this]; This will eject players from the vehicle who get into the vehicle and their UID is not in the list
  12. jacob88

    lock/unlock vehicle scripts

    Ok so you want to make a vehicle only for people with certain UID's? Also why do you want to kick people why not just make them get out of the vehicle?
  13. jacob88

    lock/unlock vehicle scripts

    So server whitelist?
  14. jacob88

    lock/unlock vehicle scripts

    So let me get this straight you want a script to kick non admins from specific vehicles?
  15. What do you intend to do with the game logic once it is created? Also for most applications now your better off using BIS_fnc_MP https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_MP
  16. Yeah the time issue I thought had something to do with daylight savings but dunno I will turn it back an hour. Also the way the addon is structured it will run everytime a mission starts, if there is an error it and you manage to catch it in your RPT file then that would help to remedy the problem. If anyone else is having this issue please post to confirm it and give as much detail as you can. Thanks.
  17. Is "_Setting14" set to true? Also update V1.1 released.
  18. ArmA 2 has the same function with a slightly different setup https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Functions_Library
  19. Ah ok that makes sense, so if that's the problem then the solution would be to use the "spawn" command. Thanks.
  20. Yes that is the correct way to setup the array, you must press (Left Control + Left Shift + TAB) all at once. Hope that helps.
  21. Community Base Addons is not required to run your mod. class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers { sqfrcon = "[] execFSM '\x\naught\addons\sqfrcon\server_handler.fsm'"; }; Can be replaced with something along the lines of class CfgFunctions { class SQF_RCON { class SQF_RCON_MAIN { file = "sqfrcon\"; class sqfrcon_server_handler { preInit = 1; // 1 to call the function upon mission start, before objects are initialized. Passed arguments are ["preInit"] postInit = 0; // 1 to call the function upon mission start, after objects are initialized. Passed arguments are ["postInit"] recompile = 0; // 1 to recompile the function upon mission start ext = ".fsm"; // Set file type, can be ".sqf" or ".fsm" (meaning scripted FSM). Default is ".sqf". }; }; }; }; This would execute a file named "fn_sqfrcon_server_handler.fsm" in your PBO file. Sources: Myself: https://github.com/jacob88/BASIX BIS: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Functions_Library_%28Arma_3%29
  22. I will look into it, basically the player track option is meant to create a marker for each player to track their location on the map
  23. Yes that is what you need to use, make sure to press "CTRL + SHIFT + TAB"