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Von Quest

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Posts posted by Von Quest

  1. v0.5.5 Beta
    ADDED: NEW Tactical Ops Center (vanila objects)
    ADDED: Medical Bullet Hit Report (WIP)
    ADDED: Climate Setting (future expansion)
    ADDED: Several BINOCs (Therm, Rangefinder, etc)
    MISC: several misc changes I forget/lost




    NOTE - For the best experience :

    1. Download/Install all NEW project updates.

    2. Download the Current Battle Map (see sig)

    3. Download and skim through the RuleBook (see sig)


    This should bring everything into the new year!!!

    Standard Disclaimer - all is still very WIP



    • Like 6

  2. @jonipetteri

    I'll look into adding some EOD Stuff. My FUSE addon has minefields you can use. Also my SCAR addon does as well (unreleased version). I think I'll re-write it and add so you can SELECT which Missions are available. Right now its all or just one. I can make it so you can select (on/off) any number.



    Thanks. I believe you can ALREADY use Custom Factions. That was in an update awhile back. I have the script-line right inside the Module. Just Copy/Paste into your custom Units, Vehicle, Squads. Works for anything. It will teleport your custom factions to the Mission Area after the Mission is created. You can select options right inside the script-line for probability of patrols, radius from the mission area, etc.


    As far as Custom Heli Transport (CORE Project), I can look into it. Its a good idea but time consuming. I could maybe make it so you can just enter the classname. Then just check for when at least one of the cargo seats is used after you teleport inside, to signal the pilot can then proceed for the Infil.






    I'll try and upload some updates this weekend, so at least everyone will have the current (beta) version and at least be up-to-date with where I'm at right now. There have been several unreleased updates over the last year for most of these addons. Then I'll shoot for next weekend and add the Steam Option.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1

  3. Getting back to work.....

    I have a new Ops Center coming, and a Submarine Ops Center (using the Destroyer as you mentioned).


    Like all my other projects, I forget where I left off. I added a new Damage readout you can check where you got shot, but its a tad glitchy right now. It should be in the next update.


    And as stated in the past, I do have plans for all projects to be added into Steam. Just can't seem to find a long slow weekend to get it squared away.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  4. Getting back to work....

    For the next update I re-designed the Sniper Stealth code. It works WAY better, and adds near invisibility if underwater. I'm scaling it up or down based on new scripts from BIS that I missed a while back. It now calculates several variables for both audio, and visual.


    It focuses on your Items, and Bulk to adjust how "stealthy" you are to the enemy, and stresses better commitment to the Stealth mindset.


    I also removed (temporarily) the Sniper Blind option. It will be back in soon. May or may not be in this next update.

    • Like 1

  5. Getting back to work....
    I removed the required Thermal Jumpsuit in a last unreleased update. I think I'll add an option where users can set their own Equipment Required settings for both ParaJumps, and HALO Jumps. When I upload the current version, you can wear your normal combat uniform for HALOs. Then the next update after that you can set whats required.


    Also I'll be adding back in an extreme-alt setup as well (over 70,000'ft) in the fictional stealth drone.


    I forget whats broken and what works right now.

    • Like 5

  6. The map you are using is missing the on-map object for it to use.

    Its the Transformer Utility Box (Land_spp_Transformer_F) that that Mission is looking for.


    It kinda simulates hacking into it as the enemy has some server unit in it, and a laptop

    gets placed next to the open door during maint/upgrade/etc, by a Technician.


    Right now its just 1 mission under that category. I have several more planned, just haven't

    had any time this winter.


    You'll need to use a different map, or place that object manually via Eden Editor.

    • Like 1

  7. Thanks for the quick reply.

    I'm still lost. I downloaded the "Patch" fix you uploaded. I still can't open the Mission at all. It throws that same Error.


    Normally I can just replace classnames in the .sqm with my software, but its binarized and locked.

    I'm not seeing where/how to "open" with the helper mod you mention.





    Being a modder myself, I just patched it quick on my end for now. Its all good. Fixed. I can at least play and update

    properly later. Thanks.


    GREAT project by the way. Love your work. Cheers!!!!

    • Like 1

  8. Zoiks! Red Alert guys...

    Just tried to load up our current mission for tonight (on-going for weeks)....


    I get an ERROR now stating HAFM_Submarines_Core Required.

    I have both Submarines & Core Weapons subscribed in the Steam Workshop.

    Ideas? If I cant fix before tonight's Ops, I'm screwed. Two months work gone.

    I'll try and subscribe to the Ships Mod as well and see if that fixes it.
