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About JWilkins

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  1. "Well, that's it, the People of the Lingor Island have had enough, civil war has broken out. In the north, the LCSMD (Lingorian Communist Socialist Marxist Dictatorship) opress the people. Now, the last remaining hope are the rebels. The CR (Calamar Republic) of the south refuse to get involved, yet." -Lingorian Rebel commander Join 3 other Lingor civilians on a daring raid to destroy a data center containing information about rebel leaders and civilian information to disrupt the LCSMD's activities. Download is awaiting approval on armaholic, for now, message me on Skype: J. Wilkins I will try to get a game together. The mission is Coop 04p
  2. JWilkins

    Takistan Life: Endgame

    What do you mean by "Stat Save?"
  3. Hello everyone, I have created a new Arma 2 CO Steam group called Arma 2 EST. We focus on the 'fun' aspects of Arma ant try to cut down on the milsim aspect of it. We do not have a dedicated server, but we do play on a few and I can run missions with around 8 players and 100 Ai at a time. You can join our group byadding me (ODOReater9000) as a Steam friend and sending me a message about a2est. If you are an Arma player that wants missions geared more towards fun than realism, then come join our group today!