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Everything posted by vinnime

  1. vinnime

    Chief Wiggum's Actionmenu

    Ha Ok.. it's getting more interesting with the minute ... i'll do more testing next week (sunday) , check on this and let you know Thanks Chief
  2. vinnime

    Chief Wiggum's Actionmenu

    Sorry my friend but where and how exactly do we add the entrys? And you scripted ctrl + shift + j to open the box not shift +j. Your explanation is a bit confusing for me.. Shouldn't it be easier for an example mission that makes it all clear for all? [ "MAIN ENTRY 1", //NAME OF THE MAIN ENTRY "cw_ActionMenuEntry1", //UNIQUE ENTRY CLASSNAME [ //ARRAY WITH ALL SENCONDARY ENTRYS THAT BELONG TO THE MAIN ENTRY ["SECONDARY ENTRY 1","execVM ""Scipts\entry1.sqf""","player == vehicle player"], //NAME OF THE SECONDARY ENTRY(STRING),ACTION(STRING),CONDITION(STRING) ["SECONDARY ENTRY 2","execVM ""Scipts\entry2.sqf""","damage player > 0.3"], ["SECONDARY ENTRY 3","execVM ""Scipts\entry3.sqf""","cursorTarget == MyUnit1"], ["SECONDARY ENTRY 4","execVM ""Scipts\entry4.sqf""","player != vehicle player"], ["SECONDARY ENTRY 5","execVM ""Scipts\entry5.sqf""","MyGlobalVariable == ""TEST"""], ["SECONDARY ENTRY 6","execVM ""Scipts\entry6.sqf"""], ["SECONDARY ENTRY 7","execVM ""Scipts\entry7.sqf"""], ["SECONDARY ENTRY 8","execVM ""Scipts\entry8.sqf"""] //<--THERE IS NO , //YOU CAN ADD AS MUCH SECONDARY ENTRYS AS YOU WANT TO. ], "MAIN ENTRY 1 HEADER" //THE HEADER OF THE RIGHT LISTBOX ] call fnc_cw_gui_templates_menu_addEntry;
  3. vinnime

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    The space in between point a en point b is the heli's landing path so i put *this in the onact of the waypoint in the FastRope_with_WP mission and guise what ,The Heli hovers exactly in the center of his landing zone. * Smoke = "SmokeShellGreen" createvehicle position LZ; helo land "get out";helo setvariable ["fastRopePos", getpos LZ]; helo setvariable ["fastRopeOn", true]; It doesn't work very well with a trigger activation.. Hope this helps a bit for someone?...
  4. vinnime

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    damned code rush :rolleyes:
  5. vinnime

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    yes but how to let the ai heli hoover exactly at the center of the LZ? the aircraft stops 20m before "fastRopePos" with the ----_baja = true ----(velocity _veh select 0) * 0.85---- and flyInHeight 9.99. And if the ai heli would fly higher, you could let ai units land on rooftops?
  6. vinnime

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    Just beautiful, thanks. Do it seems that high command units can't find the c17 to embark "get in" the plane.. Greetings...
  7. Hello W4lkn Nice work congratulations!!! Do i play with ArmA III . I did send you a couple emails a while ago 1 in French and 1 in english.. could you reply on that? "beam c130" Greetings
  8. Jo there , The oldest version of AISS works with ALIVE. Put your artillery, see that you select "only profile synced units" in the Sincronisation line of the Profile System. If you want them to keep firing put this in there Init line nul = this spawn { while {alive _this} do { (vehicle _this) setVehicleAmmoDef 1; sleep 10} }; you also can play around with triggerss in on activation : West_Rnd_chance = .3; another or the same trig: East_Rnd_chance = .9; and Maybe trig's with : Max_Rnd_Radius = 140; set Higher or lower... And Mikey74, For AI Air superiority you could Talk to TeTeT, maybe he has a nice idea ... greetings
  9. hello there this animate ["tailhook",1]; works, but i can't find the animation for gearUp or gearDown... someone? greetz
  10. well i'm trying and...... it ain't working ....yet
  11. Hello guys, is it possible to implement the clear building and the garrison_Building or all the ww aimenu features into High command and the same time players units? I'm using Hc extentions. Something like; in the Menus sqf file, "hcSelected player" instaed of "groupSelectedUnits player"? Together with "USER:WW_Communication" istead of "USER:BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication" that Dar suggested?
  12. And as we "speak", i'm going to pop one open now, i think i have one or two of those left in the fridge.. cheers and thanks Time = [toPlace,"a_few","missiles"] on "your\island.sqs"; :p
  13. Hello people, new here and just saying hello 2u and just a little bit more. Since Ofp, yep and 36j old, thanks..i know:cool: It is awesome,always has been and i love Lingor very much.. but....always there is a but hey.. Guys, where does the UGV SA-2 Guidelined missile on the introduction picture of 1.5 come from?